Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

More Editing/Formatting Functions For Stories
I was wondering if it would be possible to get more formatting tools for stories. Having something like the toolbar here in these forums would be a god send to us writers. It would be much friendlier if we didn't have to use markdown code to add things like bold text or to alter font or text size but rather have a toolbar to simply click on to apply such changes and additions.
Also this will parrot what a few others have brought up but adding the ability to transfer text from other sites or programs without losing formatting would also be nice.

Friendlier file names for downloaded images
Right now, when you click 'download', the image is saved as a long string of random numbers/letters, a lot like e621. It'd be great if this was changed to make the filename more useful - say, adding the name of the user who uploaded/drew it, and the title of the piece as well.

This is something we should definitely implement.
Quick question - what should the filename be? I'd be interested to hear what kind of filename structure people would recommend / prefer. If you could thumbs-up the file name formats posted in response to this message if you support it, that way I can get a better feel for which ones are preferred!

Make "Open for Commissions" show examples of artists' work, and their price sheet
The page that shows artists open for commissions is really great, but it'd be super awesome if it displayed in a list format (kind of like the feed, maybe), with examples of each artists' work / their price sheet shown. That way you can more easily browse for an artist whose style I like :)

Good feedback on this, everyone - we'll revisit this topic when we're closer to launching commissions.
This has a lot to do with how people want to browse for people who are available for commissions - and will likely require some output from that to make an informed decision!

Series feature
I noticed that even if I have something in a series (written works) That there is not way to view all work in that series, or have a "Next" button to continue reading on to the next chapter/page in the work. At least not that I'm seeing anyway. This could also be done with photos, so that those con photos can all be viewed in one place. I would guess it would be something similar to folders, with a next button on the bottom of the page, or perhaps a left and right arrow.

This is something we are planning to add in time for launch! We'll probably do it as some navigation options that show up above "Other artwork by [username]" on the sidebar of the image.
Good catch on this!

Add zoom feature for viewing submissions
So you can zoom in on a submission, without having to download it and view it locally.

Thanks to everyone who voted for this feature - I am proud to report that this has been completed and is live on the site!
Full announcement here: https://blog.furrynetwork.com/2016/05/07/more-features-updates/

Characters vs. Profiles
Clarify that "characters" are profiles and improve the feature. This seems to cause confusion on the site so I thought about making a post about it, instead of this being a side discussion in other topics.
I'm not perfectly sure what the whole character thing is supposed to be either, it's handy to have different profiles under one account (such as sfw & nsfw accounts, or just having a more private account alongside the main), but this feature is not useful for listing characters since I am not intending to act as most of my characters, nor watch people as my character. Instead I'd want to list them all in my main account and display my characters there.
How I think this could be improved:
- Rename "characters" to "profiles", since this seems to be the main confusion. Profile is a more correct term to describe what "characters" currently do.
- Add ability to have different content settings between different profiles, especially different blacklist & favorite tags for a different browsing experience.
- Add new tab to profile: Characters. Character submission would include information of the character and image material of it (unlimited images preferrably). This is really handy for commissioning or generally keeping track of all your characters when you have over 20 of them. Nabyn had a really nice character page idea for example ( http://www.nabyn.com/character.php?id=3821 - see also ability to credit artists outside the community when reposting commissions )
With those changes, the feature would be more clear to most people I think. But it doesn't take away the option to create a profile for a specific character and act as it - so it should benefit everyone :3

Thanks for all the great feedback, everyone. renaming "Characters" to "Profiles" seems to be the way to go!
I'll be making sure we run this idea past a broader cross-section of people soon, so we can be sure this is the right choice. Thanks for your work on this :D

Support importing from Weasyl
Currently FA is the only site you can import content from. It'd be awesome if Weasyl was supported too!

Right now, Weasyl and SoFurry both are neck and neck with 18 votes apiece! There's a lot of chunky features with more votes than these; let's see if the community can pick a winner and see if these features get more interest / votes from the community!

Two Factor Authentication
It would be great if Furry Network could support two factor authentication using a hardware security token (U2F 2FA), as well as google authenticator code generator. It would certainly be a welcome change in terms of furry site security, especially give then personal nature of the site/payment processing

Imported artwork shouldn't show up in "Fresh" feed
When you import your artwork / photos to Furry Network using the importer, it spams the "fresh" page with all your new submissions, making it hard to see what recently-made artwork has been uploaded.
Either imported artwork should not show up in "Fresh" feed (or in other people's feeds, if they're already following you), or there should be a check box (unticked by default), that says "Show imported artwork" or similar.

This is being built!
Basically, imported artwork will not show up on the fresh feed or in users' "What's New" page, except in one specific circumstance (eg, when you're using the import tool to sync across 'new work' after your initial import - we'll be adding a way for you to have it show up in feed and fresh; specific implementation details to follow).

Highlight unread notifications
Currently, when you visit the notifications page, theres nothing that tells apart which notifications were new and which you already read. All you know is how many new notifications you had before visiting the page (but if that number was 50 you can't really count in head how many you glaced through).
I really like the idea that all old notifications can be found later, but new ones could instead be marked with a lighter background colour for example. There could be two ways to tackle the feature:
1) A button you click to "mark all as read".
2) After visiting the page once the new notifications are automatically marked as read and appear like the rest the next time you visit the page.

This is a good idea - though what page(s) would it actually be implemented on? Right now the little alarm bell icon highlights when there are new notifications, but the items in the list don't show a highlight when new. Am I right in understanding this is what you're suggesting?
In addition, what pages would this show up on ? Just the little dropdown, or would it be on the 'show all' page as well / instead?
Customer support service by UserEcho