Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Issue following artists (Follow list doesn't update)
For whatever reason, followed artists, the new ones, aren't appearing in my list. For example; Tartii. I'm following her, but she an others like Tojo don't show up in the actual list, it seems frozen or something. Help?
At this point, more development has occurred, and it appears that this issue has been resolved; artists are now correctly showing up in the follow list. If this does appear to happen again in the future, feel free to submit a separate ticket.
Site dev spotlight
Extra community sub tab for the site dev's favorites/promoted finds of the week.
Just to circle around to this, we're currently doing highlights throughout the week of some of the most outstanding art. However, I do like that idea of having something similar to a staff/moderator's pick. I do feel Neotheta has a good point, though; as it would be a staff pick, it's always going to be prejudiced towards a specific kind of content or style.
At this point, I'm going to put together a way to recognize some of our favorites, most likely through blog posts at the end of the month. For now, we won't have the site itself changed, but we can look into it if there's more of an outcry for this.
Geotagging/location services for your user profile
This obviously wouldn't be ideal for everyone, but the option to pull location data (or manually enter it) to find users close to you and thereby arrange local meets and events would be neat. It would be a nice complement to the Groups function, when that gets added. The nearest regional furry group to me uses Facebook for their event coordination and it's awful.
Visible Scrollbar on Feed Bug
Didn't realized there was a change in bug reporting, took me a while to realize it.
Anyways, I'm seeing a scroll bar beside my feed whenever I visit it in the last week or so. I'm linking a screenshot for reference. I'm using Google Chrome ver 48.0.2564.103 m on a 64 bit Windows 10, if that is relevant.
At this point, the layout has changed, and this does not appear to be an issue with the current version of the site. If the scrollbar does appear for you in the future, though, feel free to submit a ticket.
saving picture without having to click download
I think i would be nice to be able to right click save images with the correct file name. It just feels like an unneeded extra step to have to click download and it opens another tab before you can save it.
Right now, you can right-click and choose "Save Link." Because this is a direct link to the image, you will be able to download it that way.
text getting cut off
Some text gets cut off without a scroll bar showing up as seen on the very right. I'm using the latest version of 64 bit firefox on windows 10.
The site has undergone significant redesign, and this issue should now be resolved. If you still have any issues, though, feel free to submit another ticket!
Visual bugs on Login Screen on Edge
There seems to be an ugly visual bug on the login screen if you use Windows 10's Edge browser. I tried to take screencaps of this problem, but the visual bug wouldn't show up, but it's still there. I had to take a video of the screen using my phone, pardon for the quality.
When I hover over the login boxes, the login text vanishes. And when I click on the text boxes, some weird artifacts start fogging up the screen and the text boxes start vanishing.
At this point, this issue appears to have been resolved; I've checked on Microsoft Edge, and artifacts do not show up. Development can always cause issues to appear, so if artifacts appear in the future, feel free to submit another ticket.
Title, background picture absent from notifications
After shooting a Tweet at the @furrynetwork Twitter, I learned that apparently there's supposed to be a bit more meat on the notifications feed. Given that it doesn't seem to have been reported before, I'm not certain how isolated it is. Either way, here's what it looks like;
Now, this notification in particular would seem to be a comment by Renashe on a posting by Renashe. In reality, it's actually a comment by Renashe on a posting by Cobaltthefox. This isn't clear unless I go to the permalink itself; https://beta.furrynetwork.com/post/3489/
On both my own feed, as well as Renashe's page, it appears as in the image above.
Have a show deleted and/or un-delete option.
Sometimes after I delete something from the feed, I want to look it back up and dont remember where exactly the item was from. Ideally i think if there was an option just to view all deleted items or an "Unmodified" view of my feed would be best.
While I can see the benefits, this would also add in a large resource cost for the website. At this point, we aren't going to implement this, but it could be considered again if there were enough support in the future.
Customer support service by UserEcho