Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
Reset FurAffinity.net Import account name
I am looking to have my furaffinity account name reset to another account I primarily use.
ws.furrynetwork.com is not available and is causing Javascript in browser to use all available CPU
On the upload page there is a script that keeps trying to load wss://ws.furrynetwork.com/ and failing. This happens both in Chrome and Firefox with no extensions. This causes the script to keep looping and use all available CPU.
I don't know if this is a temporary thing, but it is happening the morning of 7/14.
What happened to the Inbox Capacity?
Why did you guys delete the ability to keep an inbox at a higher capacity? Like for example, on FA I have 1,400 submission notifications to filter through because I got depressed and lazy for a while. And on some days I take it down by 200 or so lately. I can't do that here, because you guys deleted that ability, there's no way forme to go further back than like 1 month, or perhaps you limited it to "50". Its really annoying, kinda pisses me off that you suddenly changed this like 2 years back or so and I lost all the stuff I had been saving for later. Sorta stopped using the site after that.
What about "Tag What You See" rule? Or just the requirement of mandatory tags for uploads?
I know it’s not going to be implemented right now, but it may be useful for the future to create a good habit for artists and other people of describing picture in a few words.
Of course we have a community tags feature, but not everyone is going to always take time and put tags that are not covered by the uploaders.
Or people just would not like this rule? You know, they may not expect it being mandatory because they may feel restricted at some point and then won’t use FurryNetwork. They may think like: “What a weird rule! I just want to share my artwork!”.
It’s a balance between “easy to upload and forget” and “strict order and comfort”. I wonder if people do really search for specific pictures in the gallery like in esix. Many people use esix or even Google Images to look for specific images that satisfies their needs.
Right now rules only enforce to tag a submission correctly if it contains any fetishes or if there’s a case of tagging abuse.
Activity Page Improvements
I like the Activity page, but I feel more can be done to it. But first I want to talk about notifications as I feel it goes hand in hand.
I like to be notified when artists I follow make an update. The only notifications we have are when people follow, promote, or message. Perhaps the notification system could be reworked? I like how deviantArt does it, you just hover over the icon and see whether you have notifs when someone you follow posts something, PMs, or someone commenting/faving your work.
So organize notifications something like: Notifications, Messages, Activity, Etc
Clicking them will take take you to their own pages for you to view.
Home, Activity History, and Inbox all seem pretty redundant. There's little difference between them, so it's hard to understand their purpose. Here are my opinions and then I will share my ideas on how to make them better.
1. The layout on this page is cramped.
- Make the left sidebar collapsible under a hamburger icon.
2. Give us options on how we want our Home page to look. I personally would like to have the option to have posts categorized by artist.
- Options: Oldest to Newest, Newest to Oldest, By Artist, By Type, Stacked, List, etc
3. Make Home a real hub. I see what its going for, with the "Of the Day"s on the side and even putting artwork from artists I don't follow into the mix sometimes. I like that. Make it go all the way with this, because it falls short. I feel there's a lot of ways this could go. It's difficult to find artists here, I figure this may help a little bit more.
- A "You might like this" category.
- If there's a tag I frequent or if I have tags of interest, make a category for that tag and pull artwork submitted with that tag and put it under it under a category.
- Or let us follow custom tags from on our homepage.
- Recommended artists category.
- If there's an artist that a lot of people that I follow follow, let me know about them.
- If there's an artist that draws a lot that tags their work with my tags of interest.
- Have a random recommendation.
- Show their work beneath their name.
- Have a dismiss and follow button.
- Recently promoted.
- Pull all recently promoted artwork from people I follow and collect it under this.
4. I talk about this again below, but make notifications from here delete-able.
5. Add timestamps to this page.
I don't see the point of this page at all. You aren't getting notifications for them and deleting these from the Inbox serves no purpose.
- Merge this with Home.
- Allow the messages to be delete-able from Home.
- Add time stamps from here to Home.
- Allow the messages to be delete-able from Home.
Activity History
I like this page, it just needs a few tweaks.
- Post filter.
- Allow us to select what types of post we want to see in the feed.
- Artwork, Photos, Stories, Journals, Promotes, Comments, Etc
- Add an option to follow tags in the feed.
Artwork Of The Day panel not respecting tag blacklist preferences
What it says on the tin. I've blacklisted the pokemon tag, and yet there's an arcanine showing his nuts off over in the AOTD panel. What use is a tag blacklist if it's not universally applied?
Why am I seeing submissions to artists I am not even following?
I'm following 5 artists, why I am seeing other artists' art sometimes when I click "Activity" to see the latest from who I am following?
"Comment box" below public submissions.
Reply or comment on submissions before viewing larger version.
Key points
It saves a step.
I can already favorite and like submissions before viewing full version.
Increases likelihood of audience engagement.
[Upload] Artwork - Cannot delete image
I have an image that is currently in my unlisted pictures, since I had run into an error in uploading the picture. When I go to manage my artwork, and edit this unlisted picture, I cannot delete it from my account. The trash can icon is not present when I scroll down the side bar for the picture information, which prevents me from clearing the image.
Import from FA function doesn't work
It's just returning with a login error, so I'm not sure what to do >>
Customer support service by UserEcho