
Visual bugs on Login Screen on Edge

jeany545 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

There seems to be an ugly visual bug on the login screen if you use Windows 10's Edge browser. I tried to take screencaps of this problem, but the visual bug wouldn't show up, but it's still there. I had to take a video of the screen using my phone, pardon for the quality.

When I hover over the login boxes, the login text vanishes. And when I click on the text boxes, some weird artifacts start fogging up the screen and the text boxes start vanishing.



At this point, this issue appears to have been resolved; I've checked on Microsoft Edge, and artifacts do not show up. Development can always cause issues to appear, so if artifacts appear in the future, feel free to submit another ticket.


At this point, this issue appears to have been resolved; I've checked on Microsoft Edge, and artifacts do not show up. Development can always cause issues to appear, so if artifacts appear in the future, feel free to submit another ticket.