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You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Restore the right to draw cub porn.

SorenLover 7 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

Cubs make up a BIG part of the Furry community! And in that Cub porn is there as well! So many people are interested in this, including artists who like Safe for work Cubs as well, The ban has driven all of that away! That 2/3rds of The cub community, and even then because of the less amount of cubs even more cubs are driven away, People should be able to express there ideas and artistic talents in whatever artistic way they want, And I respect and understand that you are the owners of this site, but it is unfair to ALL Cub and littlefur artists and roleplayers, As we can not find anyone to share are cub ideas and RP with, Please atleast consider this appeal, It really put all of us cub artists at a disadvantage, as well. Because of the lack of cub/littlefur RPers and Artists on FurryNetwork There is not many that share out creative views and so amazing and great Cub artists that try to make it here on furrynetwork are hardly ever seen because there is not enough fellow cubs to premote there artwork! Please on behalf of all the cubs that have intrest in this site but are driven away by the lack of cubs and Cub porn ban, We beg you

Under review

Sharing posts to social media

Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago updated by Seazar Toma (セザ トマ) 7 years ago 3

Hello, everyone! We've been looking at what users think about having a quick button to share to social media. From the poll we had, a lot of users were for it.

Image 386

The poll is still running, but there's definitely a desire to be able to share art quickly and easily, resulting in several benefits:

  • Posts will reach people on social media, providing links back to the original artwork. This will get you more views, more attention, and potentially more commissions.
  • You won't need to rely solely on FN users to share submissions. If you don't have many followers on FN but have a good crew on social media, you can reach that group in just a couple of clicks.
  • As posts are shared, the site will likely gain more members and grow. Growth helps everyone who uses the site.

There are a few things I want to discuss when working on this to see exactly how we would implement it.

Should all submissions be shareable?

I personally lean towards yes, and here's why. When furries go to browse FN, they should have a set of expectations for how the site will work. If they can share some posts on social media but can't with others, it'll make the tool much less valuable - why browse with the intent to share if I can't on some images?

In addition, galleries inherently are about sharing; users upload submissions because they want others to view those submissions.

Finally, any submissions uploaded to the gallery can still be downloaded and shared; without a formalized way to do it, though, there's a higher chance someone will do that without giving you credit or posting a link to find your profile. 

I understand some submissions are meant to be private; we do have an unlisted category, and we may wish to prevent sharing to social media for those. 

What sites should we be able to share to?

Twitter is the big one - more furries use it than any other service, and they tend to be alright with a wide variety of content. If there's enough demand, we can look at other sites, as well.

Under review

Submissions Redux

FibS 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2


Designing a submission system that supports artist-client commission relationships, artist-business content ownership relationships, the variation in whether contributors to an image want it in their galleries, and other novel "multiple people involved" scenarios - but removes duplicate uploads and consolidates all favorites et al into a single copy of the image.


  • Artists and commission clients often both upload the resulting image.
  • Multiple artists who collaborate on an image often all upload it.
  • Drawing gift art for character owners often results in all relevant owners re-uploading.
  • I know one artist who uploads the same content to both his personal account and to a brand-name account similar to a company profile.


Submissions become independent pages similar to posts on an image board, rather than items attached to individual user galleries.

In addition to arbitrarily set-able values such as creation date etc., Submissions bear contributor roles which mark (with links):

  • creators
  • commissioners
  • characters and their owners (as you can make character profile pages)
  • licensees, companies, &/or brand names
  • contributors not covered above

...or other relevant positions. Any user in any of these roles may be marked as an intellectual owner of the submission's content, and any user in any of these roles may be given gallery permission.

The first person to upload the image is marked as Submission Administrator (separate from role), and has the penultimate authority over image category & tags, contributor roles, and gallery permissions. (Site Staff are the ultimate authority, of course, and can change who is the Submission Administrator too.)

User accounts given gallery permissions may toggle whether this Submission is listed in their galleries. Thus, everyone's gallery will show it like they had all uploaded it separately, but all clicks and all favorites, comments, etc. will go to the same 1 copy of the submission.

