Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Under review

Follow back button in notifications

CyberKitsune 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

It'd be super rad to have a "follow back" button in the notifications page when people follow you!

Currently you have to hop to everyone's profile in specific to followback, and when you just got mass followed it's a little time consuming!


Adult or Expicit

Primodrago 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

I'm confuse to choose Adult or Expicit in my work.

Can you expand how between Adult or Expicit is ?

If it has a description when cursor choose the rating, that it good idea for everone choose a work to right upload.


Adult is mature content such as artistic nudity, while explicit is porn typically penetration or directly sexual acts. Fetish work at bare minimum is mature, example fully clothed female in bondage would still be mature.


Title too long?

Kobalt Silverstar 9 years ago updated by LionsPhil 9 years ago 1

I ran into an issue where I could not hit save, and there were no error messages anywhere. I tried editing all fields, until I got to the title last. I shrank the title down from 55 characters (including spaces) to 39 characters, and it fixed the issue. Could someone add an error message if there is a limit, or increase the limit and have limit info please?


Confirm Password section on User Registration

Lucian 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

It is very easy to accidentally mistype a password. I'd suggest having a Confirm Password box.


We haven't had a huge demand for this. At the moment, if the password is initially entered incorrectly, you can use the "Forgot Your Password?" function.


Howto Guides for using the site

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago updated by kuzooma 2 years ago 11

Furry Network could use some handy howto guides, explaining how to use certain features of the site. Some examples:

- How to upload artwork

- How to import your account from another site

- How to post a Journal


We're interested in knowing what guides you'd like to see on FN, as we're actively writing them this week. Let us know what guides you'd like to see by replying to this topic!

User suggested ideas so far:

- How do I post a Journal?


sketchfab embedding

hal9001 games 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

I use zbrush a lot and was wondering if it would be possible to support sketchfab imbedding.


Love this site.

Jessica Belle 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

I saw "praises" as a category and thought I'd throw this in here.

I love this site already. I've always felt FA was an example of "this works but we could do better", perpetuated by the momentum of its userbase alone. I'm so happy to see FN as a viable competitor.

I love everything from the active PR campaign to the responsive feedback section here, to even the favicon.



Tooltip hover profile and follow

PhiEtto 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

In the same style of twitter/tumblr etc, hovering over someone's name in your feed etc could come up with the short profile and a follow button so you can tell if you're following someone quickly and so on.


Separate sections for Games, Animations and Art

Lokio Case 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

It's been a long time problem trying to ciphen through animations and games and art just to find what you want. Having categories for submissions (game / animation / art) wouls be very helpful.


At this point, animations can be posted in Multimedia. We've also revised the Acceptable Upload Policy to show what is and is not allowed in term of game screenshots - we want the site to be focused around user-created content, and screenshots without original user content will not be permitted.

There's currently not enough game content to justify a separate category, but if we do have an influx of content, we can revisit this topic.


Resolution problem on profile

jeany545 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 6

First of all, neat! Forums! But they should have said this in a blog post before removing the useful feedback button

ANYWAY, there seems to be a problem with the common laptop resolution 1366x768. I first spotted this on my profile, but it also seems to happen on the feed. This is happening on Windows 10 with the Chrome browser.

Image 1

The page clips at the right side of the screen and cuts the notification numbers, it's the same in the main https://beta.furrynetwork.com/ website as well.

I have another monitor with a 1680x1050 resolution and it's all fine there, no problem. I noticed the site adapts nicely to other resolutions, but not the 1366 resolution.


The site has undergone significant redesign, and it now works well with various resolutions. If you do continue to have issues, feel free to submit another ticket.