
missing artwork in gallery, but gallery submission count is correct

lucifurrv 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3
not sure why, but it seems after the new update i have submissions that are not showing up in my gallery. i can see them fine if i go to manage artwork, and they seem to show up in my public list. not sure whats causing the issue, logging out, clearing cache, and switching them from public to draft and back again does not fix the issue



The site has undergone some updates recently, and this issue should be resolved for users. The issue likely had to do with the way the site indexes submissions; all submissions have been reindexed and should appear. If you are still experiencing any problems, feel free to comment here.

I have the same issue. Four submissions in gallery, all of them public, all of them manually added and edited. One is not showing in the gallery view.

For reference: https://beta.furrynetwork.com/elisa_moreau/artwork/ should be showing four submissions.

hmm, that was fast! seems good on my side now


The site has undergone some updates recently, and this issue should be resolved for users. The issue likely had to do with the way the site indexes submissions; all submissions have been reindexed and should appear. If you are still experiencing any problems, feel free to comment here.