Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


why are support accounts and main page accounts different?

fareydoon 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

title says all, why make people register twice? or is this a beta thing?


Support is run by a third party service. There might be a way to integrate it with FN's accounts system, but they probably decided to focus on getting features finished.


A Better What's New Workflow (Improved Shortcuts and Full View)

rudderg33k 9 years ago 0

A lightroom-esque workflow for the what's new page would be fantastic. Being to zoom into an image full-view and then being able to quickly do the following with sample keys:

Z: Pass/Move On/Dislike/Remove From What's New

X: Promote

C: Favorite (Maybe an option to auto advance?)

V: Download

Arrow Keys: Browse the Grid or List

Right now the Favorite and Promote shortcut keys are in a rather counter intuitive place considering there is browsing with the arrow keys currently so you have to move your hand back and forth between the key areas versus keeping one hand on the shortcut keys and one hand on the browse keys or mouse. While not married to those exact keys for the shortcuts I think there should be a Remove and Download hotkeys at the very least.

Thanks For Reading!



Smart 9 years ago updated by jq brumley 4 months ago 6

Im sure about wrote my password correctly, after did click in the email link.. however the server is denying my access.

Then i reset my password and the same happened by second time. and after i'm trying to reset my password again, and the serve is not accepting any


Endless Art Submission and reappearing after Refresh

Shadow 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Is anyone else having an issue of clicking new art thats been submitted removing it from feed gallery only to have it pop right back after refreshing page?


At the moment, this doesn't appear to be a problem. However, there have been issues in the past with indexing items in the gallery, and that could have been the issue. This should be resolved.


Offline Commissions/Messages

Sekioh 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1


While downtime is never planned, it can be hazardous to artists and commissioners. While this can be mitigated by manually copying and pasting every commission and private message down to a text file, someone may have been out of town or at a convention for a weekend and viewed it on phone or mobile device unable to save a copy to cloud or with the rest of the files such as desktop. When sites go down or are unreachable either because of a hosting issue or a local user network issue, even already established commissions may not get completed because of lack of access to refsheets or such. While the following suggestion may help with already sent messages and commissions, there would still always be the issue of a down server preventing new communication from occuring and this does not find a solution for that at this moment of time.


A mobile/desktop application to take push notifications or occasionally check in and sync down copies of all the private message threads as well as the commission entries and their attached or linked files, if the domain goes down then, users can run from the local cache and as soon as it comes back up it can check in again and sync with any changes by timestamp+nonce order of newest modifications.

Though programming an app or executable would be more development time, a subdomain with HTML5 manifest file may be quicker alternative, for offline 'web app' caching, sites set up like this you can browse to even if you have no network connection, the cache saves all the sites assets from manifest file in root domain and meta header tags allowing the localStorage api to pretend a browser is unaffected by network status.

This would provide only an interface to simple email like interface of entries that when clicked expand or shift to new panel or page of the information. Just having this redundant backup would increase confidence that even if there was a loss of service for gaining new commissions, at least they would have the ability to work on already established projects.


For a mobile app, can be even a webview with locally downloaded and cached html and javascript, only using the mobile app platform to allow for push notifications to trigger more syncs and a more guaranteed persistent storage as well as security of being tied to a device id.

If browser based, something like webapp.furrynetwork.com or offline.furrynetwork.com would contain the project from complications of caching too much or the wrong things and preventing dns issues mixing up if the site does go offline. If on the live site you include the manifest headers to force the sync and download to a browser simply because someone is logged in, then if they don't explicitly log out, it may cause security issues with people logging on to FurryNetwork on friends computers or other nonsecured devices. On the other hand, if you don't do the automatic sync and download cache of the manifest simply with using the site at all, the entire concept of protecting the user becomes useless simply because of forgetfulness or laziness.

