Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Toggle Sorting Follows/Followers Chronologically/Alphabetically
This one's pretty straightforward. I get new follows, but i don't know who! As far as I can tell, there's no way to sort it. You can click into the list and see everyone alphabetically. The default should be chronologically, so the same faces aren't on your dash forever.
And a way to toggle them, in case you are looking for someone by name.
Stop the crappy half word line breaks!
Seriously, when I type a sentence, I don't want to be worried that the site is going to split one of my words in half and put the rest of that word on the next line. Thats just horrible formatting. I shouldn't need t split my own words to make something look nice. I've been using the message system for a while (and dislike it), and all of my messages have line breaks that involve splitting words.
(My extreme example of such a thing, and its not this bad, and doesn't always happen but it does happen and it is annoying regardless of the size of the legitimate word it splits.)
So, sto-
p this fr-
om hap-
pening e-
very tim-
e a wo-
rd is s-
plit! It
is ver-
y ann-
don't y-
ou agr-
Set a character limit on words, where if a word exceeds a certain number of characters, split it, but if the word is less than x, move it to the next line. Make sure this character limit only splits ridiculously long words that no person would normally type in an average conversation. None of the words here in this post have exceeded such a limit.
“I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness”
And now you have a basis that helps you figure out what character limit to use. Set a 25 character limit per word, because I doubt anyone is going to be using words longer than 20 characters, and this will prevent someone from breaking a layout with "aweiutvaw74a6iywuetzve6tyaw74iyvzeiyt7zwy6z78eovnkysi76gavzik7ieyts74ie6ts".
So basically, ditch the CSS setting "hyphens" and "-moz-hyphens" from ".typography--md" so that browsers won't break the words.
Make notifications declare imported Watches and Watching
So far, it been really weird that the numbers been going up without me touching them and I think everyone else would be thankful if this existed, if the system would actually show who followed them by importing their contacts from FA.
Hide completed and declined suggestions
So right now on the "most requested" section there are a lot of old topics that have already been completed or declined, and they're kind of cluttering up the front page of the forum. A lot of newer popular topics aren't being seen, and this might be preventing new ideas from getting traction. So would it be better to hide them and allow newer and rising suggestions to appear?
This is actually a good idea - as previously completed 'feature requests' aren't very useful to people looking to try and suggest improvements to the site! If they were bugs, I'd think they'd be useful - but already-completed stuff? Not so much.
Gonna see if I can do this now...
edit: Yes! it worked :D
Comic Format Support, easy navigation page by page.
Comic format support, easy navigation page by page with links to prev, first and next page, like FA do:
<<< PREV | FIRST | NEXT >>>
Please Fix Image Quality
Original image on left, FN upload one right.
This JPEG-y distortion at both quick and full view is a huge deal breaker. Will this be fixed? Hopefully quickly.
How i search for a friend?
I dont now where is the "search" thing if i want to search an user
Click the image on the top of the 3 people from the bathroom signs, then click either popular or fresh, then click on the search bar and type the username or character name you think they use. You can test it out on me if you'd like, RaunchyRam.
Unable to change the username on Importer, unable to import
Hey! Trying to import my work from my FA account. The username field is locked, and contains the email address associated with my FA account, and i'm unable to clear it out. Trying to import gives me 'successfully imported 0 of 0', and dumps me back out.
What can do to clear this field?
They've taken care of it for me. After a few hours they must have made their way to my name on the 'its messed up, please help!' list and reset mine. Now it's connecting, which is apparently standard behavior.
If you're having this problem, please hit them up on twitter with a private message (DM) and they'll resolve it for you.
Cool guys!
Going to a user's page by clicking on their name in the PM page
I noticed that when you get a private message from someone, you can't actually go to their page by clicking on their name. It's highlighted as if it is a link, but you can't interact with it. This feels very counter-intuitive and limiting.
I noticed there are some threads about going to people's pages by clicking on their names (in your notifications, for example) and I think this fits in with those suggestions.
This has been changed. Now, if you click on the user's name at the top of the conversation, it will take you to that user's page.
Add General / Adult / Explicit Guidelines
As of right now there are no guidelines that I can find for properly marking a submission or user profile as General, Adult, or Explicit.
There should be a section when editing your user profile and submitting new content that explains these categories.
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