Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Ability to reorder artwork / submissions
Currently there's no way to reorder artwork or submissions in your gallery - say, if the importer pulls stuff in out of order. It'd be really handy if there was a way to rearrange them.
We've implemented a solution where imported artwork shows up in drafts, and will be published in the order you set them as 'Public'.
Thus, if you go through your drafts after import and mark them 'public' in order of oldest to newest, that's the exact order they'll show up in your gallery.
This is our first 'try' at solving the reordering problem - if you don't think it's sufficient, we are open to suggestions for how we could improve it so it *is* sufficient!
Offer ePub support for Authors.
As an author, I would love to see support for ePubs for story downloads. ePub is a very open format that supports text formatting, embedded images, and the like, and is supported on multiple platforms.
We'd love to do this; putting this one in the list of things to develop post-launch!
Default Blacklist for 'squicky' content
As users have poured into FurryNetwork, we're seeing much more specific criticisms than in the past, and this is fantastic.
One such criticism has been that FurryNetwork permits the use of NSFW cub works. It's easy to distance oneself from the fetish, e.g. "That's not my thing!" but it's harder to create and enforce a policy banning one particular type of content. FurAffinity, for instance, only banned cub once a sponsor backed out.
The problem with this approach is that the Furry community is supposed to be an inclusive one, and even saying that is a difficult thing when we're dealing with something like cub. It's incredibly uncomfortable to discuss it because of how closely it can be tied to genuine kiddy porn, despite the argument that many people have that the two are very different. The argument can be duplicated onto every squicky tag, even more "vanilla" ones like Hypnosis/Mind-Control, when you put that against the notions of Rape and Consent.
You probably see where I'm going with this: This criticism doesn't end at Cub, and the only way to form a solid policy on the matter is to decide whether or not FurryNetwork will take a stance for, or against, each squicky fetish, on a case-by-case basis. It's a difficult position to be in, and I don't envy the developers for it.
Instead, I wanted to propose a middle-ground solution that, even if it doesn't remain forever, is both a useful feature AND allows users to sidestep the content that they don't want to see, at all. I propose that Furry Network should have a default blacklist for new users to hide all content deemed "squicky". The tag-based blacklist system has already been implemented, and it would be easy to give new users a list of tags that are hidden by default. We can assume for safety that each new user is "vanilla" and allow them to ELECT to see this questionable content. It spares the majority of users from seeing that content.
I'm kind of surprised we didn't have a thread for this already - we've planned to have this for a long time, and actually have the infrastructure for it completed, we just need to push it live.
This will be being implemented on the site shortly!
Better differentiation for follow/following button
This is a smaller issue, but frustrating for me: as someone who is red/green colourblind, the difference between the "Follow" button and the "Following" button is almost impossible to tell--I imagine for someone with worse colourblindness than myself, hovering to read the text may be the only option. Is there some way to choose more easily distinguished colours/shades, or at least remove the plus sign when someone is already being followed?
Good point - as a colorblind person myself, I too have issues with this button!
Putting this on the radar of our development team :3
move comments under artwork
I dont know, maybe its just me but i find myself ignoring/forgetting that there are comments on artwork sometimes. on FA i loved reading comments too see what others had to say but here for some reason it feels like they are almost hidden away(not really).
maybe its just me and i have to get used to the different layout but personally would love to see them under the artwork or have a toggle in my settings to change it.
Hey all!
Plenty of votes here - would this be best as a "Make it bigger" button you could click on a particular image if you wanted to go through all the comments, or would it be a site layout change that would show for everyone?
What would the layout look like - and how would it work on mobile?
If anyone has some quick-and-dirty mspaint skills, now's your chance to shine and show us all how it might look!
FurryNetwork API (developers)
Is there any hope for an API, like a NodeJS based one or something like that in the futur?
We'd certainly like to build and offer a public API for developers - right now, the site is built exclusively using JSON API calls; you can see some of them if you look at network requests while browsing around the site. If you're creative, I'm sure you can come up with a way to use these APIs...
That said, a proper, well-documented API is something we'd like to offer, but will likely have to wait until we've launched, or we get a bunch of requests for really awesome apps people would like to make. :D
Grid View & other "What's New" page improvements
Facebookey feed ---> Something better
The reason quite a few people apparently didn't bother with the site when I asked what they thought, despite the other really well done features AND the fact that you can come here and complain (I guess furry community has given up hope for being able to voice opinion and be heard).
The feed is the main page people visit, it gives first impressions - it needs to be a lot better. Style more like the rest of the site.
Key points that need to be improved:
- Show more items on one view / less scrolling / grid view
- Ease telling apart category types (the post/notifications themselves)
I put together a suggestion quickly:
- Grid view
- Personal panel/sidebar on side, style like the sidebars on all other pages.
- Icon that eases up telling what category the post is (same as the top icons?)
- What's new control panel could slide open when chosen
- Lesser thing to point out: When someone posts a comment it only displays latest comments in thread, display the comment the post notified about instead.
- Banner images could display on 'x followed a' and post posts at least, but not everysingle one - it gets confusing.
Discuss! c:
Hey all,
A few weeks ago we pushed a big update to the feed page, that implemented a lot of the feedback outlined here. As a result, I'm marking this topic as 'completed' - but (because I want to test the 'satisfaction' poll that shows up after something is marked as completed), I'd like to know if you're satisfied with the solution we've created!
Thanks to everyone who contributed on this topic - you were invaluable in improving FN for everyone! Go team!
Site stats!
- Amount of registered users in total
- How many characters in total
- Users online (or maybe this even into the community section, displaying active characters?)
- Submissions posted in total (artwork, photos, stories, multimedia separately and in total)
Because stats <3
Hopefully I wasn't blind and missed out if these exsisted somwhere already.
Stats porn!
We'll revisit this one later; for now, we're being sure to collect basic statistics (number of images uploaded, etc), but we'd like to make this its own 'thing' for sharing data with data nerds, to produce interesting statistics.
Project for after launch, I think!
Posting Queue / Automatic Publishing of submissions
Would love to see something like a posting queue similar to tumblr. The ability to set up a time at which for a post to be published. That way people would be able to set up their art to post at regular intervals to keep fan interest as well as not flooding their gallery with a bunch of stuff all at once (unless desired) .
Something along the lines of being able to upload it to your drafts and then set a time/date at which it would move into your public gallery.
Hope that makes sense haha.
Threaded and Nested Comments
It's very important for the sense of community and interaction to have a comments section that supports conversations in the comments section. Currently I can't see the comments field next to submissions being able to support having meaningful conversations or supporting a large number of comments if a submission becomes popular. I think it would be a good idea to have a larger comments section with threads and nesting of conversations, and ideally comment threads that can be collapsed and expanded.
Customer support service by UserEcho