Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Import data AFTER downtime

Baron Von Jackal 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Currently the Import Data function states that it is importing and will take some time; however it tried to import before with the old password for FA and it could not connect. Now that FA is back up; it started importing immediately before I could put my new password in the field for it.

What would cause it to try and import without me telling it to or giving it the new password? Is it actually importing or will it become a perpetual loop? If it is a loop then how does one stop it from importing?


Baron, the importer has had issues at times, and coding has needed to change for it to function with different changes on FA's site. If you could, feel free to give this another shot; any running imports should have either been completed or cleared out with these changes. If you still have issues, please let us know.

Not a bug

Trigger of Mobile Design might not wanna happen on a Desktop Browser at 1034 × 578

Calax 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Another quick change request that might interest many.

I am running a FullHD Monitor, and I tend to work on two windows at the same time. Now, the moment I set the Browser Window with FN to half the screen width, it is set to the mobile design which is absolutely nonsense as there is still plenty of space

Image 125

It should be possible to easily fit the Desktop Version onto this resolution.

I also bet that people with Monitors of a Res of 1024x768 also wanna have the Desktop Experience (Be it the Main or Second Monitor).

I do think that this is a bug, and thus i will set it into that Category


This appears to be the way that the website should be functioning. When it becomes that narrow, the menus on the left and right take up a great deal of space, and it's much more difficult to use with the normal layout. This layout change allows you to see higher resolution images, especially after clicking individual images, while still having access to other features on menus.


Inline Image Preview - Similar to Google Images

Psy Draggy 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

While browsing through the site I was getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of browser caching. (See this question for more details)

That's when I realized there's already a good solution for my problem out there: Google's inline image preview.

I could open everything I want to peruse in a new tab, then go to each tab before returning to the gallery, but should I have to do that?

The desire here is to be able to see the full image, not just the thumbnail, while seeing some additional information about the image. I don't necessarily want to see everything about the image all the time. Sometimes I don't particularly want to see the tag cloud, or the comments. I just want to see the full image, the artist's description, and maybe related images.

Yes, the idea is a direct rip from Google image search, but I think it would be an awesome addition!


Fetching Character / Fetching Results happens on back - Why? No caching?

Psy Draggy 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I noticed while navigating through the site and getting used to the layout that FN appears to completely ignore browser caching.

If I'm clicking through a user's gallery to view their submissions it refreshes each and every time I click back, displaying the "Fetching Character" or "Fetching Results" notification. I could just open everything in a new tab, but that's not the point of this question.

I get that there's an advantage to always pulling the latest information, but I would argue the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in this case, at least for user galleries. The front page is the only place I can think a lack of browser caching would be arguably useful.

Beyond the increased data usage, it creates an extremely sluggish user experience.

Thinking on this more I think I even have an idea to post... but this question still stands.

Putting this in Questions instead of Bugs as I'm guessing it's a conscious decision.


Status update improvments, no more profile spam of every comment you make.

Dollface 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I enjoy looking at others art, critiquing, and telling others how awesome their art is (etc), but I don't like the constant updates of useless stuff on my user profile (such as every comment I make). I say make this area more personal/allow the user to make their page more personal/social.


The user profile has undergone significant changes, and it is now how you personalize it. The Activity History feed now shows all of your activity.


Improvement ideas

Lumi 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Here's my big angry rant about features that are either poorly implemented or missing entirely from a site that claims to be an art site.

Let's start

- Gallery on the profile page.

This is important people for anyone wanting to display their own/commissioned work.

- Notifications when someone posts a new picture

Could we have this on the top bar, maybe somewhere near the top where that notification bell is? instead of having to dive deep into the land of settings to find out that someone you have been following has been posting new stuff all day?

-Removing notifications

As it is i'm stuck with my current notifications. Someone followed me? Great! Can i cross that out now and be done with it? No? What sense does this make?

- Remove the social feed bar either entirely or let us hide it.

Let's face it, people are going to be coming here for artwork, they don't care that you ate a banana 2 hours ago or that you followed someone X hours/days ago. This feature servers no function or purpose being on the profile page. If you really, really insist this being a feature, put it somewhere else, not on your profile page.

-No big scroll-able headers

While this was fancy for the first few times i saw it, now it just irritates me since it takes more time to scroll down to another persons profile.

Next up, Browsing artwork.

