Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Ability to delete multiple submissions

Vora Chaossal 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 3

I have doubles of a lot of submissions and its killing me to try to delete over 100 submissions one at a time. Would really love to be able to select multiple submissions to delete.

Under review

Double click to view one kind of submission on your feed

Twelve 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

Currently on the feed, if all items are selected for viewing and you click one, FN simply removes that item. If I have the full list (Artwork, Photos, Stories, Multimedia, etc) selected, I find that I have multiple kinds of new items in my feed and I decide I just want to view the stories, I have to deselect all of the other items one by one to get FN to show the stories. Perhaps FN could implement the ability to double-click one of these items to deselect everything else and only display the item I double-clicked.

Under review

Clicking the favorite button rapidly results in adding (or removing) multiple favorites to the submission

Fory Otter 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

I've been able to add multiple favorites to a submission by clicking on the button rapidly. It also works in reverse, removing multiple favorites if I have already favorited a submission. This is a bug that would allow users to manipulate favorite counts.


FA import verrification captia stuck at fetching captia image

Asalis 3 years ago updated by Скай Фалькорр 3 years ago 1

I tried to use the Import tool but the captcha will not load for me to start importing. Was the importer taken offline or something?


More Import Trouble

Rocky Savannah 5 years ago 0

@rockysavannah When I try to import information from my FA account, nothing happens. I entered my username and password, filled in the captcha, and clicked 'Login and Import'. The box vanished, then popped back up a second later with the same captcha, and there is not an error message or anything of the sort explaining why it didn't work. Is there anyone who can help?


    I can't view Journals in Journals Tabs

    Uluri 5 years ago updated by MoonWolf 4 years ago 2

    Hi there,

    I have noticed that Journals never show themselves in journal tabs of artists who have journals written. It will display the "Loading Journals" page forever instead with no change. Even worse, going to this page breaks navigation of the site as well as if I try to leave the page by pressing say... "Activity" or "Artwork" at the top the page will not change. I have to open a new tab in order to get out of the Journals tab.

    I use Chrome. I've tried in Firefox with the same result (logged out). I can only view my own journals in edit mode.


    Follow feature broken

    alexstringr 6 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 6 years ago 4 2 duplicates

    Hello,I've been on this site over a year or more and I've never encountered bug as this one.

    All of my follows have been automatically unfollowed and I wasn't the only one, artists who had over hundreds of followers have now around 5-10 followers. I'm not talking minor artists I'm talking about Narse, chunie, shiuk, Sal, Meesh, Gill panda and it doesn't end.

    Eclipsecentral talked a lot about problems with uploading his videos and I see now why he wants to leave this site. This whole site is a "bug fest" I'm not kidding filters not working as they should, broken videos, automatically unfollowing everyone, can't follow the artist from the pic and i bet there is even more.


    Good news!

    We successfully deployed the fix for follower system. However, there are few minor side effects that should be mentioned:

    It is going to bring back the past two weeks of activity feed into everyone’s inbox, even if they’ve been clearing it. This will make the process an order of magnitude faster than trying to recreate the activity feeds while accounting for cleared items.

    Also, we cannot recover the following items:

    - Unread notification counts, “current character” selection if you have multiple characters (it will revert to your default)

    - And the “blacklist tag suggestion” queue (which should only affect people who haven’t logged in since last time the default blacklist update)

    Once more, our apology about the inconvenience.



    Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

    Polls might be nice addition to journals or even submissions, such as stories

    ( Nice use example: "How will the story continue?: a) He goes in the cave b) He goes into hole. )

    Or "What my next image should be?" etc...

    Under review

    Offer ad space.

    Ryuu Girl 8 years ago updated by Neotheta 8 years ago 3

    I've been waiting weeks to here back from FA on adspace. Sick of the misleading 3 day maximum wait, I want to throw my money at someone who is willing to take it.


    Ability to delete comments from posts

    Nidhogg 9 years ago updated by Charlie 9 years ago 1

    I find it very odd that there isn't an option to delete harmful/ unwanted comments from your own posts. I understand FN is still technically in beta, but I thought this would be something that would already be available on public release.

    I know you can just "flag" dumb comments and a moderator will remove them, but moderators are people, not robots. Sometimes it can take days before a mod finally addresses a ticket, and I'd rather just remove the comment myself and move on.