Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Removed favorites still show in favorite tab

edarkspot 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

I just noticed that after I accidentally favourited something and then undoing so, it will still show up in my favourite tab, even a day after unfaving said picture. I reckon this is not working as intended?


We've had some site changes over the past several months, and this issue has now been resolved.


Sorting favorites by favourite-date

Wilson 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 2

As it is right now, I can't quite make sense of how the favorites in ones' favorite-tab is sorted.
I've been scrolling through my own favorites and as far as I can tell:

Image 119

They aren't sorted by favorite-date, nor submission-date, which (to me) would make more sense.

A default, sensible way to sort them would be to sort by the date/time they were favorited by the user, akin to how it works on for example FA right now.

Other suggestions could include:
- Post date

- "score" (favorites/promotes/views) ?
- Rating


Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Oh - yep, looks like it was fixed! Marking as resolved :) Thanks for the report!


Make Status Posts Stand Out!

Ruck 9 years ago updated by socksthefox 9 years ago 3

With the new format of the activity feed on our profiles, I feel like status posts sort of get lost in the long lists of "promote promote watch promote" With the small text and similar sort of box, it's pretty easy to lose!

I think maybe a header image similar to before, or much larger text could be nicer. If someone visits another's profile, they will quickly see if there's an announcement or an auction reminder or some important news regarding the artist, whatever they had written.

Under review

Hide Actvity

Mew 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

I would prefer hiding my activity on my profile. I personally dislike people having the option to "stalk" me; it's a little uncomfortable with people being able to see my every move.


Support for inline HTML / MultiMarkdown?

Merric Taln 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

Would it be possible to support inline HTML or MultiMarkdown? I ask this for two reasons:

  • I have some stories that use things like tables to indicate super hectic conversations.
  • It's misleading to link to the original Markdown documentation, yet not support inline HTML for things like underline and tables.

We're currently planning to have a text editor put into Furry Network; I agree that stories need something more robust than what we have now, and the editor is definitely going to be a step up. Because of this, we don't plan on expanding to MMD, though the text editor will have some of those features.


Can't link to URLs with hashtags in them

Char 9 years ago updated by Extreme_Dinosaurs 9 years ago 1

When leaving a comment on a post, I'm unable to simply link to http://about.furrynetwork.com/#harassment It instead turns the link into http://about.furrynetwork.com/[#harassment](/artwork/fresh?tags[]=harassment)

Even if I try to use markup text to hide the URL itself behind a hyperlink, it still messes up the URL itself.


Changing the Image for Artwork Collections?

Niko Linni 9 years ago updated by Neotheta 9 years ago 1

Is there a way to change the image that pops up for the Artwork Collection folder? Something I was wondering as I was not aware the first image added to a collection would become the permanent image for said collection. I just think it's odd that several of my collections all have the same image on it when each of them have images that would better serve the overall theme of the Artwork Collection.


Follow, Promote, Message Artists Instantly in Community Tab

Kemo 9 years ago 0

I had a really neat idea for newer people coming into FN wanting to quickly find and follow their favorite artists and those in general who want to find artists they know who are switching/moving over from other sites and quickly follow them without having to go the extra step of going to their profile.

When I started FN it was rather difficult finding all my favorite artists, going to their profiles, clicking the follow button and going back to the community tab, just to do it all over again 80+ times. This was before the import feature of course. For those of you who know exactly who your favorite artists are, or for those who just want to find some new artists, I thought this idea was much faster and more streamlined.

Image 49

Having an overlay over the artists icon with functioning buttons, you'd be able to quickly follow popular/trending artists using the "Popular" button, search for your favorite artists using the search tags, and you can even Promote your favorite artists or "Fresh" artists out of the woodwork to help them out. You can still click on the artists icon to go to their profile to learn more about that Artist.

If you're already Following that artist or Promoting them, it would show up on the icon overlay as well, like it would on their profile. Like the example below :

Image 50

I think this method could also work for submissions too in Artwork and Photos for people who really like to surf a lot. It would be especially useful to those who are browsing FN with IPads and Tablets, since you'd be able to see most of the artwork on the browsing page anyway.


Shell accounts and taking hostage of namespace

Jessica Belle 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4


The way "characters" are made allows for a sort of namespace reservation process that has me seeing a whole lot of "shell" accounts, e.g. @Taki who may or may not be the account of Taki the Skunk. I myself made a character for URL at @jessica as well as my own @jessabelle just for the namespace. I know naming and namespaces are a tricky part of any website, so I wanted to voice @antnommer's suggestion of having verified usernames for people. I would love to be on that list.


Logging with FN account to support forums doesn't work

Neotheta 9 years ago updated by EarthFurst 2 years ago 7 1 duplicate

I thought it might've been my issue only (I've logged via twitter instead), but apparently a friend of mine also has this issue. Enter info but nothing happens :o