Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Not a bug

tickets don't show up on beta site tab

Lance_Armstrong 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 2

Support tickets don't appear to show up on:




Is it because they need to be moderated first?


Changing from General to Explicit doesn't always update elsewhere

Lance_Armstrong 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Switching from "General" to "Explicit" did not switch it elsewhere, such as on new scrolls of the infinite scrolling [community page](https://beta.furrynetwork.com/community/popular/) or my [user profile](https://beta.furrynetwork.com/lance_armstrong/).


Dumb Question about the import from FA

Aquilak 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 2

Okay so Im trying to Import All of the artwork i have on FA To here.

as im trying to do that I Did the usual, User/Pass Here And on FA but for some Reason it Keeps Saying "Login Failed". I have the Theme in Classic (Hell i kept that way for like 6 Years XD) i changed the password For Fa like 4 times and still says "Login Failed"

Is there something im doing wrong?


what is the maximum length story I can upload?

Kindar 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago 1

I just took a look a the stories I uploaded over the last few weeks and many of them are incomplete, when I know I put in the full story. What is the maximum word length I can upload?


import data stuck

nska 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

It has been importing data from furaffinity for days. I tried restarting my computer and loging out but none of it is working


Profile Page - Left Column Content Given a Scroll Bar

WindTide 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

The profile page has a section which the user is able to edit on their own accord to fit the needs of sharing their character/profile section. As part of the creative aspect to tailor a profile to the individual's needs, there are ways to add as many custom fields as possible.

However, for some profiles, some might elect to write plenty of information that it ends up extending the bottom of the page quite far, not to mention make it difficult to reach a profile's association with other accounts.

In addition, it makes it a hassle for some people who want to be able to read the profile, but have to scroll the entire length in order to reach the section they might be interested in looking up. The vertical layout makes it difficult to spread out the text and requires it to push the column further down.

What if instead, the column were to implement a Scroll Bar? The Column would be given a set size that uses a more intended size, and the user can scroll quickly through the profile section as needed.

This is my proposed idea that I have set out, and I think it has good merit to be considered from a design and functionality perspective.


following list in alphabetical order

BlackGaze 9 years ago updated by SammyReese 6 years ago 0


I like FN a lot and I am trying to follow all the artist here that I know from elsewhere.

So I stumbled upon the fact, that I can't sort the list of who I am following in alphabetical order which makes it hard to find a certain person since I have to search through all of them.

My main point here is to suggest a button on the right named "A-Z" in "My collections".

To better navigate through the results you could add letter headlines.

Another way to make it easier for people to find someone in the following list would be to implement the search function that is already available for the "FN collections" in "My Collections".

An additional suggestion for the community section would be a tag system for people

You could use tags like: #digital artist, #traditional artist, #animator to search for the kind of artist you like.


Make it clearer how to submit work

triggur 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago 1

because wtf how the hell do you submit there's no button anywhere

Not a bug

New Commission Inquiry Bug

SpelunkerSal 9 years ago updated by Dari (Systems Admin) 7 years ago 2

I've had 2 unread new Commission inquiries for days now, and they simply are just not showing up. There are error codes attached to the page, as seen in the image here:

The 3 commission inquiries you see on the left are ones I've had and have read and responded to several weeks beforehand. The 2 new ones are not showing up at all. Not sure why I can't see them!


Overall Site Improvements

Martyn 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago 1

I believe that the best way to display the content shown in Collections would be to center it, that's just my own opinion though, as well as giving the user the option in their account settings to change to pagination for browsing (the arrow being that system.)

The biggest improvement that I feel could made to the way the Collection page functions is that the search area can by closed (with a line at the right to open it again), this could be done by hovering on it or by clicking a link. It's such a big search area that hiding it would allow users to focus more on the content displayed.

Dashboard (Area on Login)
So this area has to section to it, the top right drop-down and the left hand navigation.

I'm going to start with the left section. Overall I feel the order of the links in that section is the biggest issue, along with the headers used, so I've made my own idea of what I feel could be a better way to display the links. Logout should also be displayed there, as there is nothing wrong with having it in two places, it enables new users to logout easier without having to search for the link.

In relation to the right section, I would love it if the "about" and "logout" links were swapped around as it seems illogical to put them in their current order. The links in this section are different as well because (in my opinion) you are more likely to go to your dashboard in order to look at your favorites and what's new. Account Management would be the best name for the section these links are in.

Profile Pages & Submission Pages coming soon.