Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

My Ideas and Suggestions for the site
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I find the layout for FN a bit too similar to Twitter (Which is kind of fine), but it's unorganized.
Maybe this site could take a few things I consider good from Google+?
This thread will be pretty lengthy, so here's a TL;DR:
Basically I'd like to see this site use some elements from Google+ before this site comes out of Beta and possibly becomes popular.
1st off: Collections
Collections are basically a way to separate posts, maybe you are NOT an artist (Like me) and generally have no real use for this site because I would assume reposting art here is frowned upon, by others and would probably get you yelled at by an artist claiming you are stealing (even if you aren't).
The profile section on here seems to be basically Twitter in that it tells you everything the person has done in descending order, this includes all art and who they have followed and what they've posted.
Personally I find this messy and a pain to find anything with.
On Google+ Collections are an option to organize your posts, for example, I have a "Random Post" Collection for basically anything i feel like posting, and then I have an "Art" Collection where I post art (that isn't mine, unless I say it is), and another one for music and videos from youtube.
I think many people would enjoy this kind of thing if given the chance, it would work, but Google+ tends to be an ambiguously mentioned place on other sites such as twitter or FA. I know many furries who use Google+ and they are some of my best friends too, but with even the amount of furries on Google+, there is still their whole anti-porn policy, which results in some people getting banned. (Which i've always found stupid because why punish people who are jsut posting what they like and giving in to people who go out of their way to see it and report it?)
In addition to that, collections can be made private or public. I'm not sure if this would work exactly, considering that to see private posts and collections, said person making them has to follow you back and add you to said "circles".
You can also set a cover photo for the collection, a brief description of it, and a few tags to it.
You also have the ability to remove posts from a collection as well as delete posts, and also add posts not in a collection to one (Which can be done by removing a post from a collection, but not deleting it), you can also share and "like" posts in a collection as well.
Here is a picture or two to show a little what collections look like.
2nd suggestion:
Another feature i would like to see on this site is allowing people to comment on posts and include pictures in said posts.
Sites like Google+ don't allow this, but Twitter and (although limited to posts actually uploaded to the site) e621 do it, and facebook.
Many of my friends wished that one day on Google+ they'd be allowed to comment with pictures (such as reaction images), and I think that could be another feature that could attract others.
3rd suggestion:
Allow people to add tags so their profile can be found with keywords without having to actually give others a link on another site.
The reason I have for this is it allows people to be noticed without already being a "popufur", it allows people who are involved in something to be found by others with similar interests, such as pokemon or digimon, etc.
or maybe you simply just want to find a profile that posts funny things.
As someone who isn;t known in the furry community for obvious reasons, aside from my circle of friends, i've always found that social media tends to not like people who do not constantly make art or do commissions, or is some kind of celebrity.
i like to think i'm speaking for the smaller people here who will probably not use this site for very long, because they do not make art or anything.
4th Suggestion:
i'm sorry if this is WAY out there in terms of the whole idea of this site (forgive me)
but this is another thing FA users have tried to do, it's something Google+ actually has (and i hate to say it but Facebook does too), and it's something that Twitter lacks.
So why not?
i expect hate for this, but i roleplay, and communities are usually perfect for roleplaying (unless you want to do it privately of course), so these communities could range from anywhere from just a general post community, a roleplay community, or maybe just a place to talk with strangers.
Communities on Google+ usually have sub-sections, which you can name (but are limited).
They also allow you to make your own, you can make it public or private, or in the case of Public Communtieis, you can make it "Ask to Join" meaning that a moderator or the owner of it has to accept you (which weeds out any troll accounts), you can also promote people to Moderator, and after 2 weeks of being one they can be a Co-Owner of the community if you so choose to do that (which is handy for when you may loose your account or anything like that, if you were to make trusted friend co-owner).
and like pretty much everything else i've suggested, you can add tags so others can find it, such as a "roleplay" tag if someone wants to find a certain community.
as for private communities, those are pretty much exclusive to who the owner themselves, or any moderators invite.
5th and final suggestion:
Pinned posts and pinned collection posts.
this is basically a combination of Twitter and Google+, where they allow you to pin a post to you profile, this would be exceptionally handy for artists who want to pin their commission info or anything like that to their profile.
Collections also have their seperate pinned post when viewing the actual collection and all it's posts. which i think is handy too.
sorry this thread is EXTREMELY long, but if any of this is at all possible, i'd love to see it, and i'm sure other who are experienced using Google+ or Twitter could agree with some of this suggestions. :)
I personally would love to move away from FA (for reasons I won't say), but I've seen a few people say they do not like how FN is made to look layout wise, so i thought maybe i'd try to make a few suggestions.

