Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Submissions (Ideas/Bug)
1. At the bottom of a submission you see the artists icon and name, it is really squished on the bottom of the page and has no room. It looks weird.
4. When submitting files. When you are in your draft section and you are currently working on putting info on one image but you need to scroll down. The two scroll bars are way too close to one another and easily keep mixing them up pulling on one when i wanna use the other. (I will show an image http://imgur.com/IxFfVyr )
5. Keywords with 2 letters don't work, such as 3D. Some users have characters that only have two letters in their names, so those will not be able to be tagged either.
6. This is part of the commissions area but there is a bug i believe for adding an image for commission sheets. On the commissions page to add your commission info there is a small problem. You can upload an image to it to show your commission prices, but to get rid of it you cannot. It would be nice to be able to delete that image if you no longer require it.
The site layout has changed significantly, and this should resolve issues 1, 2, and 4. Here are notes on the others:
3: Because of the way the site works, clear backgrounds aren't an option for the preview pages; the images are converted to .jpg images there, and those don't have clear backgrounds. They do automatically work when you click "Download." If there is a large demand for clear backgrounds in the preview areas, we can check with the developers to see if this is an option that would work.
5. Shorter tags are not allowed in order to prevent a lot of the tag abuse that had infiltrated sites like FA (there are a lot of "is," "to," "a" tags throughout submissions). We haven't heard any complaints from users with two-character names; if there is a demand later, we can review this.
6. I agree; we need to be able to remove the price sheet without outright replacing it. We are going to look into adding this with future updates.
Thank you for sending in your suggestions!
Notifying of a status update
When making a status, it will notify your watchers that The person has said something. It is nice to be able to get information from people you follow in case there is some important information that has been said so you can get it, or just to be able to be updated with them in general. You can also implement something such as a check box when following a person to either get notifications from said person on their statuses or not. Currently for the status updates you don't get notified they have said anything so then they just get shoved down with the rest of the news feeds when you follow or comment on something. it just gets lost and never seen.
Currently, we are planning to create announcements that will be higher priority and show up separately for followers; these will allow people to get more important messages across. Prioritizing announcements will likely remove the need to notify people with status updates. Status updates will continue to show up in the normal activity history.
Upvote/Downvote System for Posts/Submissions and Comments
Similar to Reddit, Imgur, e621, etc, there should be an upvote/downvote system that is completely separate from faving/promoting. There's this void between commenting and faving/promoting where you want to support what you've seen/read, but don't want to leave a comment nor have it saved forever on your profile. Plus, this would help relevance sorting in terms of upvotes rather than just views/clicks or whatnot that you use now.
Same thing for comments, so if someone bashes an artist like an idiot they can easily be downvoted, or if someone gives great criticism, it can be upvoted.
Upload interrupted when "Add Content" is clicked
Started to upload a batch of images, went to add to the batch and the first batch was halted whenever I go to add additional content to the upload area/batch. Feels like I have to finish the first batch completely before adding more content. Not helpful if content exists within multiple sub-directories on the users' computer.
Add Content fail
I went and filled out all the info and descriptions to upload an art piece. I click Save and nothing.
Click, Click, Click, Click x20. Nothing. Adblocker disabled and everything.
I was able to upload 1 submission but then when i try to add another (even waiting for 15 seconds), then no different. So I reloaded the page, did it again. Same thing. Click save a shit ton. So i logged out and back in and no different. It feels like I am only allowed to upload 1 submission per day.
Admins, please look into this?
This was related to the issue that CHICAGO-lollie linked. The site should be uploading images without any issues now. If you do have any additional issues, though, feel free to either comment here or submit a new ticket; we're picking up steam and are able to go through new tickets relatively quickly now.
Import data AFTER downtime
Currently the Import Data function states that it is importing and will take some time; however it tried to import before with the old password for FA and it could not connect. Now that FA is back up; it started importing immediately before I could put my new password in the field for it.
What would cause it to try and import without me telling it to or giving it the new password? Is it actually importing or will it become a perpetual loop? If it is a loop then how does one stop it from importing?
Baron, the importer has had issues at times, and coding has needed to change for it to function with different changes on FA's site. If you could, feel free to give this another shot; any running imports should have either been completed or cleared out with these changes. If you still have issues, please let us know.
Trigger of Mobile Design might not wanna happen on a Desktop Browser at 1034 × 578
Another quick change request that might interest many.
I am running a FullHD Monitor, and I tend to work on two windows at the same time. Now, the moment I set the Browser Window with FN to half the screen width, it is set to the mobile design which is absolutely nonsense as there is still plenty of space
It should be possible to easily fit the Desktop Version onto this resolution.
I also bet that people with Monitors of a Res of 1024x768 also wanna have the Desktop Experience (Be it the Main or Second Monitor).
I do think that this is a bug, and thus i will set it into that Category
This appears to be the way that the website should be functioning. When it becomes that narrow, the menus on the left and right take up a great deal of space, and it's much more difficult to use with the normal layout. This layout change allows you to see higher resolution images, especially after clicking individual images, while still having access to other features on menus.
Inline Image Preview - Similar to Google Images
While browsing through the site I was getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of browser caching. (See this question for more details)
That's when I realized there's already a good solution for my problem out there: Google's inline image preview.
I could open everything I want to peruse in a new tab, then go to each tab before returning to the gallery, but should I have to do that?
The desire here is to be able to see the full image, not just the thumbnail, while seeing some additional information about the image. I don't necessarily want to see everything about the image all the time. Sometimes I don't particularly want to see the tag cloud, or the comments. I just want to see the full image, the artist's description, and maybe related images.
Yes, the idea is a direct rip from Google image search, but I think it would be an awesome addition!
Fetching Character / Fetching Results happens on back - Why? No caching?
I noticed while navigating through the site and getting used to the layout that FN appears to completely ignore browser caching.
If I'm clicking through a user's gallery to view their submissions it refreshes each and every time I click back, displaying the "Fetching Character" or "Fetching Results" notification. I could just open everything in a new tab, but that's not the point of this question.
I get that there's an advantage to always pulling the latest information, but I would argue the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in this case, at least for user galleries. The front page is the only place I can think a lack of browser caching would be arguably useful.
Beyond the increased data usage, it creates an extremely sluggish user experience.
Thinking on this more I think I even have an idea to post... but this question still stands.
Putting this in Questions instead of Bugs as I'm guessing it's a conscious decision.
Status update improvments, no more profile spam of every comment you make.
I enjoy looking at others art, critiquing, and telling others how awesome their art is (etc), but I don't like the constant updates of useless stuff on my user profile (such as every comment I make). I say make this area more personal/allow the user to make their page more personal/social.
The user profile has undergone significant changes, and it is now how you personalize it. The Activity History feed now shows all of your activity.
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