Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!
You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!
An add on similar to FA Extender
FA Extender allows a user to open all images in a gallery page at once in tabs. It also has an instant "Download" button next to the submission title along with customization of what folder it should automatically go to. This among other very practical features.
Anonymous Likes
I really hate on most social sites the fact that "faves" are public and/or get saved to my profile. Maybe it's something extreme and I don't want it associated with a character or maybe I only like it a little, but not enough to add it to my collection. Maybe add an option for anonymous like/kudos/upvotes that don't factor into popularity, just a stupid clicker game for each post.
Currently, favorites are private. We're looking at rewording these to help clarify what is public and what is private.
What is a "Scope"?
Under the commission section there are the terms "Pending Scope Approval", "Scope accepted" and "Scope Rejected". I am not a native English speaker and I don't know what it means. I've tried to translate it online, but I still can't feature it out. I've never heard it elsewhere either. Please, can someone define the term and tell me what it has to do with commissions?
Right now, we're going to stay with the term "Scope of Work." We also have commission guides and rules that will lay out how the scope should be used; these will be released when we begin testing.
Looping feature on music, even animated things?
Been listening through the music stuff, and sometimes a loop or 2 would be nice for the music. Would be a small neat thing to have.
At this point, there hasn't been much demand for this feature. If we do see a large demand in the future, though, we'll consider adding this feature.
Characters not losing follows and art
I noticed under a different account (don't worry, I'm not scamming the system or anything, I had already talked to admins) that if you used more than one character you'd lose the artists you were following and all the art you did upload (maybe this part was just me being stupid).
There needs to be a way to prevent this from happening as it treats the character more like a separate account within the account and may lead to confusion. Or maybe a warning that this count happen. I don't have a reason for another character (though a username change made easier would be nice) but i can see this causing a problem for new users.
At this point, there is a warning that all content will be lost when deleting a character. This should be sufficient for people to know that deleting a character will get rid of all associated information.
Follow lists not importing?
Are follow lists supposed to update as soon as data imports are finished? I finally managed to get one in, and neither of my lists have been updated, even though my Followers list seems to keep trying to update.
The importer has had some flubs throughout the months, but at this point, it should be functioning correctly. If you do experience any additional issues, feel free to submit a new ticket.
Support importing from Nabyn
We have the importer for FA and I see a post about an importer for Weasyl but I'd love one for Nabyn as well if at all possible. :D I have a lot of stuff on there I've been wanting to easily toss into a gallery on a more active site.
While this may have been an option for a growing site, it has unfortunately been shut down.
"Related" Section for Submissions & Content Creators
The addition of a "Related" section for submissions and profiles.
A small pool of suggestions to similar submissions or artists (depending on whether you are
viewing a submission or character profiles, respectively,) to be provided in a sidebar (or however you best see aesthetically or functionally fitting in with the rest of the site.
Other Information:
> Settings Toggleable
I would be looking for this option to be able to be toggled on or off in the site's account settings or content settings.
I would, personally, have it be defaulted as an active option, but that is simply because it is an option that I would enjoy to help me discover. I urge discussion of this point, as I understand having it 'on' by default may annoy people, but having it defaulted as 'off' may have the option go unnoticed by many people.
I know this might be an annoying feature for some, but I think, for those, like me, who have
even less reach or reason to stop by a submission that cannot simply be previewed in a thumbnail, like art submissions (Though, I will submit another ticket that will add a suggestion for some functionality at this level, though, not the same level of functionality as Art submissions for obvious, objective reasons. But I might tackle this once there is a more definite 'home page' aside from your Character Profile that unifies all submissions in some form.)
I know, I can be scrolling, see some colors, for example, that catch my eye, and I go back and
click on that art. Unless I have an artist that makes a new picture for each individual submission I make for text or audio, I don't think people will necessarily go out of their way to read or listen to something I have created.
Obviously I am listing the ways this benefits me, I'm certain there are other artists who don't
make traditional art (or an unproportionally small amount compared to stories or audio uploads,) in addition to artists that just need more exposure that would greatly benefit from this feature.
I think this would benefit everybody.
"Open for commission" Artist filter
I was thinking, when the "Open for commission" appeared, that it would very helpful for those who do not use the notification feature on the artists they follow to have a way to filter the list of the "opens for commission" to have the list of the artists they follow who are actually opened for commission.
Unable to upload anything
Each time I try and upload anything it says something went wrong, any ideas of what could be happening?
Customer support service by UserEcho