Your comments

Moyomongoose, I hope you are well. I know it has been a long time since you posted, but I went and reviewed your gallery. It looks like staff at the time went through and removed any of the images that needed to be removed; no other action is needed on your end.

If you need any other information, please let us know.

The popular sections had issues earlier, but those have now been resolved. You should be able to sort popular submissions in each category for weekly, monthly, and all time. Hopefully that helps for discovering submissions you love!

I've reviewed the ticket, and it appears that you were able to log into the site since this ticket. I will consider this complete, but if you have any problems, feel free to let us know.

The automatic log out has been extended to a month. In addition, we're looking into adding an option to stay logged into the site.

I know this has been a good amount of time, and the site had undergone some significant changes. I wanted to check and see if people are still having this issue; I haven't experienced it myself. Is this currently appearing for anyone?


The site has undergone some significant redesigns, and tool tips are no longer cut off on mobile. If you need anything else, let us know!

GitCub provided a solid answer. Thanks!

At this moment, folders are the best way to do this. You can have folders appear directly on your profile page; this way, people can easily browse those specific collections.

We don't plan on changing the gallery tab; this would be a significant amount of work, and it would essentially do the same thing that folders do now. In addition, keeping the gallery tab the same for everyone allows for a set style on everyone's page - when you click that tab, you know exactly what you'll see.

We do appreciate the suggestion!

At this time, we're going to pass on this option; it would be complicated to develop and could potentially make accounts less secure. I do think that passwords have their flaws, and we want to keep other possible security measures in mind.

The layout went through some significant changes. I don't believe this is a problem now, but if anyone sees this issue over the next couple of weeks, please let us know.