Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Feedback Improvements

Vas 9 years ago 0

I much prefer the support home page "most requested" list, version of displaying current feedback as opposed to what happens when I click Browse All. It shows too much data and makes me feel overwhelmed with stuff when I go there. I want it all to stay collapsed like the front page shows it.

However, I also would like to see "Most Requested" changed to "Currently Popular" which will not show anything that has been fixed or where voting is disabled for whatever reason. And prior to it, should be a new tab (which is loaded by default) that shows the most recently posted newest stuff. "New Feedback". A 3rd tab after the Most Requested, would show "completed" stuff.

Each of these tabs would allow you to click "next page" so you can refresh that list with the next 10 or so in the list without ever leaving the home page.

However I don't mind this particular thing, so long as we can get the "browse all" page fixed up to be a little better in regards to the too much data issue it has with easy click buttons that allow you to filter things out that are tagged a specific way like "completed" "Planned" "planned after launch", rather than having to use that "type" dropdown list and view only one type at a time.


Add Invert button to Whats New Feed

Vas 9 years ago updated by knightly 9 years ago 1

While other people dislike the "facebook" feed of "whats new", I like it only in the submission area so that I can quickly fav and remove submissions from my notification area. However, I want an invert feature so that I get the oldest items first and when I hit X on the top one, a newer item is bumped up the list.


Enabling of multi-tiered folders within personal galleries

Albino-Kitsune 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Currently, the 'collection' feature for personal galleries only allows for a single folder, with no way to couple or tier for 'folders within folders'. I think a rename to 'folders' would be better, as well as expanding what folders can do in the form of multi-tiered folders.

My personal use for this feature would be to sort my art by type, and also year. While I acknowledge that tagging the artwork with the details would suffice, I would still like to be able to personally group my art in this manner. As such, the ability to post art into multiple groups/folders would also be needed, if not already implemented. (If this idea is not preferable, an input field for year made, in the case of older submissions, would be appreciated.)

I can see this feature being useful for groupings of photos from conventions, and character art collections.


Pull more than 15 submissions in What's New

STrRedWolf 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1
Under review

Option for True Blocking of Blacklisted Content

Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago updated by Rooster 9 years ago 3

It should be made an option for users to let them choose in what way they want to see blocked content on the website, similar to the Inkbunny method where blacklisted tags are given the option to display a blocked icon or let the user completely remove the submission from even appearing in his feed.

I think this would be a very helpful tool for users.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

This is a great idea - bumping!


1:1 and 12:5 crop resets

Vandal 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

When cropping a picture for thumbnail and feed, the crop wont stay. The thumbnail resets to a general cut of the image once you refresh, or load any other page.

Under review

Website mascot for FN? y/n

Apro 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 7

Would anyone FN adopt a mascot to represent the site? Just curious...


Followers You Know

Eloediel 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

I really like that one feature on Twitter. Where if you go to look at someone's profile you can see if people you follow are following them. Might help people consider following them too. It's not exactly a brilliant idea I know, in fact it's a relatively simple one, but I like it nonetheless.

Anyone else agree? Disagree? Share your opinions if you like.


For now, we don't have plans on implementing this; right now, it would be a neat function, but it wouldn't significantly help people find new artists or make significantly new connections. In addition, I know some users may not wish to advertise that they're following artists.

We'll also need to see how things progress as the site moves forward. If this does move in the direction of a social networking site, we may return to this idea and implement it.


'Low Quality' mode

Zelox Quo 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Unfortunately those of us living in third world countries, or Australia, may not have access to the fastest internet.

Due to the design of the site, this makes browsing on the current design very time consuming. There are long waits for new pages to load and/or wait times for large volumes of data on pages, if attempting to scroll through multiple uploads.

Might it be possible to have a lower quality/resolution layout option for FN? Perhaps with the option of having uploads/etc... separated into multiple pages rather than one large page that must load all of the content.

This way those living in areas with limited access speeds such as third world countries, or Australia, can make better use of the services provided on this website.


We're currently planning to have an option to show a paginated gallery rather than the unlimited scrolling that we have here - that will likely be close to the full site launch. However, we're not currently considering a lower quality mode for the site. If there is sufficient demand for that option in the future, though, we can look into it again.


Posibillity to tag YCH, Auction and stream submissions. (And filter to hide said submissions from timeline)

Tellos 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Some people hate the constant submission spam of "irrelevant" contents like "your character here", auctions, raffles, stream, etc.

Is it possible to enforce a "tag it during submission"?

And is it then possible to add a setting where you can opt out of getting these in your timeline?


There are a few things that will hopefully help with this:

  • We now have a blacklist, and you can add "YCH" or other tags to that list. Enforcing tagging is a bit difficult since we only have rules regarding certain NSFW tags, but if this became an issue for many, we could consider a solution to that.
  • The commission system is getting closer to full release, and we may be able to implement raffles or YCH systems in this. It's definitely on our list of things to look over.

At this point, feel free to add the YCH tag to your filter, and as the community develops, we'll see if people readily adapt the tag or the commission system.