Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Messaging System Not Functioning on Mobile Site?
When I click on the 'Message' option on someone's page, it takes me to my messages but just the general inbox, not a message to the person. In addition, when I tried hitting '+ New Message' and adding the person's name manually, I then found that the main text box refused to register. My keyboard didn't come up and no cursor appeared in the box. It seems inert.
Using an updated Chrome browser on an Android 'phone, issue has persisted over three days.

The site has had some significant changes. At this point, messaging is working on mobile; it's easiest, however, to go to a person's profile and click "Message." If you have any other issues, feel free to submit a new ticket, and we will review it immediately.

Ability to hide watches from feed
Because I love art, I have the need to follow everyone that makes cute art. However, this makes my profile's feed very crowded and you are unable to see my personal posts. Maybe there could be an option to hide watches from your feed, or put them in a separate category. Just a thought ^^;

Thank you for sending this to us! I've been thinking about this, and it seems like it goes against the purpose of following a user. Following is used to allow you to see users' activity in your feed. One way to work around this is to have a separate character following these artists that you don't necessarily want filling your feed; that way, you can take a look every now and then to see their art.
Other social media sites like Twitter do use this, though; they have a way to mute people without unfollowing them. I think this is used to show your support without being bombarded by their posts.
Right now, we don't have too much demand for this option, and we aren't going to plan on it. However, as the site grows, this may become a more requested feature; we'd be happy to take another look if that happens.

Rollover text for buttons
It'd be a lot easier to know what buttons did if they changed when you rolled over them with the mouse, or if a text bar popped up saying the name of the button. I mean, there's a row of icons including an art pallette, a camera, and so forth; I had to guess what some of them did. And when clicking on a picture for the large view, I see a star, a heart, a box, and an X. What's the difference between a star and a heart? What does the box do? And the X? Yes, I can probably guess, but I shouldn't have to (and in the case of star vs. heart, I honestly have no idea what the difference is).

The site has gone through some significant changes, and words have been added next to icons to make these clear; in addition, the menu on the left site of the screen has additional descriptions for each tab. At this point, the layout is close to complete. We may make some changes for the wording, however.

Import who I'm watchin on FA
It'd be nice to have a way to add all the content creators that I'm watching on FA on a click of a buttonbutton

The importer has gone on and off due to changes in FA's coding. This has been corrected, and it is now working. The importer will also import who you're watching from FA.
If you have any other issues importing, please let us know.

Strange behavior when switching between characters
When I tried creating a character 'B' while logged into my default character 'A' in firefox 46.0.1 with multiple tabs open to FN, then switch to it, I found that the tab in which I created the new character shows me browsing as character 'B'. However, the other tabs still show me browsing as my default character 'A', and I am unable to find the new character 'B' in my character list. Posting a comment from a tab showing character 'A' at the top right results in the new character 'B's name being attached to it.

Clickable links on Art/picture preview
Basically a request to add additional links on the preview of imagines that appear in the feed.
So you can click-through to the artist's profile on the bottom left, click to see who has faved or commented etc on the bottom right, and if you click the artwork tag it takes you to all of that persons art. At the moment to see an artist's profile I click on the picture, then on the username. This removes that step.

Folders/Categories for characters I follow
This may just be me, but I would like the ability to put people I follow into folders (both privately and publicly). For example, if I go into my following I'd like the ability to create and name folders so it would be much easier to find artists, I just made an account here recently but on FA I followed almost 3 thousand people - but when I actually wanted to commission someone with a particular art style I could not remember names nor name anyone at the top of my head which lead to the tedious process of clicking a bunch of usernames on my watch list to see what that type of content that person uploaded.
Having folders for personal use would be a great help. The ability to make your lists private or public would also be useful, for example if someone had a folder for NSFW artists they could set that to private, but have their favourite artists folder set to public which could also act as a list for people you would recommend commissioning.
The image below is a visual representation of what I think would work, perhaps have them as drop down menus but keep the scroller to the side that includes your entire watch list and the ability to sort the the list in alphabetical order, highest watch count or by most active

Switch between fresh - who you follow
So you can look at all the artwork of who you follow, not using the "What's new" page

The site has had some redesigns. On the left side of the home page, there's a selection for "Following." Clicking on this will show submissions for all those people you are currently following. Hopefully this helps make your browsing experience better!

"Fetching result" with Animation
I don't know if this is incoming.
But can you make the "Fetching Results", Loadscreen, Load more, ... animated to give the user more feedback and show them "hey stuff happening"

Option to hide sidebar
This suggestion is similar to my edit, it hides the sidebar via button and moves the grid over or centers the feed.
Sorry if an idea to this has already been posted/considered.

We currently have the sidebar automatically move to the top when the width of the menu changes. This fixes the wider menu issue for most people. In addition, the sidebar is not visible when viewing individual submissions.
At this time, because there hasn't been much demand for this, we are going to pass on this idea. I can see some benefits that can come of it, but this would require a large amount of redesign for a feature that may not be used by many users.
Customer support service by UserEcho