Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Under review

Change Submission File

SpikedKanine 9 years ago updated by Esbelta Teresa Amaral 2 months ago 44 4 duplicates

So you don't have to reload something just because a simple edit was made?

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Great feedback everyone - lots of very important and very relevant points made here. Thank you!

I'll bring this up with the developoment team and see what we can come up with.



Ability to tag users involved in a submission

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago updated by Aquarius Otter 3 years ago 32 8 duplicates

Add the ability for the uploader of a submission (eg a drawing) to tag users in or involved with it. For example, "Drawn By", "Commissioned By", "Lineart by", "Colors by", "Features character", etc.

I've merged in discussion from another thread about "Collab Submissions", where the permissions required were getting pretty complicated to allow joint control. This way, it's just a tag that's applied to a submission.

Additional features needed would include the ability to stop people from being able to tag you on submissions, and an administrative tool to allow for abusive tagging to be flagged and reported to the moderation team. Also the ability for moderators to add/remove people tagged on an image -and rules against harassment/abuse of tagging people (see Facebook for more details :P).


A quick SFW/NSFW toggle in the header

Kida 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 13 1 duplicate

Both Weasyl and Furaffinity have a fast toggle in the header area that I can just click to hide all NSFW content temporarily, instead of having to delve into my account settings to do so. Would be nice if we had this feature as well.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

This has been completed! It can be found at the bottom of the drop-down menu when you click on your username, in the top right:


Promotes and Favorites are confusing

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago updated by FibS 8 years ago 89 4 duplicates

Favorites (which are private) and Promotes (which are public) are confusing and non-obvious - leading to a lot of confusion about how to use them, and what they do.

Notifications for favorites always appear to come from "Someone", which is causing a lot of confusion as to who this 'someone' is. There is also no way to view a list of artwork a given user has promoted (in a grid format), which exascerbates the problem.

Better terminology or better site-wide explanation of what Favorites and Promotes are, and how they are typically used, will be needed.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Hey all!

Thanks for all of your feedback on this. Our team's come up with the following suggestion - which is kind of what we originally had in mind, but could never get the terminology right!


Rename features as follows:

- Favorite --> Save for Later

- Promote --> Favorite

Change feature functionality as follows:

- Save for Later will not notify the uploader, or show up as a count on the submission, or be otherwise visible

- Favorite will notify the uploader and show up as a count (with list of who favorited it) on the submission

- New tab will be added to the Homepage, "Favorites from people you follow", which will show a feed of images from people you follow

- Favorites tab on Homepage renamed to "Saved for Later"


We took into account a lot of different viewpoints and suggestions - 'private faves' is a feature that we got an overwhelming positive response to, but we feel it's important to balance that with the desires of artists who want to know who favorited their work and why, as part of the feedback process.

The original goal of 'favorites' was to make it so you could fave art without having to worry about it being public, while still giving you the ability to show your support to the creator when you find something amazing. This change should balance that better with the feedback loop and discovery tool of favorites.

Do you like it? Let us know - so we can proceed with this, and get the 3-4 items that depend on this (including user profile pages) unblocked!



Under review

Multi-Page Submissions

CHICAGO-lollie 9 years ago updated by FibS 8 years ago 31 2 duplicates

Taking a cue from Pixiv: The ability to have two or more images/pages within a single submission. This gives artists the ability to control the flood of their own submissions without limiting the volume of work uploaded, and help keep sequential/related works in a single place.

Some usage examples:

  • Comics and image packs are an easy example. While some artists maintain ongoing comics with weekly updates, others will opt for sharing shorter complete stories, or new chapters/issues all at once. The same goes for image packs, usually featuring a series of related works. This can also be used as a promotional tool, offering a sample of pages/images for viewers to preview before they buy the complete comic/pack.
  • Showing off the work process for a finished piece. It's reasonably common on Pixiv to see submissions with the finished work as the first page, and then subsequent pages show the original sketch, inks, flats, etc.
  • Some artists produce a ton of sketches and like to share as much of it as possible. Others go out to events, and then upload all the sketches they produced upon return. Having the ability to collect all those sketches in a single submission can be a godsend — Not just for artists, but for followers as well. (Everyone has experienced flooded notifications at least once. It gets messy fast, and it is not fun to sort through.)

