Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Under review

Return the options to promote and remove individual post in inbox, like it was before for a large image filter.

UnknownStalker 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

There is two filters how you can view submissions in inbox. Filters with small and big images. Filter with small images has such functions like promote, like, delete, so everything is fine. But with big images, there is only one option - like. Why were other options removed, whats a point? Please return those options to the big images filter! It won't heart to have same options on both filters, like it was before. Maybe it's a bug, I don't know.

Under review

"Featured" instead of "Most Popular"

jschmoll20 7 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Every time i come to the site, i see the same art being shown in the "most popular' section. i would like to suggest that art be "featured" as oppose to being "Most popular" this will give smaller accounts more of a chance to have there work acknowledged. It could be based on likes per week versus total likes.

Under review

Multimedia broken and unplayable, also plays as a music, but no video

alexstringr 7 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

I've encountered this recently when I was watching on some SL multimedia "stuff" :D

HERE the broken: https://beta.furrynetwork.com/multimedia/5464/trainer-vs-rocket/

It says "No video with supported format and MIME type found" and download gives some XML error (connection error, corrupted file and etc...)

HERE the "music player" after download plays both the sound and the video (as a normal mp4): https://beta.furrynetwork.com/vargrvanguard/multimedia/collections/24091/?viewId=3374&viewType=multimedia

Seems like a recent and new bug


Improve moderation

tOiBonnie 7 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

I submitted a ticket regarding misleading tags and the moderator came up with an excuse to not take action, if this was FA, posts with misleading tags would get taken down ASAP, and when searching the exact same tags on FA, not a single post is misleading, somebody better teach these mods a lesson or FA will run Furry Network out of business

Under review

Importer compresses original size image

Difetra 7 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

After doing some comparisons I've found the furaffinity importer compresses the original image. When uploaded manually this does not appear to be the case. While the submission view looks just as bad, especially with the example because of the gradients, but that's a different issue.

The images sourced from the download link



Uploaded myself:

Under review

Headings Markdown not working

Ernos 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4


I was posting one of my stories, today, and I wanted to use the headings markdowns for my title, but noticed that no matter if I was doing "#' , "##" or "###" in front of my title, the same style would come out, the Heading 1 style. 

What I wrote :

Image 387

The result :

Image 388

What is shown in the markdowns syntax list, at the bottom of the submission content:

Image 389

I am using Google Chrome, on Windows 7. In case that helps

Under review

ActivityPub Support

Takyoji 7 years ago updated by Issac Sarrowtail 7 years ago 2

As FurryNetwork seeks feedback for different approaches for social media integration, I would recommend implementing ActivityPub support. ActivityPub is a recent standard by a working group of the W3C, as a federated social networking protocol, as a simpler, cleaner successor to OStatus. It would allow the ability to federate with emerging networks such as Mastodon, and anyone else that chooses to adopt it.

It can be implemented in a simple broadcast-only fashion, if desired, such as for having a means of artists being able to publish to any subscribers of any newly posted content. Or go even further, with allowing fully federated commenting (of course, anti-spam concepts can be implemented, such as with having server whitelists/blacklists, moderation queue, etc).

Secondarily, it would also provide a standardized protocol for accessing updates on FurryNetwork from third-party mobile clients, in the same style of a Twitter client.

ActivityPub is a fairly minimal JSON API, which has both a client-to-server protocol (for having a mobile/desktop client) and server-to-server protocol (for federation), using a basic metaphor of an inbox and outbox. There's also considerations for efficiently delivering updates, such as sending a message once to a remote server, for all subscribers on that other server, versus individually sending the same message to each subscriber on the same remote server individually, and so on. It's also a fairly extensible protocol, as it follows JSON-LD syntax, thus you can add any vendor-specific extensions, if needed.

To find more information on the spec, you can find it at: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/

If there's any questions about specifics with the protocol, feel free to discuss directly. The working group that's in charge of developing the standard is also fairly contactable via IRC/WebChat as well (especially for feedback on the standard).

Under review

Ability to zoom in on photos and drawing submissions.

BluffZero 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

It would be cool to enlarge and zoom in certain sections.


A way to delete uploads?

John 8 years ago updated by Twilight (Lead Administrator) 8 years ago 1

I have noticed that there is not currently an efficient, straightforward method for one to delete their own posts. "Request Takedown" is for copyright infringements and reporting your own post could possibly work, but it is highly inefficient. If there is not already, could an option to delete one's own posts be added?


If you wish to delete one of your posts, you can go into the "Uploads" tab and select the appropriate category on the right (artwork, photos, etc). Find and select any you wish to delete, and it brings up an editing panel on the right. At the bottom of this panel (you may need to scroll down), there is a trash can icon, click that and out will confirm if you want to delete. I hope this helps!


Reallow Cub Not Safe For Work

SorenLover 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Listen, The cub community makes up a sizable part of the furry community! And you put us at a disadvantage by the banning of Cub porn, Just Listen to my appeal, please, For one I do not like Cub porn, But I am deeply effected on this site by the lack of cubs

1. Freedom of Speech: Now I know what your thinking, this card has been pulled a million times before, right? And I know that it is your site, but these artists just want to express there creative and artistic talents in what intrests them, I know it is your site and all but your losing so many amazing artists thanks to the ban

2.In Relation to other kinks: Now, I am confused by this, Why is it that kinks like rape and Scat, Which are disgusting are allowed but vanilla cub sex, Which isn't as disgusting but still kind of is, Is not allowed? I don't understand this

3.The impact on ALL cubs on FN: There Is a MAJOR impact on the cubs of Furry Network, If Furry network wants all the furry artists  they could want and to be the number one, It really needs to start helping out it's cub community, What you did when you took away the cup porn, You destroyed about half of our community right there, and the lack of cubs sent another 40% scuttling away, That leaves only 10% of the former amount here ITs unfair

4. Why No blacklist: I mean Come on people if you don't want to see it you don't have to cry to Furry Network Support Just put it on your black list

5. What's next A ban on Bestiallity? Or maybe all porn in general, You can't let these crybabies get away with ruining the cub community on FN, Come on guys!

Thank you for taking your time to read this all and I hope you can consider it