Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Ability to search for artists open for trades

The King of Trash 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

A really nice ability would be to find other artists who are open for trades, to have like a box you could check or something that would place you on like a searchable list or so.


When artists are open for commissions, there is a spot in the Community tab to find them. Everyone open for commissions will be visible there.


Bug Report: Double clicking promotion Button multiple times gives multiple promotions.

Iveryke 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

And the opposite is true too. You can tally quite a few promotions onto a single image doing this. Double, triple or so, click and undo; then repeat. The opposite is possible too, double clicking depromote will cause the loss of promotions.


This looks like it ends up being a visual-only bug. Once you navigate away and back to it, the number is correct. For now, we ask that you don't click rapidly.


Combine messages together inside a conversation

Jessica Belle 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1


As I've observed, there are two "styles" to message-based conversations. Some people like to create long messages that are well sent as big, contiguous things. Others prefer a more casual style of SMS-like rapid-fire smaller messages. One good solution I've seen for this is the combination of messages from one person, interrupted only by the other person or a sufficient time gate.

I think it would be cool to see this grouping in the FN Message center, partially because each "Sent from" header takes up so much space, and then also because of the way individual messages each register in the Notification system. To be inundated with 10+ messages only to find out it was the next link in a conversational chain is a bit misleading, at least to whatever modern notion of Messages I've gained thanks to the likes of Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Great site, Thank you. ♥♥


We appreciate the suggestion. I think this comes down to a matter of opinion; I would prefer to have it display the number of messages sent. From what I know, the majority of conversation tools does that, as well.

The design aspect could be aesthetically pleasing, but it would be a large amount of work for something that has minimal benefits. For now, we won't plan to implement that design.


Follow Button On Artist's Main Page

Inanna Eloah 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

Is there one? If there is, where is it? If not, there needs to be one. I've found the follow button one time and that's it. I haven't been able to find it since, because I can't find it anywhere on the artists' main pages.


Furry Network Update Account

Beast Shocked NSFW 9 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago 2

Echo the Blog to posts to an account on Furry Network called "Furry Network Updates" and have new profiles automatically following it. Let them unfollow if they want.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

This is being implemented as an "announcements" category on the feed page - users can disable them by clicking on the filter type for it, and clear them out / delete them like any other post. We're intending to have them 'on' by default, and they'll be tailored to show up as short and sweet articles similar to 'posts', linking to more in-depth resources as necessary.


Hide Commission Interface Elements

Colin C (bluefurry) 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

It would be nice to completely hide the commission elements from the interface for those that don't offer or plan on requesting commissions, it would simplify the interface quite a bit for those not using them, as an option it could be turned back on at any time. even nicer if it were an easy to access toggle


Currently, the commission buttons are non-intrusive, but since commissions are such a large part of the mission of this site, it's important to let this be accessible. There is currently no plan to include a toggle to show or hide commission tools.


+ add button for adding tags, collections etc on mobile interface

Axel Foaly 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Because presding Enter to add tags, Collections etc. does not alwats work on mobile keyboards, a '+' button should be added on the right of the entry field to allow adding via a screen tap.


At this point, it looks like pushing enter to add tags works well. We don't have any current plans to change how adding tags works on mobile.


FA Import Data tool doesn't work for Classic Light

SynxTheLynx 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 5

Hey there.

The FA Import Data tool doesn't work if the user is using the Classic Light theme. I tried this earlier and the tool returned 0 submissions until I switched to Classic Dark. A minor thing, but probably something you'd like to give a heads up on instead of saying just Classic.




Synx, thank you for the heads up. We've had a few issues as FA changes code, and this should now be working with the classic theme. If you have any additional issues, please let us know.


how to turn on commission status to open

Lyrren Clock 9 years ago updated by Richard Bartrop 9 years ago 7

Ok so I have tried to find the answer to this question but I am having no luck x,x (new) How does one turn their commission status from "Closed" to "Open" I have already uploaded my price sheet and added a discription but I cannot find the option to turn on my commission status anywhere in profile settings and what not! If you know the answer please contact me on the main site please @LyrrenClock

Varka (Spokesdragon) 9 years ago

The Commissions feature isn't complete yet; we're running tests with limited numbers of users right now, before we open it up to a wider testing pool.

Patience! :D