Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Allow character name changes

Twelve 9 years ago updated by CHICAGO-lollie 8 years ago 4 2 duplicates

Furries are creative people, and sometimes they rename their characters. Can FurryNetwork support character name changes? If there are valid reasons (and I'm sure there are) for not wanting too many name changes, perhaps it can only be permitted once in awhile.


Character Tags

Beast Shocked NSFW 9 years ago 0

It would be nice to be able to tag characters and do a search for them by tag. That way users can find each other by interest. I think the art features are great, but community is what makes or breaks these sites. Users should be able to tag themselves as "brony," "musclefur," "norcal," etc.


Clicking the user icon should reveal the profile - not the menu.

Ingwie Phoenix 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

# Problem:

Finding a way to access my profile is tedious imho. You have to click the user icon, which first opens a menu, in which you have to search for the proper entry.

# Suggestion:

Clicking the user icon should reveal the user's profile page. Only clicking the arrow next to the icon should bring up the menu. Its more natural for most users I've known so far.


Significant redesigns have happened at this point, and you may now click your icon on the home screen to take you to your profile.


Poster Name and Work Name In the Download File Name

azazel501 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Place the poster's name and the name of the artwork in the file name of the down load link.


Add the ability to link to other artists with their icons.

Nova Shayd 9 years ago updated by Kelevra 9 years ago 4 1 duplicate

FA lets you link to another user using the :iconusername: command. This is useful for when you're trying to link viewers to other users if you've received art from them, or if you made art for them.


Banner crop tool does not show banner

Fory Otter 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago 8

The banner image does not show up in the banner crop tool!

Image 164


image rotation

hikaru fionn 9 years ago updated by Cute animal 9 years ago 1

For some reason a couple of the photos I uploaded were upside down or sideways despite being correct on my computer. Could you add an option to rotate submissions?


High resolution Image support

mobius1 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 5

Hello Just joined this site and upon uploading my work I noticed a severe flaw. This site re-samples the artwork to the resolution it pleases adding artifacts to the image. So when the viewer goes to zoom in and look at the fine details they are greeted by poor image quality that can hinder the look of the artwork in question.

When the viewer clicks on the image it should reveal the image that was originally uploaded, with no compression.


Allow YouTubers to embed videos as submissions

Kothorix 9 years ago updated by Jayef 9 years ago 3

This could apply to any site, but I think most video creators use youtube, so I'll stick with referencing that. Basically, I'd like to see a furry site that allows for youtubers to post their work as submissions. Honestly, I feel a bit excluded from most furry sites because they cater to artists and writers. What I do isn't quite art, and it isn't quite story writing, but it is still creative. I think that one of the reasons there aren't many furry youtubers is simply because it's hard to get any recognition within the furry community for it.

By allowing embedded videos as a gallery option, you would (to my knowledge) be the only furry "social media" site to do so. You would attract the furry youtubers that really have no other place to post their videos without the comment section being filled with "kys furry fgt".

Isn't there already multimedia posting?

Yes, but the upload limit is quite low. It seems this is mainly intended for short animations. I don't expect Furry Network to increase the upload limit, because server space is limited.

I don't want this place to be overrun with terrible Let's Plays and inane Vlogs!

I think that most people would be mindful enough only to post videos related to furries. I mean, you could potentially have the same problem with artists posting human art, but it isn't really a problem.

You're just trying to use this site advertise for your youtube channel, you greedy money-grubbing sellout!

Duh. But here is the thing: small furry YouTubers don't really make any money and have almost no chance to grow their channels. The only way to grow your channel is to post your videos on various other sites. Once again, this is probably why there are so few furry YouTubers; there's nowhere to put your videos where there will be an actual interest in them! Unlike artists, youtubers can't really make money from commissions. At least, It isn't a common thing. The only way for them to make money is from people watching their videos.

If you read this whole thing, thank you for your time!

Under review

Make it an actual 'network'

KAZOOPAMEEP! 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

My main problem with this site is it calls itself furry network but it feels like a lifeless image board. There's no way in it to 'network' and communicate other than PMs and you'd already have to know the other person to really want to do that. The current purpose of the site feels like a place to go look at work of atrists you already know who don't like FA, and I think that should change. I think there should be more social networking features added, especially with the Feed style layout of the home page.

Things like status updates you can comment on in the feed, or comments/shouts on others pages you can comment on as almost all social sites have.

Groups and communities for discussion as well would help people connect and also help artists spread their work around like minded people and help the economy this site is working on bloom.

Currently every time I come here I think, "Wow this place looks cool" then I click around for a few seconds then realize "Wow, there's nothing to do-" except browse art of course, but that's more of an image board thing, not a 'network' think. This isn't 'Furry Imageboard' right?