Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Improve the screen to add community tags

Simplemind 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

First off, the community tag system is a wonderful idea! But I think I found a way to improve it still.

When you hit the button to add community tags, the page you currently view grays out and the community tags interface appears. Now it's hard to add tags when you both can't see the submission in question and the artist tags to see what is already added. My idea would be to be able to use the community tag interface and still be able to see the submission and artist tags unobscured. To achieve this, the interface could appear directly in the side bar, instead of being a pop up. Below is one screenshot with the interface obscuring the submission, and another one where I photoshopped the interface into the side bar. I hope it helps to visualize what I mean!


Image 319

Community tags in side bar. Everything is visible:

Image 320


Find ways to feature upcoming artists AND writers

Twelve 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

One thing that a friend brought to my attention about FN is that while it's doing a lot of things right, the way it presents its content really highlights popular artists without really giving lesser known contributors a real opportunity to shine. I don't think this was intentional, but rather I think it just sort of became that way as the team sought ways to organize everything efficiently. Instead of just a "Most Popular" feature, how about featuring contributors who have been getting a lot of attention lately (hits, favorites, promotes), or who have posted a lot of new work lately?


Filter by week/month not working

Neotheta 8 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 4

The feature never started working for me, the bug appears in two ways:

Nothing is found in the sitewide search (results from most popular and recent do work tho):

Image 301

In gallery the feature simply displays the same as most popular, it does not sort out works that are older (all these are posted in June, and it's August now):

Image 302


missing artwork in gallery, but gallery submission count is correct

lucifurrv 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3
not sure why, but it seems after the new update i have submissions that are not showing up in my gallery. i can see them fine if i go to manage artwork, and they seem to show up in my public list. not sure whats causing the issue, logging out, clearing cache, and switching them from public to draft and back again does not fix the issue


The site has undergone some updates recently, and this issue should be resolved for users. The issue likely had to do with the way the site indexes submissions; all submissions have been reindexed and should appear. If you are still experiencing any problems, feel free to comment here.


"Sort By > Popular" submission grids break Customized Userpages

Weremagnus 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

I've run into this bug with the latest updates today. When adding a custom Submission Grid to my homepage with the new customization tools and setting this new grid to Sort By > Popular, my userpage no longer loads. (Using Google Chrome browser.)

Not even the custom Profile infomation text was loading both on the userpage and from within the Edit Profile menus.

When removing this custom Submission Grid sorted by Popular, the userpage loads normally again and the Profile tab from the Edit Profile menu also loads correctly.


Tthumbnails not loading on first page.

Wolfbeast 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

Not all thumbnails are loading when I visit the gallery/art. Only the first loads, and when i scroll down to "load more", those load as well, but the first page of thumbs doesn't load.

In the web console I noticed the following error:

[10:03:56.566] Error: useless setTimeout call (missing quotes around argument?) @ https://beta.furrynetwork.com/app.js:520


'Filter by tag' in editing own submission seems to be broken

k1o1g12 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Consolidate multiple tags for same thing

Torch 9 years ago 0

Can we please consolidate some of the tags. Every time I have to block a tag that has more then one word I have to block it twice once with a "-" and once with a "_"

For example today I decided to block Five nights at freddy's art, and here are the tags I had to block.


Am I wrong in thinking that those should be 6 tags at most?


See full list of people who promoted a submission

Fory Otter 9 years ago 0

When there are too many people promoting a submission, the default seems to be to show a small subset followed by a green +N, where N is the number of additional promotes not shown. I suggest that clicking on the +N bring up a full list of people that promoted the submission.


Prevent users from flooding the "Fresh" page

BabyPandora 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I *love* the idea of being able to upload several drawings at once, but there's a point where it becomes a hindrance to other artists. I just uploaded a drawing, but it was immediately washed away by someone using this feature to upload random photographs/images. This is a problem for artists like me who are trying to get started on this site.

I have some screenshots to show what I'm talking about. All of these images (except for the one I drew an arrow to, which is mine) are from the same guy. I blacked out his username to avoid calling him out, because that's not the point of this post.

Like I said, I love the idea of uploaded multiple drawings at once, but is there a way to keep a multi-upload contained in like a "folder" of sorts on the homepage? Like if someone clicks on it, they'll be taken to a page with all of the uploads, instead of all of them flooding the homepage?

Am I making sense? I don't know if I'm making sense here or not, I have a tendency to explain my thoughts/ideas poorly. Let me know if you're confused, I'll try to elaborate.



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