Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Submission interest/fetish Category

Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

We got a thing suggested, so reposting it here:

The ability to assign a global category to an art that's being uploaded, along with tags.
Such as fetishes:Bondage, Vore, Pokemon, etc

What would be your thoughts?


Give artists the ability to lock community tags

Fory Otter 9 years ago 0

I see a lot of abuse of community tags against certain artists. I think it would be extremely helpful to allow artists to lock or disable community tags from being added to a submission if they choose.


Improve inbox / your home / side panel

Neotheta 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1

As the new features come in, the inbox has turned into a cluttered and confusing page that makes no sense anymore. The page needs to be improved so that everything is easy to find, mainly separating new content and other tools from eachother.

Suggestion for new arrangement of items in sidepanel/home/inbox

What's new (replacing 'my home' title)

  • New Submissions (contains: artwork, crafts, photos, stories and multimedia)
  • New Activity (contains: posts, journals, announcements, promotions)
  • New Social (contains: commented on, watched person and other stuff that nobody actually looks at except stalkers)
  • Notification center (contains: comments, promotes, watches, mentions and favorites)
  • Messages (seriously, new messages belong next to notifications!)
  • Commissions (this is also a tab that actively updates with messages isn't it, although it could also fit into 'My stuff')

My stuff

  • Manage submissions
  • Edit your profile
  • Account Settings
  • Import data
  • Favorites (they could also be on the top of this list)

Furry Network

  • Tickets
  • About FN
  • Rules / Policies


  1. New Activity: Journals should be grouped together with other somewhat similar activity updates (posts, announcements). Along with promotions so that there is actually a place for them to be visible at.
  2. New social: I only put this here so you can see I grouped the useless stalkery things most people dislike in one place (x commented on y, x watched y). I personally think these activity notifications should be entirely removed.
  3. Additionally on desktop view, I think all of the pages under "whats new" and "my stuff" should be adjusted so that they're viewable with the sidepanel still there - maintaining consistensy makes navigation a lot more clear.
  4. The headlines and titles I used are only examples, the greater point is that elements are grouped together logically so that they're easy to find quickly - better suggestions for names of titles are welcome from people who are better at them :o

Import Tool Does Not Retain Folder Classifications

farorenightclaw 9 years ago 0

I have 21 folders in my FA gallery, 17 of which are sorted into 3 categories (the rest uncategorized). The categories are Paid Work, Personal Work, and Recordings. When I ran the FA Gallery Import Tool, it gave me the folders Commissions, Personal Art, and Gifts and Trades. The first two, I do not have any folders or categories called that. The last one, Gifts and Trades, is a folder within the Personal Work category on my FA gallery. The Import Tool does not seem to have actually sorted any of the pieces it imported into the folders it created.

I feel fairly strongly that it should be importing all of my folders (even though FN does not seem to support categories - it should at least import all of the folders within them) and sort the imported uploads into the same folders they were in on FA. This seems like a grievous oversight, especially in the case of not importing all the folders (and apparently making up new ones, also). Please fix! I have nearly 3k submissions and recreating all of my folders and hand-sorting them seems rather daunting - considering it took me 3 solid days to do so on FA!


Usernames on photos/elsewhere should link to that users page/profile.

buckeyejackalope 9 years ago 0

Whenever a user/character name is used on the site, please link it to their page/profile.

Image 242


Make "Add to Folder" one-click

rickpgriffin 9 years ago 0

So I don't have to write-in the name of the folder or folders every single time


Ability to group/sort "What's New" into "Folders" by Artists to collectively browse new submissions more efficiently

Not_A_Corgi 9 years ago updated by Vas 9 years ago 1

I would love the ability to group submissions in the "What's New" tab into artist "Folders" that can be expanded similar to that of which DeviantArt has implemented, i really like this way of looking through new submissions as it greatly saves time in browsing through them as i can collectively view all users works at once and quickly remove them from the submission pool. Instead of a mass jumble of different artists works to browse through all at once and only in order of post date.


Notifications: Links

Kihu 9 years ago 0

Just noticed that, on the notification page, you can't click the icon or username of whoever commented/favorited/etc - any click anywhere on the notificaiton just brings up the submission the notification is related to.

Would be really great to be able to say "oh! this user fav'd a piece! I want to go follow them!" and be able to do so without either manually searching or opening the submission page and going thru the favorites/promotes until you find the link you need...

Perhaps just an issue with the ordering on the containers? Like maybe the link on the container is higher up than the links to the icon/userpage/username? Would love to be able to open the submission w/a click in one place and open the commenter/faver/promoter's page with a click somewhere else.

Cheers! Thanks for having such an active community support section :)


Commissioner Profiles

Kit 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 4

One thing I have seen frequently on other art sites is an artist and commissioner / requester / gift receiver both posting duplicate copies of a picture. Because of this a lot of people end up following both accounts without any indication of who the artist is except in descriptions.

It would be really cool (since Furry Network seems to be a fusion of social media and an art gallery and seeing as it already has a commissions page in the works) if there was a focus on not just the artists but the people who paid the artists to art as well.

The main reason I suggest this is because I have noticed that I along side following the artists I love I also tend to follow commissioners who no matter which artist they go with tend to always request either similar themed pictures or pictures involving characters they own. While these people do not themselves create they art they do contribute to the community by sharing their creative ideas.

The second reason I suggest this is that a lot of artists not only draw art but commission other artists or receive gift art of their own. Whenever an artist receives art there is always the question of what to do with it. If they post it to their gallery it becomes mixed in with art they actually created. Some artists post to scraps but I'm sure a lot just don't post it.

What I am suggesting:

  • A completely independent section from their main submissions designated to commissions and requests.
  • A way to list both the artist and commissioner on the submission.
  • (possibly) both the option to share a single submission post with the artist and the option to have independent posts (depending on preference)
  • (or) just the independent posts.
  • A tie in to the already being worked on commissions page.
  • A way to not delete a shared submission for the other person if someone wants to delete it from their gallery.
  • A way for either artist or commissioner to be allowed to remove their name from a work if they wish to be anonymous

Don't know how easy this would be to implement and not entirely sure how the rules would work out but I would love to see anyone who has an idea be able to take the spotlight... Not just the ones with drawing talent.

If you like this idea please leave a thumbs up. Also if anyone else has suggestions i'd love to hear them below!


Endless scrolling bugs out after a couple hundred images.

Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

For me when I was trying to load more images the feature kept popping me back up a couple lines and refused to load more images.