Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Remove Overlay from Artwork & Banner in User Profiles

ZONKPUNCH 9 years ago updated by Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago 5

Image 123


live stream area

EclipsedHusky 9 years ago updated by hircreacc 9 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Maybe as part of the community tab. I know this is a bigger idea. But, live streaming directly to FurryNetwork. All attached to your account and such. Live comments etc.

Maybe a STREAM tab of its own? With SFW and NSFW sections with a confirm for NSFW stuff, ya know the usuals.


Global Search

CyberKitsune 9 years ago updated by Neotheta 9 years ago 3 1 duplicate

A simple search box either in the header or somewhere else easily accessible on every page. Using it lets you search all content (Users, Art, Etc) rather than the current system of clicking on the category then using the specific search box.

Could also feature pop-up suggestions and autocomplete based on your followers (similar to how twitter / tweetdeck's search boxes work)


Import Tool Doesn't Import Writing

Blackstratus 9 years ago updated by Liariv 9 years ago 5 1 duplicate

The import tool would be vastly improved if it could import word documents from FA.

If it automatically read the document files and applied the correct formatting to the submissions it would be great.


Possible compromise for the cub art issue.

Charlie 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 15

I apologize if this thread is inappropriate to make, but due to the locking of the other one, this is the only way for me to voice this thought.

Another website, Eka's Portal, has an opt-in forum for those who wish to discuss underage vore. If you don't opt in to receive access to this section of the forum, it's as if it doesn't exist -- you can't see it, it doesn't appear in search results, you can't be linked to it.

Why not employ a similar measure for cub art? Add another category that users can opt into seeing, similar to the Adult and Explicit tags. If the user doesn't opt in to see cub art, it's completely hidden from them. This way anybody who is uncomfortable with the subject matter doesn't need to worry about seeing it (unless the artist fails to add it to the appropriate category, but the same is true if they fail to tag a work properly for blacklists), and anybody who wants to see/produce cub art doesn't have to worry about being censored.

I'm not a fan of cub art myself, but I'm also not a fan of censorship based on the wishes of the majority. In my eyes it's a slippery slope -- if you ban one thing, why not ban another? If people are uncomfortable around cub and want it banned, why not ban things like vore, snuff, and My Little Pony for people who are uncomfortable around that?

A compromise like this, where cub art is something a user can opt into, seems (at least to me) like the best way to solve the problem without alienating either side. It's no different than opting into seeing mature artwork.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Hey all -

I'm going to mark this topic as 'Completed', as the cub porn ban has gone into effect - however, there are a lot of very useful points raised here (including the original idea for extreme content to be opt-in) that would be very useful for other kinds of content - and as such, I recommend you vote on the following 'default blacklist' thread: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/872-default-blacklist-for-squicky-content/

As always, please make sure you focus your discussion on the technical details of the feature, not on the surrounding politics - and keep your language and behavior civil. The above thread is for the discussion of how to help contraversial content is only viewed willingly by users, not on the relative merits of that content having a place on the site, or the politics surrounding its existence. It's also not for flinging mud or calling other users names. be civil.

I've gone through this thread and removed comments that did not relate to the feature at hand or were outright attacking other users (most were concerning the relative merits of the decision to ban cub porn) - as always, please be civil and constructive when you post on here.

Thank you!

Under review

Notifications for alternate characters/fast character switching

Astolpho 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4

I'm noticing that when I want to check notifications for alternate character/accounts, the multiple clicks necessary to do it quickly becomes tedious. It would be handy if nested in the notification center was an item that listed the number of new notifications on your alternate accounts, and would immediately switch you over to that character when you click on it.

Under review

Direct Deposit/Stripe for Commission payouts

Skulldog 9 years ago updated by socksthefox 9 years ago 8

Alright, so far I've heard sort of fleeting feedback via other replies here that artist payouts are given over Paypal.

As a user of Patreon, I prefer the direct to bank Stripe payments over the Paypal cash outs. (I just hate Paypal overall, it's less convient than getting money in my actual bank..)

Can we get a direct to US bank payment option? Even if it means we need to wait until we hit a certain balance limit to do so, I'd be happy to cash out to my bank at $100 increments.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Fortunately, adding new payout methods is relatively straightforward; the challenge is finding ones that work well and are desirable for artists!

We welcome suggestions for services we could use, or criteria that are important to you, so we can investigate them and see what adding them would take. Please continue to vote for this if it's important to you.

Thanks all!


Load more submissions bug

Alkaris 9 years ago updated by TinyFawks 9 years ago 27 3 duplicates

The "What's New" submission feeds seems to have a bug when I get to the "Load more submissions" part, I have to refresh the page every time to load more submissions in, which is a little annoying to do, because clicking "Load more submissions" doesn't seem to do anything.

I am using Google Chrome version 49.0.2623.75 (64-bit) on linux

to further help diagnose the issue I have and use the following in Chrome


  • uBlock Origin
  • ScriptBlock
  • Ghostery
  • LastPass
  • Dev Flags for Google Chrome
  • Better History

Chrome Flags: (some flags do not exist in Windows)

  • Override software rendering list
  • Native Client GDB-based debugging
  • Hyperlink auditing
  • Developer Tools experiments
  • Scroll prediction
  • Material design in the browser's top Chrome (Material-hybrid)
  • Download Resumption
  • Offline Auto-Reload Mode
  • Simple Cache for HTTP
  • TCP Fast Open
  • Device Discovery Notifications
  • Tab capture upscaling quality
  • WebGL Draft Extensions
  • Session restore bubble UI
  • Experimental App Launcher
  • Tab audio muting UI control

I have Furry Network site whitelisted in both ScriptBlock and uBlock Origin, and Ghostery.


Limit the number of times someone can promote their own submissions

Jaxen Beaver 9 years ago updated by Acheroth 9 years ago 5

I've already come across instances where people are chain-promoting their own past submissions, clogging up my feed with dozens of pieces. I feel like there should be a limit to the number of times a person can promote their own submissions in a given day, or week, or whatever time period makes sense. That would keep things from getting spammy if someone decides to want to promote every submission in their gallery.

Either that, or disallow people from promoting their own submissions entirely. Promoting your own stuff seems to defeat the purpose of the Promote system, at least how I interpreted it; it seems like it was intended to give more visibility to artists' work you enjoy and want to share with your followers. If your followers are following you, they see your art already; why would you need to promote it too?


Page views listed on profile?

Renashe 9 years ago updated by Twelve 9 years ago 2 1 duplicate

While there are already page view indicators on submissions, would there be interest in adding them to individual user pages? Karibans can be fun for keeping track of how many other users visit your page.