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Tagging art as Mature or 18+

Razor-rabbit 9 years ago updated by NYVivian Vee 9 years ago 4
So there seems to be a slight problem with tagging artwork, and the only tags available is General (clean), Mature (tasteful nudity and porn) and Explicit (porn), but my problem with these tags is that both of the two last ones tags the art as 18+, and even when it's a blood and gore picture, it's tagged as 18+ even though it doesn't really deserve the Adult tag because it's not porn.

When you search for Blood or Gore, you'll get a lot of results, but they're all tagged 18+, even though they don't really need that tag.

So this is why I think we need more tag options, in this case I think Mature art that covers both blood, gore, violent art and clean nudity should be tagged with a red M symbol and save the 18+ tag for more explicit art such as porn and fetish art.

Feel free to comment below.


Create an option for users to add creator(s) and characters/users to submission information, with that directly linking to their user profiles.

Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 5

Imagine this as a system with what you can set in the names of artists directly linking to profiles and characters that are visible on the submission stating both their name and their profile link that everyone can access.

This would be handy because we don't have to type out copyright information onto the bottom of the image, plus stating who's character they are. (Some users do this and this would be actually a very good thing for others too who don't do it.)

Under review

Mobile Web App Support

Nightpaws 9 years ago updated by Chris D 9 years ago 9

By making a few changes to the HTML of the website and adding an app manifest file, it would be possible to use the existing website as a mobile application on iOS and Android based devices.

This would allow avoid the need to build a mobile app in a native language, and skips the need to comply with Apple/Play Store regulations. Instead a user simply opens the page in their Safari/Chrome browser and chooses "Add to Home Screen", the user can then specify a custom name for the app, tap add then have the app appear like any other on the device.

With the correct manifest and metadata the app will run as if it's a native application and run in full screen mode too. Optionally, with some modification, an offline mode could also be incorporated into this design too allowing, say for some sections of the site to be saved to a users device.

Here's a few screenshots detailing the process and a mock-up of the end result:

Image 206

Image 207

Other features that can be added using this technique include styling the application window in Android to give the surrounding window a matching colour in the app switcher, and custom app icons to suit the varying resolutions of android devices too. I would show this in screenshots but I haven't got my old phone to hand right now.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Ooooh, this is very interesting - do you have any idea if the user experience is equivalent to this on Android? In particular, the 'full screen app' part.

In addition, do you have any links you could provide with more information on the user experience and implementation changes that'd be required? This is something that would be really handy for FN.



Option to voluntarily disable account or set its content hidden temporarily.

Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago 0

Similar to what is on FA, but make sure it has a 72 hour temporarily limit so it is not abused by anyone, if account is disable only give option for removing it upon logging back in.

This way account deletion is not required if someone wants to take a hiatus from the furry fandom. Perhaps this would be a handy tool for some people.


Friends List

Zemble 9 years ago updated by Vas 9 years ago 4

I've noticed that there is the "Friends" tab on profiles when using the website on my phone:

Image 197

But all that's inside the tab are follows and followers. For myself, said follows and followers are not all my friends, only a few of them are among many more whom are just artists I like but don't actually know.

I think it would be a good idea to implement an friend system where you send or receive a request, and once accepted, both users would appear in a "Friends" list on each other's profiles.

This would also open up the ability to have features like making submissions and feed posts private for just friends to view and/or comment.


Fave Removal Nor Working

TishonHeart 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

When you're trying to remove a favourite, it doesn't let you actually remove it, it says that it does, but you refresh the page and it's still there.


The site has undergone significant changes over the past several months, and this should now be functioning correctly.


Image Resolution

Ruu 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 4

Since the main focus of the site is visual artwork, and the bog nice thumbnailspace lends itself rather nicely to browing, shouldn't the actual viewing of the picture be a bit more space efficient?

Perhaps it's the low resolution and jpg-yness of a lot of pictures, but going into "fullview" oftentimes looks kinda... well, bad.
Is there some iffy compression being tacked onto the actual artwork (not just icons/generated thumbnails) making it into this grainy jpg mess? Perhaps it should be revised slightly if so.

A lot of the time clicking to go into zoom/moveview won't alter the size of the image much - shouldn't it be fullres (or close) when in that mode, taking up the full space avaliable, if need to?


Format the description box differently

Cocoro 9 years ago updated by Mari 9 years ago 3

I think the description box looks a little crowded--my eyes skip over the title of the piece and the description of it, and what I see first are the tags and community tags. Maybe if the tags were a smaller font size, or the description font size enlarged? Or more space between those sections.


Follow someone privately

Kdash 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 6

It'd be nice to be able to follow an account privately (so they wouldn't show up in your "Following" list when viewed by anyone else). That way people can follow nsfw artists, etc, without it being public or having to create an alt character.


Currently, users are able to create a separate character; this separate character is not publicly associated with other characters on the same account, and this allows users to keep SFW characters separated from NSFW activities. While privacy is important, users have a right to know who is following them, and this is not something that should disappear if they didn't look at a notification. We're going to stick with having alternate characters for the purpose of anonymity.