Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Date of "What's New" Grid View is sometimes in the future
Today is June 11, 2016. But in the most recent posts under "What's New, the date that shows is tomorrow's date.
List Mode for User History
I supposed this is due to my preference of the kind of things smaller items on a webpage would provide. Basically, my idea is an alternate mode for pictures on a user's history. Each item would be similar in size and composition to the topics on the support page, with a thumbnail of the picture on the left, with the name next to that and the details underneath.
Hide your favorites from the popular feed
While the popular feed feature is fantastic the fact that your favorites still appear in it is essentially redundant and that goes double for things you promote. Popular is in essence a collective favorites gallery likely used by most to find art to favorite and artists to follow and seeing them there is kind of nonsensical. My first few days I found myself thinking “Hey I like that I need to add it to favorites!” only to find that I had. The option could also apply to artists you follow and both options could be toggleable.
Search turns black when reaching the end
Just searched for the tag #mlp and hit the end. The search wants to load something which turns the whole search blank, when i scroll up the last images can be seen again, scrolling down -> blank. Looks like the search does not know it reached the end. I have blocking tags and users in use.
Add a Music Section?
One way that could better distinguish this website and the other furry art sites is to add a music area for people to share their work. Furaffinity does actually have a media upload option, but it's not it's strongest focus.
Favorite Notifications
Okay, so they're anonymous. Fine. Could I at least be told in notifications that something was favorited?
Does clear all remove everything including new posts between the time the page was loaded and clear all clicked?
Is there a race condition that if I load my "What's new" page, sit there for a while, then click "Clear all", and confirm, that I will also clear art posted between the time the page loads and the time I hit clear all, or clear all will only clear the items that were posted at the time I loaded the page?
Acceptable upload policy page missing
im afraid the acceptable upload policy page doesnt exist, i dont know what is okay to post here.
Customer support service by UserEcho