Hey there Firetail -
You've made a lot of great suggestions here, and I want to make sure they're seen, and counted. Many of the suggestions you've made already exist here on our support system - and would be best contributed to them as separate comments / contributions to each, rather than as one big improvement suggestion.
Is there any chance you could split the 5 suggestions you've made up, and find appropriate existing suggestion threads to post them in? I believe item 2 is the only one we don't have a similar suggestion for.
So far these are good though! RedAlex gave some good suggestions for how you can better format them to be successful and garner more votes.
I'm setting this thread to 'declined', but that's not rejecting your ideas. It's just so it closes it out while you resubmit them into other threads.

Indication of new submissions
Right now, I have to go to "What's new" when I want to check if there's anything new. I think there should be a clear indication how many new submissions there are like on FA.

Fix exposure by introduce normal-sized image browsing with keyboard arrow or A - D key integration.
To be honest, art browsing on this website kind of feels like I'm trying to dig myself out from the house during a tumbleweed invasion.
The hard truth is that some users don't have the patience to scroll all the way down just to be able to see art that was posted, it is very frustrating experience in my opinion and it doesn't help artists get exposure neither. And the thing that some users post their artwork and literally get absolutely zero views kind of makes us think that there is just basically no one browsing the website or takes absolutely zero interest in artists work or others submissions/characters/etc.
I would suggest a new system that allows users to seamlessly navigate around between art in scaled version, just as how we do on profiles, but this feature is virtually nonexistent on public artwork and even if we click on one piece of art it takes us right away to the artist or the owner's profile and we have to go back in order to view the items.
Of course there is this problem called as 'then the user who submitted the artwork won't get views on the pieces' which is understandable therefore we should make it visible for users whom took interest in the picture to immediately swap over to the gallery of the owner of the submission that they just viewed.
Imagine this the following way (lol my photoshop skills aren't best so use your imaginations!) basically open up any random image of a user who have more then one image, and there on the bottom you can see arrows with what you can immediately look around inside his gallery, now imagine this if you would open up fresh section of FN and start browsing around with the same method or keyboard shortcuts and still have the ability to in a snap switch over to the user's gallery of the current submission you are viewing.
With this type of browsing FurryNetwork could easily fix the problem view counts pose for us and create additional exposure for users who's art are literally piled underneath a massive pile of tumbleweed. (specifically other artwork that is good but yeah taste matters!)
I would especially suggest the same type of content browsing method for searches, but an additional quick menu could be added on the top bar to let users quickly navigate between pieces of art.

Terms of Service page, Copyright, Liability agreements, etc
Hello FN,
I'm asking this on behalf of Musuko42 who brought this to my attention:
And i quote:
1 - I can see acceptable use policy and a code of conduct, but I can't see any proper terms of service; no mention of copyright, nor of liability agreements, nor even which legal jurisdiction the site falls under.
2 - Aside from some staff furnames and email addresses, I can't find any details on the identity of the site owners. Whois offers no clues.
These two points give me the impression of a worrying lack of professionalism, and it disturbs me that so many furries are eager to throw their intellectual property at a site that has no clear statement of what they'll do with it, and no confirmation of who owns the site.
I checked myself and in fact I cannot find those anywhere, so I would like to propose as an improvement for the server to add pages with the relevant information before finishing beta (or before since you're already hosting user content).
Thank you

Heya -
There are several items missing currently from our site policies, including a full Privacy Policy, information regarding what rights you give us when you upload your work, along with an "About" page giving information on the site, who owns/runs it, and why we decided to build it.
We have drafts of our Acceptable Upload Policy, Code of Conduct and About page that are more developed than the ones currently on the site, and hope to be able to spend some time getting them up to a good standard for publishing soon.
You're right - these are totally essential to trusting your content to any site; and we'll be working to get them finished, double checked and on the site soon.

