Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Submission won't upload
I've uploaded the same multimedia file three times. It's under the 2000MB limit and it's in a format the site should find acceptable. But it's nowhere to be found. It's not even in drafts. So either the file needs to be processed and the site isn't tell me, or something is wrong.

twitter card support
If somebody tweets an image from FN, It would be really neat if that image showed up on the tweet itself, like the example on the link

Disable comments
The ability to disable comments on ones submissions, since some people just don't want others to speak their minds about their works or what they've commissioned.

From "Banned" to "Suspension" terminology for temp-bans
What: The Banning feature used by Admins have revealed that bans can go from 1 day, to 10 days, to Forever. For bans that aren't "Forever" the terminology used could be "Suspension" instead of banned.
Why: Typically when you see "banned" you don't associate that word to something that is temporary. The use of a "Banned" icon on the user could also be seen as a 'Scarlet Letter' of sorts if the person subjected to the ban is able to contest it within reason. Having that icon when it's temporary could possibly open dialogue to drama and unwanted further attention to the situation.
Hopefully this is a simple change that could be entertained in the future. The site looks lovely and a lot of the feedback sound great! I hope to join the site soon myself :3

Adoptable Category?
I know that adoptables are a source of much controversy for many, but I also know that a lot of people really enjoy them. It occurred to me that it might be neat if there was a way to submit adoptables as their own category, so that people who do enjoy them can browse them, and potentially people who do NOT enjoy them can avoid them altogether. Additionally, have an 'available' tag on the ones that are for sale, and possibly shuffle the sold ones out of that category as they are no longer available.
I did see an Idea post about having an auction submission category, and this could potentially fit into that same category, but might be better as its own thing.

Featured Artists
I would love to see an area of the site that features skilled and talented artists of the fandom that have low follower counts. It would be a way to help develop a fanbase for underappreciated artists and connect the fandom with undiscovered talent!

Drag and drop submissions into the appropriate folders
When you import submissions it would make it a lot easier (or afterwards) to be able to drag the selection and 'drop' it into the correct folder if it was mis-uploaded, such as into the photography folder or the artwork folder.

Login Issues
Hey, I have been having issues login into my account since 6/13/20. This happens every now and again so I played it off and decided to come back the next day. When I tried to login on 6/14/20 The same thing happened, I got the prompt "Invalid username and password combination". I know that I 100% got my password and email correct. This still didn't work so I changed my password, however with the new password it didn't work. I am unsure what to do, and any help would be very appreciated!

Allow zoomed in images to expand up to edges of window/page
Currently when you zoom in on an image, it doesn't change the shape/size of the viewing pane which is set based on the original image's aspect ratio when it's zoomed out to fit. So for example if you view a comic that is really tall and not very wide, when you zoom in to read it the viewing pane doesn't expand the width at all and you're left trying to read the comic in a tall and narrow slice on the screen with the rest of it all blank. You can click and drag left and right to scroll but it should expand the viewing area to minimize that so you only need to scroll up and down.
As an example look at an image like this: https://beta.furrynetwork.com/artwork/66712/clubs-of-fa/fullscreen
On most screens this image will be constrained vertically to fit and leave a lot of empty area on the sides when viewed full screen, but when you zoom in the width doesn't increase forcing you to zoom left and right even though there's tons of space on the screen!

Add a secondary password input box for password change verification.
I recently changed my password through the "I forgot my password" option, only to find that it only requires you to input your new password a single time after you verify ownership of the account.
It would be helpful to have a secondary input box to make sure that the entered password matches the first input box. This helps to prevent mistyped passwords and saves users time, headaches, and getting locked out of their account when they type it as they had intended at login. (Though I don't know if you employ an auto-lock on accounts when passwords are entered incorrectly too many times. If not, you should!)
Customer support service by UserEcho