Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Ability to integrate/post as multiple characters on a single account?

Charlie 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Okay, I'm kinda having a hard time figuring out how I want to word this. It's just a silly little idea that hit me at four in the morning that I feel some people could have fun with, be it for RP purposes or otherwise.

Currently, the character system allows you to essentially have multiple accounts that can be easily swapped to with the click of a button. I like this idea -- it allows for SFW / NSFW / fetishy content to be posted and favorited without mingling galleries and whatnot.

But the way I originally thought it would be used was that different characters were simply that, and that you could still post on the same account timeline (using the "What's on your mind?" field) as multiple personas for your followers to see. This could be something really fun to do if it's possible to integrate, even if for no other purpose than being silly.

For example, I currently have my Charlie character set up as a general account. If, however, I were to choose for Charlie to be a "PG-13" gallery (not strictly SFW, but not anything explicit either) and set up two new accounts (let's say "Patrick" for a NSFW/porn account, and Kas for a SFW/G-rated account), then I could still leave messages from Charlie, Patrick, and Kas on each others' timelines.

I dunno. Just a random thought that I think could add a bit more charm to the characters system. I probably didn't really express my idea well either considering the aforementioned "It's 4 AM" thing. Feel free to downvote it into oblivion. :)


Hover-over Preview

Miyuni Doxaei 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0

On many art sites, certain browser extenstions like HoverZoom allow a user to hover over an image in order to get a full view of it. This works on gifs as well as static images and greatly increases how fast I can look through an art gallery. Instead of opening many different links in different tabs to view the full image, one can just hover over the image and move on.

Image 273

Under review

Data import cancels itself

J Vit 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

Whenever I put it everything for importing (yes, correct password, no flags on my FA account, and using the classic theme), it will try to connect for a split second and then just stop and go back to where it was before I clicked login and import, without any error messages. I've had this problem for about a month now, and I'm out of ideas to fix it.


Keep art unobstructed by tag editor

Dermot Mac Flannchaidh 9 years ago 0

When I add tags, I like to maintain an uninterrupted view of the artwork so the reminders of tags can flow to me and I can type them out more quickly. But recently the tag editor was changed to a dialog-style interface that obstructs the view of the art while you edit tags, and makes the process of tag-editing more tedious and less productive. Please preserve a side-by-side unobstructed view of both art and tag list for tag-editing.


When Searching Community, Error in Category

Deus S-B 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

When searching Community, the categories to the side list 'My Followers' and 'Users Following Me'. Grammatically speaking, there is no difference between the two. I believe that this was intended to be 'My Follows'.


What's New doesn't update/show anything

k1o1g12 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 2

People I follow have posted, but nothing's popped up


How do I delete a photo

@@xulffox@@N 9 years ago updated by Artex 7 years ago 1

I uploaded a picture.But I dont want it.How do I delete it?


Zoom in to pictures

k1o1g12 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 9 years ago 1

When you click an image, it sorta fills your screen, but images like comics that are longer lengthwise cannot be properly viewed on the site. You would have to download the picture and zoom in yourself just for some text. Please add a magnifying glass for us!


Some mature or adult icons show up on Followers/Following lists, but their profile page will show the avatar is blocked

Rooster 9 years ago 0

It's only been a handful of times that I have seen it, and so far it looks like it's only an issue with the lists showing followers or following on a users profile. I could not see any issue with the same profile and their respected avatar being looked up on the Community tab as they will show as blocked.

Not a bug

link color in support tickets

Lance_Armstrong 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

The rgb(188, 68, 142) text color in support tickets can not be read on top of the gray background color rgb(102, 102, 102)