Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Something I noticed about Favorite feature

KaiDragon 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

Well I don't know if this has been mentioned already, I looked and couldn't find anything like it, so my apologies if I done goofed up.

I noticed that if I go into my own art submission that I have the ability to favorite it myself. I thought clicking that tab would show me who has fav'd that particular picture, but it added a favorite from myself to myself. I was just wondering if this is intended, maybe as part of some wider system or future plan?


You can favorite and promote your own submissions, but this isn't really a problem. The biggest abuse that could come of this is with people boosting their own submission popularity, but the increase in one favorite/promote won't make much of a difference.

I'd say this is similar to the way you can like and favorite your own posts on Twitter and Facebook. The community will determine if this is acceptable or not as time goes on.


Link 'characters' or just have a base account where all characters are available?

FeyPhoenix 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

I have way too many characters to split them all into separate 'accounts'. It would be great to just have an account and then have all the characters linked to it.

I mean, the character idea is kinda cool, but unless some kind of chat system was implemented or RP something, it seems kind of unnecessary, especially in the case of artists who just post commissions and what have you.

I haven't really been using the site long, nor have I posted things. I tried to check the knowledge base to see if there was any info there, but..... :|

Maybe I am missing something?

It it is supposed to be more like f-list, then we should maybe have the option to show all characters that are linked or something like that.

Honestly, I am just confused by it, because it makes me wonder what furrynetwork is trying to be. Is it primarily an art site like FA/weasyl/others? Or is it trying to be like a character/RP repository like charahub/f-list/f-chat/toyhouse? Is it trying to be both?

I realize this is more than just an idea, but I am curious because these answers and this suggestion all rely on what the site is planning to be. I'd certainly welcome a mix of art and RP, with some worldbuilding stuff. Been trying to get something going with that, but I absolutely abhor forum-style stuff. And f-chat/list is obviously very focused on the sexual aspect of RP.

I'm kinda getting off topic here.

Basically: I don't want to have to try and figure out what character to post something to maximize potential interactions if that is what I am going for.

Forgive my brain


At the moment, it seems like there are two methods that would work for the majority of users:

  • Add character information to an individual profile.
  • Create separate characters and link (if desired) back to the main profile

Because we have the tools to create a separate character, we don't have plans to implement character pages on a single profile. I do realize it can be difficult to know how to best use these tools. If getting a number of viewers to a main account is important, it may be good to upload all images to a main profile and sorting them with folders.


[User Interaction / Artist Profile] Miscellaneous Ideas for Interaction & Artist Customization

Sylar Enderpaws 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2


Add a layer of both interactivity for members of the site to interact with both an artist and with each other, while allowing an artist to interact more, and have a deeper interaction with, members that would act more as a community within the site itself.

Possible Implementation:

An option for, aside from general text posts, the ability to upload journals and polls. Maybe even a small-scale forum available to set up and be moderated by the artist themselves.


I, personally, love asking people questions, and hearing their opinions and how their mind works. It would be a great tool for me to be able to ask questions, and see ongoing statistics, or let people have the ability to search through questions or scenarios I have posed and answer or give their own input at their discretion from a list, or a thread of topics or list of smaller questions connected to a larger idea. This, obviously, isn't a thing the site needs, and I'd hope if ever it does get attention put into it from the wonderful people that make this site a possibility, that they have put in effort into bringing you more vital or more requested things first.

I'd love to know what the community thinks about this suggestion and the pros and cons of having it implemented. Or if anyone would actually use the bloody thing!

Not a bug

Support & Feedback Forum Scroll bug on IOS 7.1.2

Candyscream 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago 1

(Using an Iphone 4, IOS 7.1.2)

Scrolling the support forum doesn't work at all. Even if more than one topic loads and you see half of a topic below the first one, if you try scrolling you move the whole pageup and reveal a grey void below. Sadly I can't do screenshots since my homebutton is kind of broken (only reacts every other time)


edit/delete custom field

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

I've used custom fields on my profile but didn't notice a typo before saving. Can I edit and correct it? or delete them entirely? Also it would be nice to re-organize them, rather than the fields just showing in order of creation.


Automatic Blacklisted Tags

jeany545 9 years ago updated by Esbelta Teresa Amaral 4 months ago 8

I'm really not sure if this was a bug or it was just automatically put there by default, but I seemed to suddenly have some blacklisted tags. I never really added any, but they just randomly appeared there.

Image 41

Not sure if it happened to anybody else. If it did, I guess it's a default thing, but an explanation would be okay, it's confusing how this suddenly appeared there. Again, I am 100% sure I didn't add these.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

Sorry about that - this was our mistake. We screwed up deployment of a new feature, and will be rolling back / removing those default blacklisted tags today.

We'll make sure all the other things needed for this feature to launch are ready, and do it properly next time.


All guests able to open NFSW content (especially underaged) until they create an account?

Zenkhai 9 years ago updated by Karo_Zagorus 9 years ago 3


Basically guests of any age can view NFSW content, but not accounts under 18.

I am not saying allow accounts under 18 to view NFSW work, but ONLY let accounts over 18 view it, excluding guests.


Faster way to browse notifications

Lumin 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4

Notifications are huge, and often include replies in-line with the notifications scroll. This makes it very slow to read through all new notifications. Can we have the ability to show notifications in a way similar to the browse artwork / photos / stories tabs, where we see notifications in a large grid and can quickly glance through them?


The "What's New" page has significantly changed. Items are now tiled, and it's simple to dismiss the submissions. It's much easier at this point to look through new submissions.


Import tool does not work for users banned from FA.

Renashe 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 1

While not of utmost importance, I've found that users who have been banned from FA are unable to use the import feature. FurryNetwork is precisely the place to look to after one has been burned by Neer's banhammer and I'm sure a more seamless integration for those users would be appreciated.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

As the import tool logs into your FA account in order to perform the import, I don't think this is something that's really all that feasible to implement at the moment.

Furry Network does have great drag-and-drop multi upload and edit functionality though:


How to zoom when cropping

Karishad Elexion 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

How do i zoom in when cropping an image for my icon?

I seem to only be able to crop it a little. Is this a size issue?


Right now, you can zoom in by using the mouse wheel. As far as I can tell, there is no longer a limit for how close you can zoom; I got to the point where a single color filled the entire image.

If you have any future issues, feel free to submit a separate ticket.