Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Telegram watch bot
There's an fa watching bot for people to be able to get updates of what people are uploading/posting; designing something that hooks in with an oAuth to verify users would be pretty nifty.

We do plan on releasing an API as we get closer to the official release of the site. However, we don't currently have plans to develop a bot for this purpose. Other users would be welcome to create tools that they find useful when we have that available for them.

Quick Submission Management Buttons
Individually opening every single imported piece, scrolling all the way down, and selecting either "unlisted" or "draft" really slows the process down when trying to clear out the trash from a long way back. There ought to be quick status-change and deletion buttons in the corners of submission thumbnails.

At this point, we do have a way to make all drafts public, and it's also possible to select the images you want to delete and delete all those.

We don't currently have any plans to implement emojis, but if there were demand in the future, we could look into it.

Roleplay, Games, Masquerading
Back in 2010 when Oskenso began his initial programming for a furry social networking site, I mentioned to him that intertwining IC with OOC would be an amazing idea. Uplifting our fursonas is something the fandom has always had a propensity for, but such tradition was interrupted when FA followed the MySpace trend at the time. So I'm very glad to see that FurryNetwork includes the one-user/multiple-character login system that Oski originally programmed. I can't help but think that the code base is the same due to my influence... :) But I digress!
I propose that we expand upon that initial idea and allow for both IC and OOC profile information fields to be included on our character profiles, just like MUCKs and F-List do. It will help to allow us to continue the tradition of partaking in a world and subculture which we create for ourselves rather than simply being mundane hyoomans who like art, stories, music and photography of a particular genre.
Just a thought! :)

The customizable fields are currently sufficient for the great majority of users. If role-playing is important to you, feel free to create OOC/IC fields on your profile. Another alternative is to create an RP-specific account that represents an in-character role.

Dropbox Upload
I'd like to suggest the ability to upload an image from your dropbox account. Not via URL, because that would be easily abused, but add a hook into the Dropbox API that allows you to add a file or folder found in your dropbox.
I'm not sure if that's the URL you'd need or not. Just like a site that lets you login with google, there's a method for doing this with Dropbox and allowing the site to access files. I believe you can even make it request read only access or maybe even better, make it request access to a specific folder only. (Like, you could create an FN folder in the main Dropbox folder, so that any files there are available to upload on FN when you load the upload section and click "from dropbox".)

Are Murrsuit pics allowed?
I'm just wondering if they are i remember Furaffinity having a very strict policy on that and you guys seem more lax with your more mature pics. I'm not against murrsuit pics I'm just curious if its something you guys would allow?

Remove Popular and Fresh Sections
This has to be done because the community will only be focused towards those whom have viewership and those whom want to display their artwork will possibly won't get any views due to the separate sections, even the 'fresh' section displays all art and it doesn't make any sense to showcase all art in this section.
So to make more sense of this, you guys will have to remove the Popular and Fresh sections and instead create either a front page for new submissions or create a 'Browse' category in order to let others look at 'ALL' images.

At this point, we do not have plans to remove the popular and fresh sections. While we do want to encourage new art, the site cannot live if users are unable to find high-quality submissions. This is why having popular feeds for the week/month is helpful; people can quickly find recent outstanding submissions.

Virtual points to gain and use
I liked the Idea from Deviantart to use´and gain points for usage like giving people lamas or such.
It would be nice if browsing the gallery or favoring artwork or anything else would give you points so you can for example use this to encourage a specific artist to be more active / draw more or whatever. (the intention of the DA Lama i suppose)
Maybe there could be more interesting stuff besides that i can't come up with right now though :)
Also would work good a s micro transaction items you can buy for other artists to show your appreciation. This supports the Site and the artist which is a good deal i guess.
Like becoming lama of the week or whatever : 3c

telegram messager implementation
how about implementing telegram messager instead of traditional PM's? it would popularize this thing and also made communication much more easier... let me know if this idea even makes any sense
Customer support service by UserEcho