Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Support importing from SoFurry
Right now, FA is the only site you can import submissions from. What if SoFurry was supported too? Especially for stories.

Right now, Weasyl and SoFurry both are neck and neck with 18 votes apiece! There's a lot of chunky features with more votes than these; let's see if the community can pick a winner and see if these features get more interest / votes from the community!

Notification Icon Changes
Here's one possible way to make the notifications area more functional for users:
Separate notification icons for:
- Comments
- Notes/personal messages
- Content from people you watch
- Favorites and watches
This is necessary because comments are a much higher priority for users to keep track of and respond to, but are highly outnumbered by favorites; the notifications you care about will get lost in the noise of people favoriting your artwork.
Alternatively you could make the notification icon a hover-over menu like this:
(excuse the crudeness of the design)

fresh submissions by default on artwork page
Right now new submissions are burried by the popular ones, it would give a lot more expsure to new submisions if the fresh page was the default for showing artwork

Hey all,
We're currently working on some refinements to what shows up in "Fresh" - in particular, excluding imported artwork from there by default, and making it so that users can choose if they want their followers to be notified / their submission to show up in fresh, when they decide to publish a submission.
The original idea presented was more as an exposure tool for new artists, and thus it's point still stands - so I'll be setting this one to "under review" for now - but just letting you know that the Fresh feed shouldn't be so spammy, and therefore this suggestion should be even more useful once we get that change finished.

Show Promotions as a Tab on a User page
I like the idea of sharing other people's art that I like. However, in the current setup, it simply shows as a boring old message that'll get buried under other activity. I think it should be introduced as an additional tab next to my artwork so people can see a gallery view of the artwork I'm promoting. :) That way the promote button can be more effective.

Hey all!
As soon as we figure out what we're going to call Favorites and Promotes (and what their future will be.... see here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/577-promotes-and-favorites-are-confusing/ ), we'll be adding Promotes (or favorites, or whatever they end up being called) as a tab on people's Profile pages........ once we've figured out what we're going to do to Profile pages (see here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/1116-profile-page-improvements/ ).
Sorry to put this whole thing in limbo until two entire other features get figured out.... but suffice to say, there'll be a way to see what people are 'promoting' (or faving, or whatever XD)

Easy way to fave, promote, or delete in grid mode.
Grid mode is a great addition, however it does not give the user the ability to easily delete, favorite, or promote submissions straight from their home, like the other view does.
I think it would be a great idea to include smaller versions of the same buttons in grid mode. You could put them in the top right corner of the submissions, so that people don't loose these nice quick buttons just because they switched the view.

This has been implemented! More information in the announcement here:

Import from multiple FA accounts to a single profile
Right now, you can only import from a single FA account, and if you mis-spell the username, you can't fix it. It'd be super handy if you could run the importer on multiple FA accounts, say to condense several different 'character accounts' on FA onto a single one on Furry Network.

This is being developed! It will likely make it into the next feature launch. :D

Specialized Content Promotion Spotlights
I've seen this in use in other art websites: "Moderator's Choice" promotions for creative content. Occasionally, a site staff member may come across a piece of content they feel is particularly high quality and they can promote it in an unusual way. Maybe there could be a site section for lesser known creator spotlights highlighted by members of staff.
This concept could go even further with users themselves perhaps nominating creators and their work to be featured.
This is to contrast the automated "most popular" sections of art that simply highlights whichever has the most views/highest numbers automatically. If users could take promotions a step forward to a site-wide section, then more creators could get new exposure.

This is something we have planned - it's a little off, but would be really useful for promoting and highlighting up-and-coming artists that are showing talent!

Refresh the popular section every couple of days or maybe add time filters, kind of like imgur
Not sure if anyone's mentioned it before, but seeing the same stuff in the popular section every day is kind of boring. Sure, you can add specific tags, but it'll still be all the same stuff. That said, I think it would be cool to have them refresh every day or every week or something, and maybe throw in time-based filters (most popular today, yesterday, this week, month, year, all time, etc.), more or less the same thing as imgur. It would freshen up the experience with the site to open it up each day and see different cool things on the rise.
Also, I know you can look in the Fresh section and try tagging to filter things down, but at the moment a lot of it is import dumps from artists and it's often difficult to get past their wall of material if you don't want to see it anymore.

Hey all!
We recently changed the "Popular" category to only show images uploaded in the last 7 days, sorted by popularity.
I'm going to close this one out for now - but feel free to create a new suggestion thread for a filter-based one where you can pick a date range!

Support importing from Inkbunny
I'm happy to see that there's an import feature from FurAffinity, but I'd love to see an import option from a site that offers an API to work with.
Customer support service by UserEcho