-Remove the filter for popular, or at least have it default to fresh.

Just a big bear of mine as it promotes the already established artists over the newbies. From my observation, during the peak activity hours new submissions are still stuck with 0-2 views, at most. Of course there might be other reasons for that as well but having the new submissions hidden from sight by default surely isn't helping.

-Image spacing

Clumping the images up to a tight no spaces grid saves space, sure but it also makes it less appealing to the eye, giving a disorganized feel to the whole page.

Now most of these are just things that annoy me, keep that in mind before publicly crucifying me.


I appreciate your suggestions. The site has undergone some significant changes. Let me go through this:

Gallery on the profile page. Users may customize how their profile page looks and can add a gallery. They may also have it show in different orders (most popular, last uploaded, etc).

Notifications when someone posts a new picture. There hasn't been a big demand for this. At this time, we have an easy-to-follow "What's New" page that shows all recent submissions from people you follow in a grid format. This seems to be sufficient for now.

Removing notifications. Once you check notifications, they will no longer appear as new. However, having a history of notifications (similar to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc) can be helpful. We're looking into ways to categorize these.

Remove the social feed bar either entirely or let us hide it. That feed now shows up in user's Activity feed.

No big scrollable headers. Rather than remove those, Furry Network now loads a user's page lower. That way, you may scroll up to see the header. By default, you will see more of the user's profile.

Remove the filter for popular or default to fresh. We won't be removing that. The default for new users is on popular, but once they change to a new filter, the site sticks with that. The popular feed is very important to a site; this helps people see outstanding submissions and get drawn into staying. Most visitors to the site will take a look at the different filters and check out the new submissions.

Image Spacing. This has been significantly reworked, and the current design is planned to be final. There may be some tweaks, but we're happy with how this has panned out.

I hope this helps give you some ideas of what's happened. If you do have any other suggestions, feel free to submit another ticket.

Not a bug

Banner not displaying when using Firefox on Windows 10

Tonks Moriarty 8 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago 2

On Firefox Ver. 46, on my laptop running Windows 10 Professional, my banner image doesn't display. However, on Firefox for Android it does display, and Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 displays the banner fine.

Under review

FA Import animated GIF support

Panromir 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

When importing your submissions from FA, animated GIFs are not uploaded as "Media" type and therefore are imported as still images.


Category, Screen Issues

cimmaronspirit 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I just synced my FA account, and although the site didn't upload any of my writing (does FN not register .doc files, or only .txt?), I have 130+ pictures to deal with. But I have a few issues with that.

First: When I select a picture, and the screen rearranges to enlarge that picture on the left, it shunts all the other pictures, including the one I selected, below the screen as I'm looking at it. It's also really janky, slow, and is making my Macbook have a conniption. Is it possible to just have a bar at the side that is permanent, without the constant moving around?

Second: When I finally select all the pictures I want to categorize, and hit save, I've tried to select other pictures to categorize but after a moment of trying to enlarge the picture to give all the options, it then de-selects the picture. I can't deal with any other pictures until I refresh the page, and then load all the pictures again so I can organize it. I don't know if this is a site issue, but the constant refreshing most likely isn't doing any favours for my internet.

Not sure if this goes under Ideas or Bugs, so I'll say Ideas for now. Thank you!


The upload section has gone through some changes. Before publishing, the site keeps these images as thumbnails when you select them. This way, you may select multiple images to make simultaneous changes. If there are additional issues, feel free to submit a new ticket.


Submission Grouping

Alkaris 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I'd like to see Submission Grouping added to FN.

Submission Grouping means for submissions to be put into a bundled group if there are many submission uploads by the same person, max 3 submissions before being put into a grouped bundle. Clicking that grouped bundle expands it and lets the person see what's there to look at, and easily dismiss the ones they don't want to look at.

Have a counter icon displaying how many submissions are in that bundled submission group, and display like this for example;

Submissions by: [artist_name_here] (+14)

this would make a more cleaner and easier time for people to look through dozens of submission uploads of other people without having to scroll through a ton of stuff by the same person more quickly. There are often those who bulk upload a bunch of things at once and that can fill up an inbox very quickly.

The feed has changed to show more submissions in the inbox on a single screen. This should make it easier to get through a large number of submissions. We don't currently plan on grouping them; the risk of doing that is that many people may miss art that they would like.