Perhaps storing the cache with an encryption of their username and password, so feeding the local storage back through the load function returns garbage and it detects that it's not correct and shows a failed load, I think that'd be adequate for commissions and messages while it'd still be stored locally and possibly vulnerable to brute forcing with physical access to that computer during the time that the user never logged out and their cookie session for staying logged into the site is still valid. If it ever detects the user was logged out and the sites not down, purge the storage and sign the user out.

If a mobile app or desktop app, it would typically be assumed that mobile would be secure due to the sandboxing nature of each app and someone would be less careless with leaving a desktop app installed, running, and signed in if it was not owned by the user. The biggest threat to security is web app idea having to rely on a localStorage cookie and having to secure with pure html+javascript only.


While I can see something like this being valuable, it would also lead to a large amount of data being transferred, and this would put a significant load on our systems. In addition, mobile apps for websites with mature content are extremely difficult or impossible to get approved. We don't plan to create a tool specifically for this purpose. However, we will likely release an API, and members are welcome to create apps that will be helpful for them.

In general, we recommend that sellers save essential commission information in case there is an issue. There are online and offline organizational tools that can help keep work flows organized.


Inactive Accounts

Shadowwolf 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 5

Both Weasyl and Deviantart have sections in their ToS that state "[we] reserve the right to terminate or suspend accounts that are inactive, in [our] sole discretion, for an extended period of time (thus deleting or suspending access to your Content)." in regards to vacant accounts.

I am especially interested in this policy also being implemented into FurryNetwork's ToS, as the issue of people signing in under a particular name and then leaving the account entirely vacant forever after seems to be a common one. This can be especially frustrating when other users would love to acquire those inactive account names.


It looks like everything was taken care of! Let us know if you need anything else.


Give users an option to make their favorites public or remain anonymous

Jett 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

Kelevra is correct; favorites are private, and promotes are public. We'll likely have some renaming of terms in the future, but this feature is currently in place.


So, what constitutes a 'View' ?

Insomniacovrlrd (tom smith) 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 6

Specifically, we have huge previews of images in our 'what's new?' list (when not in grid view).

From here we can promote, fave, or remove the image from our queue. You can also see 90% of the image plainly.

Are views tabulated simply by viewing it in this manner? I don't think they are. The only way to register a 'view' on a piece is to click into it. And the only thing you can really do by doing that, that you can't immediately do from the 'what's new?' list is comment on it.

So, you could end up with pictures having more faves than views, right? Which is absurd.

So, unless i'm totally wrong about this, i'd like to know what people think on the subject. I know that i'm glancing at artwork in this huge preview, and then closing it. If i don't have something to say on it, that artist doesn't get a view from my interaction, even though i definitely looked at it for a few seconds.


Currently, views are only calculated when looking at a full size image, and it only counts unique views. You are correct that viewing an image in the activity history or What's New feed does not count towards that total.

We're currently going to keep the total count of views the same. However, statistics are interesting, and it could be neat to see the total number of impressions (similar to Twitter) that you get on users' feeds rather than how many clicked to view the full image. After having helped with social media, though, it's clear to me that people engaging with the post (clicking, favoriting, promoting, and downloading) have the greatest influence for establishing a strong following. I think seeing how many people clicked "download" could be helpful.

If we have more demand for these types of statistics later, we can discuss these options with our development team.


Importer Verification?

Koril 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

Could you give some explanation for what the heck that box is even supposed to mean?


There should be a Captcha on the page. If for some reason you don't see that appearing, go ahead and clear out the cache for your web browser; this may help this work.

Please let us know if there are any additional problems.


Import tool immediately fails with no error message.

ARC FXX 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Here's a gif of the problem.

I enter my info, fill in the captcha, click 'Login and Import', the box vanishes for a second... And then pops right back up, with the same captcha, and no error message explaining why it didn't work.

It's been doing this every single time I've tried, since the captcha was implemented.


The importer has gone on and off due to changes in FA's coding. This has been corrected, and it is now working. If you have any other issues importing, please let us know.