Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!

Under review

Blacklist doesn't affect icons!

Neotheta 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Avatars can only be tagged as adult, but they cannot be tagged.

Problem this causes: I don't want to see icons of fetish material that highly disgusts me.


Sticky footer obscures bottom of form on initial landing page

Dark 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Couple of things

1. When occupying exactly half of a screen with a width of 2048 (using the windows dock to half screen mechanisim) the sites initial landing page has already switched to 'Mobile' layout mode. I suspect the threshold for this view may be set just a fraction too high, as 1024 pixel width occupied by browser should be enough to display the normal layout without issue I think.

2. When in mobile mode on the intial landing page, the sticky footer obscures a part of the end of the page when fully scrolled down (see screenshot below).

Image 47

These are both minor issues, but should be easily fixable in your CSS I assume.




Site changes have rolled out over the months, and this no longer appears to be an issue.


Remove "Active" Category from Feature Requests Filtering

Crassus 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Unless there is some use for "Active" requests, it seems redundant and redundant. Get rid of that and just make it:

- Unmarked
- Under review
- Planned
- Planned - After Launch
- Completed
- Declined

If it's open, it's active, am I right? If it's inactive, it's closed. So there's no reason for Active to be there. If you click "Active" all it does is show the three subcategories anyways. I can't see any point in doing that!


Active requests shows what staff has reviewed and what may be planned in the future. The wording's a little strange, but it's a practical category to have. We currently have no plans to modify this.


Split Commissions

Gaia Weylyn 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4

Regarding the commissions feature, I would like to make the suggestion of some kind of split commission payment support. I like to get artwork drawn with friends, and to make things easier for those invoved, we often like to split the payment.

While this can be done the traditional way, with paypal/square/etc, I am rather concerned about how it would be done here. With the payments done within FN, it will need to be worked into the system to make it possible.


At this point, we don't have plans to implement this. Split payments would definitely be tricky, and it would add many variables - if one person pays and the other doesn't, what happens to the commission? Because there would be transaction costs, where do those go? It also makes sense to have a single payment contact; otherwise, it could potentially be difficult to track everyone down. The easiest way for now is to have one single payment sent; if multiple people are paying, they can arrange how to pool the funds.

Not a bug

Unsaved descriptions in the uploader are lost without warning if I click another submission

Jaitsu 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

At this point, we are going to leave this as-is. We recommend that people save their changes before moving to another submission.


More Forum Topics on here?

NaosRain 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

I don't know if this forum is just for features and what not, or a place where the comunity can go after the website is up to talk to people, but it would be cool if for the time being we could talk to each other on here and possibly brain storm new ideas as well as get to know people in the community better :) For now there is no real way to do that without a fear of being annoying and pming artists you like. But if we were able to hang out in one of the forum topics until something better came up, that would be pretty cool


At this point, we won't be creating forums; there are benefits, but many of the other planned features, including message groups, will likely resolve issues of communication. If they don't, we can revisit this at a later time.


Favorite import tool for FA

noah the goodra 9 years ago updated by LionsPhil 9 years ago 2

it will basicly try to migrate the favorites of your user from site like FA to FurrryNetwork by indexing the images found and comparing them to what the site already has by either hash or tags.


Discoverability features

Astolpho 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

On other gallery sites (like pixiv and deviantart), when you view a submission, you'll be shown a handful of thumbnails of other submissions with words to the effect of "people who liked this also liked" or "more like this". It would be neat to have something similar in place here!


Feed Category Display Tweak

Gaia Weylyn 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

When using a standard / 4:3 display, the categories are displayed above the post box.

Image 13

However, when you resize the window, or otherwise make it a widescreen display, the categories are to the side.

Image 14

Now I figure since we are getting the same horizontal real estate either way, perhaps there can be an option to force the categories to display above the post box. In my opinion, it looks much cleaner that way no matter what aspect ratio my display is using.


The layout has significantly changed, and at this point, it appears that this problem has been resolved. The screen now resizes nicely, and when made thin enough, it automatically changes to a layout similar to the mobile site. From what I can see, this issue has been resolved. Please submit a new ticket if you see the issue appear again.


How do we get a registration code?

fawx 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

I was wondering how we go about getting a registration code to create and account here?


Socks gave a helpful answer. At this point, users no longer need registration codes to register, so this will no longer be an issue.