Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Bug: Clicking tag on popular searches the tag on fresh instead
When clicking one of the popular tags in popular section, it jumps into the fresh section and searches the tag there instead. But when typing the same tag on the filter field on popular section it searches it in the same section correctly.
Jumbled text on 'Home' profile bug
Had this occur today. Normally when I log in or click on the banner, the editable profile is normal, however, today was a bit different. This jumbled/combined text happens a lot on Twitter, that I have seen, but this is a first here. (Actually happened twice, but I only have this screenshot.)
Browser I currently use: Mozilla Firefox 44.0.2
**Edited the picture to hide my e-mail address. My bad!
This issue appears to have been resolved with site updates.
Cannot upload
Trying to upload new artwork...site keeps hanging at various different percentages. Using Chrome....any ideas?
As this is an older issue, site updates have likely solved this problem. If you do have upload issues in the future, please let us know, and we will review it right away.
A field/form for reposting permissions
As I come from a site where artists aren't usually the uploader (e621), permission issues tend to come up a lot. Most artists don't seem to mind reposts but some prefer to have more control over what happens with their art (or at least feel like they have more control). For instance:
- Many users don't ask because they don't know how to
- There may be a language barrier
- Artists are often not aware their art is being reposted
- Artists can put their preferences on their profile page or a journal, but users rarely expect information like this to be there, and usually have to dig to find it
Even being optional, standardizing this could help improve communication to other users and reduce the risk of conflicts. This could be implemented either as a "one size fits all", per-image, or a combination of the two. Even just an empty field with the right label on it may be enough, but here's an rough sketch of a quick form:
I allow uploading to...
( ) Any website
( ) Any website except: ______________________________________________
(o) Only these websites: e621, FA, IB, SoFurry, Weasl, Furry Network________
The following people can repost:
( ) As long as I am credited as the artist/character owner, anybody can repost
(o) Only these people: commissioners and character owners, otherwise just ask me first__
The following content can be reposted:
( ) All content
( ) No commissions, except if the commissioner uploads it
(o) Any content except: No weird fetishy stuff, everything else is fine____________
( ) Only the following types of content: ____________________________________
Other notes:
This will not directly prevent other users from reposting your art, all it does is give a place to put information about your preferences. We do not have the ability to control art posted to other websites that we do not own.
[ Save ] [ Cancel ]
Reposting is always a sticky issue, and having a standard form may make users feel obligated to allow reposting elsewhere. If artists want to grant reposting permission, they may have text either on individual art or on their profile page.
"Read More" Text Fade
Currently, submissions with lengthy descriptions get their text cut off with a small "Read More" option.
Consider adjusting this to be more intuitively understandable - many news sites fade text with a large, centered "Read More" button.
This fade suggests more content to read, rather than an abrupt cut.
The way this has been designed is generally sufficient; the bottom line above "Read More" shows the bottom half of the words cut off, implying that there's more to read.
Notification system
A way to get a "Have read" button to get rid of the notifications of submissions etc on the main page, without nuking the submissions. I personally would prefer to be able to get rid of notifications without loosing art pieces on the feed.
At this moment in development, notifications are separate from the "What's New" feed. Getting rid of notifications does not remove new submissions.
Fixed thumbnail size option
Is there going to be any possibilty for fixed thumbnail size for the artwork page, instead of the rather large dynamic thumbnails?
I want to view more items on the artwork page, a bit similiar like e621 or FA browse page.
They could be smaller, they appear too large / close up for me personally.
They are even larger in size, not displaing more of the sometimes lower resolution commission on a UHD / 4K screen, making it horrible to scroll through.
This has been added! If you did prefer the old style, you have the option at the top of the screen to switch back.
[UI vs UX] Permalink on journals/comments as normal anchor href
I do appreciate the presence of a Permalink option when viewing my feed, and it's a decent enough placement from a UI standpoint. However, its presence as a button tag causes issues with my User Experience. (And I'd like to think I'm not alone. Right?)
Usually I just middle-click to open something like that in a new tab for reading later, especially as I'm scrolling through a feed while clicking it. Or I might be looking just to link someone to journal, not really wanting to go to the page. Either way, as a button it forces me to move that tab away from the page I was reading, then remember to hit back instead of close to get to where I'd been.
At this point, links have been changed to act as links, not buttons. This should hopefully improve the experience. If there's another issue that makes the site more difficult to navigate, please let us know.
Simplify the uploading process?
Uploading new art to this site is kind of... unorthodox. It took me a while to figure out that you have to upload the picture to drafts, click on the picture, fill out the description field, and THEN change the status from draft to public. Most art sites have a simple "submit" button, so this process was rather confusing for me. It's kind of unconventional and would most likely throw off first time users.
I don't have a specific idea on what to do differently. I'd suggest maybe looking at how other art sites do it and simplify the uploading process from there?
The uploading process has been refined, and it should be easier to upload. If there are still difficulties, please let us know, and we can look into further improvements.
Clicked "Delete All" and it worked, but feed entries still appeared until I refreshed the page.
After clicking Delete All, all submissions disappeared, but as I moved about the page they suddenly reappeared. Refreshing the page got rid of them okay.
This appears to have been resolved; clearing submissions now shows a blank page. If this issue appears to happen again in the future, please send another ticket.
Customer support service by UserEcho