Each Submission page has multiple description tabs. Each is written by one of the gallery-permission users who has opted to display the image in their gallery, as though they had uploaded separately. When clicking on the submission from a specific user's gallery, that user's description tab will be active immediately.

When a new submission is uploaded, a dupe check will see if the submission already exists. If so:

  • If the Submission Administrator has already given the uploader gallery permissions, they will be given the option to immediately display the Submission in their gallery.
  • If the Submission Administrator has not already given gallery permissions and has not locked applications, the uploader will be given the option to apply for gallery permission (and a role if applicable.)
  • If the uploader does not have gallery permission and applications are locked, they're told to message the Submission Administrator or, if that doesn' t work, site staff.

In the event that a dupe exists and is not caught, Site Staff may manually merge Submissions. This should retain all comments, combine favorites, and host the newer version's description as per the above description tabs, while all other information is discarded.


Assuming that current Submissions cannot be plausibly "upgraded" into this system:

  1. Leaving existing Submission system alone, develop new submission page as a "second Submission system" of sorts, available to admins, then testers, then the public
  2. Once tested & stable, migrate existing Submissions to new Submission system by effectively "reuploading" them and checking for dupes.
    1. The earliest uploader becomes Submission Administrator.
    2. All subsequent uploaders are given gallery permissions and automatically checked as displaying the Submission in their galleries.
    3. Everyone is listed under a catch-all "Contributor" role because the server can't reliably & mechanically tell who did what. They'll have to update it themselves, I'm afraid
  3. Replace all old Submission functions & links with new Submission functions & links
  4. Delete all old Submissions and keep all new system Submissions
  5. Whistle and pretend the old system was never there

I hope this post hasn't been too confusing! Thanks for reading!


account login Help

rikkupanthera 8 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 8 years ago 1

I lost access to my account because I cannot remember the email i used for it, but I know the username/account name please help


Import artwork from fur affinity to furry network

chavero1578 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

can you import old image from fur affinity to furry network


Chavero, thank you for asking! Yes, you can import data from Furaffinity. Go to the homepage for Furry Network, then click "Import Data" on the left hand menu.

In that menu, you'll be able to enter in your FA username and password, then import. As a note, be sure you have your FA theme set to classic; otherwise, our importer struggles to work correctly.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else.


Batch pagination is not continuous on gallery

anonymous 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

It looks like the pagination for the gallery page is loading about 50 items on each successive load during scrolling. Normally, this loads in smoothly with items filling in as they come available. However, if you scroll too fast (I wasn't really scrolling that fast at all), it'll instead show a block of black boxes that abruptly start where the last page batch ended (screenshot attached).Image 332

These then all appear at once when they finish loading. Occasionally, this comes with an additional bug of just resetting you and starting you back at the top, which can be a real pain if you were really far down the list.

Ironically, after you've been scrolling down for a while, if you scroll up too fast, you'll end up with the same scenario, except this time it'll be for items you've already moved past in the previous page batch.

This was tested on Vivaldi, Safari, and Chrome.

The Gallery is a really strong feature, especially now that the popular buttons have been fixed. It's the minor fixes that'll make it just that much better!


The import tool doesn't seem to work for me

Dearg 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 5

the tool just hangs at 0%, nothing being imported.


Glad to hear! Let us know if you need anything else.


We've talked to the devs about this bug; it doesn't happen every time, but it happens on occasion. We'll work on getting a fix. For now, if you do encounter this issue, the best way to make the site work normally is refreshing the page. This will usually make the page work fine again.

Under review

Music Submissions Seem Broken

Argento Dragone 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Looking at this submission:


The audio playbar displays briefly then disappears. No replacement controls show up and I am unable to listen to the submission (thankfully there's a Bandcamp link where I can).


​I changed the name of my Character and now its not showing up in my chara list!

Katie Lavigne 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 5


I created this guy here https://beta.furrynetwork.com/ishel/ and changed his name to capitalize the 'i' in his name and now he is no longer a part of my Character list.... he has become like his own standalone profile page.... can anyone help me or tell me how i can get him back to being on my list where he belongs?

you can reach me here or over at my profile https://beta.furrynetwork.com/xx-ghost-xx/