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Pablo 2 years ago 0

Yes nsfw 


Verify 404 error

Matthew Clifford gray 2 years ago 0

Sorry I got a error on the verification page is there a way to get around it or send a new link 


Is text arts and concept arts not allowed?

Plouc 2 years ago 0

I've heard of Fur Affinity rejecting text arts from their site because it violates the AUP, but... are concept arts really not allowed? I moved my concept arts for the character creator as Unlisted just to avoid certain violations.



Natanael 2 years ago 0

Melhores vagas de empregos ZBvagas auxiliar administrativo vagas


Uncaught TypeError - Profile Journals

Vas 2 years ago 0

It seems that there is an uncaught typeerror in the app.js script when trying to view profiles on our profiles.

Uncaught TypeError: e is undefined app.js:71:23267

Then every link I click after that, that doesn't refresh the page;

Uncaught TypeError: e is null app.js:48:21274
Uncaught TypeError: null has no properties app.js:445:28042

Basically, go to my profile, then click journals. You'll see the error.


AR Build Kits - Always Armed

john shaw 2 years ago 0
  1. Can we carry an AR-15 as a protection device? | AR-15 kit

We are living in a world which is advancing day by day. Although we are achieving heights of achievements, there are major drawbacks that are being ignored by the people. If there is a positive side then there is bound to be a negative side as well.

Weapons are given for protection to common people but the procedure can take a lot of time. This is the usual case. But gun laws differ from one place to another. So, every place has a different reaction to violence.

The Ar Kits have been popular among people for a long time now. It has been a preferable choice when it comes to selecting defence weapons. It is semi-automatic, and lightweight with an extremely high-hitting velocity bullet which can cause irreversible damage.

It can be used as an exceptional protection device but to do so, a person needs to be highly trained, and have their background checked along with numerous other verification being carried out.

This has been considered a military-grade weapon before. There have been cases where this rifle has been made easily available and unfortunate incidents have taken place. This proves the fact that the gun can do enough damage so it can be used as a defensive weapon as well.

But to yield such a powerful and versatile rifle the person needs to be ready and should understand the gravity of the situation if it is used to carry out any kind of mishap.   

Complete Pistol Kits


Almost whole galleries not showing up

Grizguts 2 years ago 0

The vast majority of my and other people's submissions are not showing up on our public pages & galleries? (at least for me, and there's only like 6 [4 Art and 2 Photo] random ones out of 276 of my own galleries, and fractions of others people pages only showing up too)


What's a good way to get noticed?

GuyKengoManagarmr 2 years ago updated by kevinphoenix123 2 years ago 1

Hi, everyone.

A few days ago, I officially set up my FN account. At the moment, I have made eleven artistic posts, one multimedia post, and I am following six people. The thing I am having trouble with right now is that I am getting no recognition whatsoever even after favoriting and promoting well over twenty posts.

Before anyone asks, I have fully deleted my Fur Affinity account as I am a migrant from there.

Has anyone else had problems with getting noticed?


Most of my public art is no longer showing. What's up with that?

Richard Bartrop 2 years ago 0

I have a little over 400 pieces in my public gallerry yet 10 are showing now.  Is there some change I don't know about?


Can't see submissions

delma216 2 years ago 0

Artists I've been following for a while I thought purged their submissions until I saw they still have 100+ but I'm only seeing maybe 20-30, and nothing I do seems to resolve it. It's to the point old submissions are the only thing I see for the most part with maybe a handful of new ones.