Just joined !!!
Thats right! Lunar has entered the party and I am loving the multiple simultaneous picture upload system. Wish they had this on a few sites. Can't wait to upload more pics tomorrow!!! Although it would be nice to link both the forum accounts with everyones main site accounts for easier switching between the two.

Each character account has it's own What's New feed?
I just noticed a problem that I feel is a bit of a pain. I have separate characters for different content I'm interested in, watching different artists on each account. But the feed of both characters are shown up at the same time!
It would be cool if the whats new was separated depending on what each character is watching, so i don't accidentally fave something on the wrong account! XC
Also if I'm not in the mood to see certain art, which is why I separated content with characters in the first place, I don't wan't to see stuff that belongs on my alternate character's follow list.
I hope this makes sense and I could get some sort of reply soon~
Thank you in advance!

A Number Indicator For Notifications
I've noticed that Notifications, even if the button for it does turn green, can be extremely easy to miss. Especially if someone who's colorblind were to use the site, it would be very easy to miss when they get new notifications, if they're not the type to check notifications every time.
I was thinking of possibly suggesting a counter attached to the Notifications button, much like Twitter or Tumblr, or even facebook, to let people know when they've received notifications more clearly, and how many; condensing the max number show on the counter to 99+ would also be convenient, as to not let the numbers overwhelm the minimalist approach.

Stop removing legitimate issues.
There have been two, completely legitimate topics, that have been removed by FN staff.
One was for the removal of all artworks that depict violence against women, the other was for the removal of all furry pornography.
Unfortunately since the acceptance of a large influx of external individuals who are not a part of the FN community to vote for one particular topic. Other somewhat related topics have been censored.
It seems, that to stop censorship, FN is practicing censorship.
I would like these two topics to be reinstated, and allow the community to vote on them as is appropritate for this forum.

Thank you for bringing up these concerns - you're right; those two related topics had merit, and should have been directly addressed instead of being removed outright. I'd like to have these topics reinstated so we can address them appropriately - as there are numerous concerns in a similar vein that we'd like to get responses to as well. It's unfortunate that we outright deleted both of these in our hurry to get things back under control on the support section of the site, but hindsight is always 20/20. We'll have a better solution in place in the future.
Once things have calmed down a little, tempers are running a little cooler, and we've had a chance to draft up a full, detailed response to them, we'll make a reply in the two following threads, relating to banning/unbanning types of content, and address the concerns there. Sorry we didn't make this clear from the outset.
Threads are here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/1124-ban-content-type-here-from-furry-network/ and here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/1125-unban-content-type-here-from-furry-network/
Separately, I think that the support system is not suited to contentious issues with "sides". It's great for mainly technical problems where all participants are judging comments on the basis of their technical merit, but it descends quickly into a "battle" between warring sides - something which is notorious for breaking down into name-calling rather rapidly - for more contentious issues such as site policy. I'll be consulting with the other members of the team to see if we can find a better medium for encouraging and facilitating feedback on policy-type stuff.

put a blacklist on the website so everyone here can fap peacefully and won't bitch about a fetish they don't like.

Better Following List
One of my gripes with the site is the 'Following' list. Why is it that whenever you look at the list it only shows you a certain amount of artist's you're following? You could be following like 100+ artists, and it only shows you like 30-35 certain artists with no way of seeing the others unless you go to that artist's page.
FN if you find and read this, PLEASE add a page where you are able to see ALL of your follow's. Like how FA or DA does it.
Customer support service by UserEcho