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When Following Or Followed By 10 Accounts, Ditch That +1 Indicator

wag! 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

If I'm following or followed by exactly 10 accounts, the profile page will display 9 of the accounts and a 10th icon-sized square with "+1" to indicate that there's one that it can't display, but tbh it should just show that 10th account instead. (Obviously an 11th follow will ideally change it back to the +x thing.)


artwork sorting

Benji Smaridge 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0


Here is a link to a folder of mine that features a comic.

as you can see the sorting of the comic is a bit off, with the sorting going as follows: 1,5,4,3,6,2, this is not at all what i would like to see, I uploaded them in order twice but they continue to order themselves in this way,

I would like to know if I can do anything that would allow me to fix the issue or if there is anything that can be done on the developer's end to fix it.

Also has anyone else encountered this,

I would like the comic to go: 1,2,3,4,5,6, but as it stands the continuity of the comic is broken.

I have noticed this with my drawing folder too where the images are shuffled dispite my efforts to sort them out. https://beta.furrynetwork.com/benji_smaridge/artwork/collections/5947/
09,01,15,05,11,17,08,21,06,18,19,03,13,07,14,16,04,12,20,02,10, is the current order

01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, would be better.

My other four comics are all sorted correctly so I am inclined to believe that it is something on my end.

Thank you for your time



How to stop FurAffinity.net Import??

Bennyfox 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago 1

Does anyone know how to stop the FurAffinity.net Import? I start the import when my FA still on the Beta theme, and I change back to Classic theme, now just stuck in the importing forever, can anyfur help me please??? Thank you soooo much!!!!


Main page loads grey in Safari 9.1.1

artfulreggie 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

For the past week or so, whenever I attempt to load beta.furrnetwork.com into Safari 9.1.1 (my default browser on the current software update of macOS El Capitan), the page simply loads as a grey page without any remote content loaded.

I've disabled all of my plugins and relaunched Safari to no avail. I -really- don't want to have to clear my cache; is there any way out of this state?


Using newer css in some browsers breaks submission previews.

Graith Ilesanmi 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1


Browser: Pale Moon 26.2.2

Seems only broken on the Artwork page and the What's new page. Works fine in other browsers. Maybe a more graceful fallback?


Every thumbnail in the feed is blank except the first.

Dom Foxley 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1

I disabled NoScript and AdBlock, it's still doing the same thing. I want to say it started doing this about a week ago, maybe less.

This is Pale Moon 26.2.2 for Windows 64-bit.


A feature similar to FurAffinity Downloader plugin. Download and auto-sort of galleries by users.

VladSnakeDragon 9 years ago updated by Dari (Systems Admin) 8 years ago 1

Just a suggestion to one of my favorite plugins out there, and a simple quality of life improvement.

FA Downloader is a plugin that allows a user to click a "Download" button on top of a submission, which is then, based on a configured path/settings, allows the submission (text/picture/animation) to be downloaded and sorted into a folder for each user.

It pretty much creates a local archive that you can add to with every new submission, as well as allowing a full-gallery download with a click of a button.


API: OAuth token type is case sensitive on auth headers and doesn't match type returned from OAuth login

Keiko 9 years ago 0

The method:


returns a token_type, typically of "bearer", however, any other API request that needs an authorization header expects tokens of this type to have the type "Bearer" (capital B), and using type of "bearer" results in a Not Authorized response


When Navigating From One Story to Another via Notifications, Story Doesn't Change

Deus S-B 9 years ago 0

As it says. If I am in an existing story and click a notification meant to take me to another story, it will not change the page I am on and the original story remains in place. I originally submitted this as a mobile bug but it is also happening on P.C. and I am unable to find my original submission to edit it.

Using an Updated Firefox browser on a Windows P.C.