
Hide completed and declined suggestions

Ajax B. Coriander 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

So right now on the "most requested" section there are a lot of old topics that have already been completed or declined, and they're kind of cluttering up the front page of the forum. A lot of newer popular topics aren't being seen, and this might be preventing new ideas from getting traction. So would it be better to hide them and allow newer and rising suggestions to appear?



This is actually a good idea - as previously completed 'feature requests' aren't very useful to people looking to try and suggest improvements to the site! If they were bugs, I'd think they'd be useful - but already-completed stuff? Not so much.

Gonna see if I can do this now...

edit: Yes! it worked :D


Unsure myself.

Some ideas and answered questions should still be good to be searchable.

We'll investigate what kind of options userecho provides.


Oh they should stay searchable for sure, deleting them fully would be a bad idea.


I agree. It makes it difficult to find topics that are still up in the air when the front page is full of things that have already been implemented, approved, or declined.


This is actually a good idea - as previously completed 'feature requests' aren't very useful to people looking to try and suggest improvements to the site! If they were bugs, I'd think they'd be useful - but already-completed stuff? Not so much.

Gonna see if I can do this now...

edit: Yes! it worked :D

Awesome! Thank you so much :D