It should be noted that this is different to collecting several submissions in a folder. While a folder does keep everything in one place, followers still have to put up with submission flooding, and the artist goes through the submission process a large number of times just to share complete multi-page works. Adding multi-page support to submissions could offer a solution to both issues.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Would this be needed if we offered a way to choose NOT to announce to followers / the fresh feed when you published something? (Which is a feature we're planning to implement very soon)?

Planned - After Launch

'Auction' submission type

Astolpho 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago 11

Rather than trying to manage an auction in the comments of a standard submission, maybe just lean into it and create a separate submission type that manages bidding and automatically creates a new commission-in-progress once the auction closes.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

We've discussed this internally, and we think that this would be best served as a real feature put together after the site launches.

There's a number of things that we realized would be immediately needed if we were to make this feature - most notably, an interface for artists / sellers to manage and cancel bids, a policy and functionality for managing non-paying bidders and second-chance offers in the event of nonpayment, as well as a bunch of other related features including administration to help resolve disputes.

We want auctions to be amazing, and think they deserve to be their own separate project. This suggestion of a simple addition is good - but we think we can make it better.

Planned - After Launch

Streaming Announcements / Notifications

mandog202 9 years ago updated by Insomniacovrlrd (tom smith) 9 years ago 11 1 duplicate

something like what weasyl has, that gives followers a notification when you're streaming, with a link to the stream. activated either manually, or by API key for streaming services that support it

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Hey all!

This is something we'd like to offer, but we feel might be best served by dedicated "streaming" support in our upcoming Announcements interface. As such, I'm setting this one to "Planned - After Launch".

However, the Announcements feature we're currently designing should allow you to easily post an 'announcement' to your followers that you're streaming, and allow you to edit it afterward to say "Stream finished! Thanks to all that came out!" or similar.

This might cover most of this use case's basic needs to begin with - but I think this deserves real, proper support - complete with automatic previews and so on, along with a page that shows everyone who's currently streaming.


Under review

Image Transparency

Kelsey 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 12

I don't know if this is suggested fully here. I've made a few emails about it back before this forum system so I don't know the status of this but I think that transparent backgrounds for images could be a good idea.

When we upload a .PNG file with a transparent background it uploads it to be like a .jpg kinda file with a white background and some small quality loss. It's not a HUGE deal but I think we should be able to have some transparent images haha

Not sure if I'm like the only one who even really wants this but I think it could be good. :D

(If this is like...on the way or something, sorry 'bout that! Also, first time typing here and I'm nervous, sorry if this is super badly written.)

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Hey all!

Lots of votes on this one; proper transparent PNG support is something that I think would be valuable on FN, though I do have some concerns about file size.

Image quality degradation is actually something we should address separately - see this thread for more info and to vote / lend your voice: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/556-maintain-image-quality-after-upload/

What if we simply made the way the site handles the 'background color' more consistent? Eg, made it so the transparent background color was always the same as the site's background color?

Not decided anything yet - just looking at options and what people are looking for, so we can consider them!




Notification Categories / Filters

Neotheta 9 years ago updated by Kihu 9 years ago 25 7 duplicates

Ability to hide specific notifications. Especially useful if you get many and want to read comments and mentions! I made an example, pic tells better than words:

Image 24

Also maybe favorites should be displayed somehow different, the amount of Someone's is kinda creepy in a way. Unless later it becomes possible to tick to let artists see your name when favoriting or something.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

This is pretty important to have.

We plan to implement this in some form, either as filters, or as tabs/sections for each kind of notification.


Account privacy for non registered users

Oxy 9 years ago updated by Extreme_Dinosaurs 9 years ago 11

Hey there!
I was thinking about a feature that could be added when things calm down.
Why not adding a "hide account to the outside" feature. It would mean that, to see the profile, you would have to be a registered user.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

This feature has been completed, and is now live on the site!

Full details / announcement here: https://blog.furrynetwork.com/2016/05/07/more-features-updates/

Thanks to everyone who suggested and voted for it! <3