Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Ability to select individual arts from the latests submissions page to delete the notice instead of only "Delete All".

Dragonhead 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

When browsing the latest art submissions from the people I am following, there should be the ability to select single images to remove the notice instead of only the option to delete all. (Like one has the ability to do on other art sites.)


The site has had significant redesigns, and this can now be done.


Start grouping tags into one clean uniform available tags

Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago updated by RyuuKishi 9 years ago 1

In a nutshell:




multiple characters

You should create something that sets them together.

Under review

Some photos upload upside-down!

Twelve 9 years ago updated by Dari (Systems Admin) 8 years ago 4 1 duplicate

Specifically, some photos taken with iPhones. iPhones do not actually record the orientation of the photo as part of the picture. In particular, iPhone users that take pictures using the + Volume button, or generally with the Volume buttons up, will easily notice this issue when trying to upload photos. Instead of saving the correct orientation, iPhones store information about the photo's orientation in EXIF data alongside the photo. It seems that FN does not account for this EXIF data, meaning some photos that appear right-side-up on my computer appear upside-down on FN. https://beta.furrynetwork.com/photo/18362/upside-down-images/


Custom Folder / collection thumbnails

SkruLuce 9 years ago updated by Insomniacovrlrd (tom smith) 9 years ago 1

I would love the ability to create a custom thumbnail for collections/folders rather than using a thumb from one of the submissions inside them (deviantArt subscribers have this option, I believe). It would be a nice way to manage collection folders that have a lot of submissions, or just a simple way to add consistency to one's own gallery layout.


Keep Getting Logged Out

Sexytickletorture 9 years ago updated by somberdragon 5 years ago 3

It seems that I keep getting kicked out within a few hours of logging in. I'll log in, browse a bit, then go to a different website for a few hours. And when I return, I've been logged out and have to sign in again.


Right panel selection options "Open for commission" escape into another line.

Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

As soon as the scroll bar appears on the side panel, the width isn't enough for all the letters and they get wrapped into new line!

CSS battle engage.

Image 66


The site has been redesigned, and this is no longer an issue. If there are any other problems, though, feel free to submit another ticket.


[Site Usability] Keyboard Shortcuts

Sylar Enderpaws 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

[I did read Unimpressive's 'Keyboard Shortcuts' ticket. Consider this to be piggybacking on what they said.]

Proposed Addition

Keyboard Shortcuts


Simple site / gallery interaction using the keyboard


These functions would take effect only when outside of a text field



F ~ Favorite P ~ Promote

D ~ Download R ~ Reload

Enter ~ Selects Comment Box [Disables keyboard shortcuts until either focus is lost, or Comment is sent by pressing Enter once-more]

Esc ~ Back to Collection / Gallery (Up One Level in Folder Tree)

Arrow Keys ~ Previous / Next Item

+ / - ~ Zoom (when native functionality added)

0 [Zero] ~ Return to 100% / Native Zoom


H ~ Home (Profile View) [Press again, After Page has Loaded, to View Profile Items]

R ~ Refresh S ~ Search



The site, looks like it would already have this functionality, and I think that, even though it's taken for granted, keyboard shortcuts can do a lot to speed up someone's usage of the site. Accessibility and advanced usage reasons.


Possible bug when viewing submissions with a filter

Aldin 9 years ago updated by Alexis S. 9 years ago 1

If i view "Fresh" or "Popular" art submissions using a filter (ex; transformation or squirrel), I will get one screen of artwork. Then scrolling down, I get a long blank section and then more artwork. Ex (using "squirrel" as the filter):

Image 65

If I don't use a filter, there isn't a large blank area, though there is the occasional 3 or 4 blank squares in a row.


Vetting for flagged submissions

Alioth Fox 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 2

I like how reporting submissions for policy violations is so easy. I've been on other furry sites where opening a trouble ticket and getting someone to actually look at it is like pulling teeth. However, I think Furry Network's system goes a little too far in the opposite direction.

I'm not keen on the idea that flagging a submission automatically sends a ticket to the user who uploaded it; that, to me, just seems far too easy to abuse. For instance, I had a piece that was flagged for needing to be marked as "adult" - now, in my mind, the piece in question was not adult in nature; the upload process describes adult art as "nudity, sexually explicit, or suggestive," and this piece was none of those three things. There are plenty of examples of this - vore or babyfur, for instance; both of those genres can have art that isn't remotely sex-related or gory (the two general prerequisites for pieces to be marked "adult"). The exact nature, whether it WAS mature or not, etc. can be debated, but that's not the larger point here. The main point is that I received a ticket literally within seconds of uploading the submission.

If you're trying to build a "welcoming and open" community, it's not a good start to make it easy for users who don't know how to use the tag filtering system to just flag submissions willy-nilly because they don't like what they see. And I realize that no flag is acted upon until it is reviewed by moderators, but sending tickets straight to users is kind of the opposite extreme. It opens the door to superfluous flags by the bucketload. A more sensible way to do it would be that flagged submissions go to moderators first. If the moderators decide that the flag is potentially actionable, then it should go to the flagged user, who should be given an opportunity to take action or dispute the flag.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Flags weren't supposed to notify the user whose work is being flagged - we fixed this bug, so now you won't get notified until an admin takes a look at it and confirms that it's a valid issue.

Hopefully this should help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty involved in having your work flagged - as only valid issues will make it past the moderation team!

More info here:



Reordering artwork/submissions bug

SketchyRel 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

FN just released a way to reorder artwork/submissions, so I went through and carefully published all of my artwork so that it was in the right order. I checked in my gallery throughout the process and everything looked alright. When I finally finished and went to check, they had all been reordered seemingly randomly.


There had been an issue with submissions published simultaneously being reordered randomly. This has been fixed.