Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Error 500 viewing all submissions or uploading new submissions

Argon Vile 4 months ago 0


Viewing any submission results in an Error 500. Uploading any new submission also results in an Error 500. This has been going on since August 27th (8 days ago)


Is FurryNetwork Dead/Abandoned?

RIPFurryNetwork 5 months ago 0

Nobody can join/login/upload (including myself), the devs/admins/whoevers-"running"-this-site haven't been responding to these posts for years, "Commissions Feedback" is overrun with spam/bots, and the (I presume) official twitter account for FurryNetwork hasn't been updated since 2020...


Files Not making it to draft.

yuujikonproductions 5 months ago updated 3 months ago 3

Not sure whats going on but I have been having issues uploading my illustrations to FN. At first it was hitting 100% and just staying black, if i refresh page, the upload vanishes. Today when i tried to test upload, it said something went wrong. 

Image 484


How to add a User About?

Virtualrook 5 months ago 0

I can not for the life of me find the section of this website that lets me add information to my about section. It would make the most sense for this to be in the "Edit Profile" section of this site, but all that has is Avatar, Banner, Name, Privacy, Profile, and Homepage. If one of those are how you make an about, it should say that it's the about section on that tab.


I want to use enter for my tags but they fail

David Cebastion Muniz 11 months ago 0

Technically I can't enter my own tags and if I try to put enter it leads to another slot beneath tag and it's so much harder on my phone


FN username letters' case is selectable/alterable

🐉 green 1 year ago 0

Let it be possible to have (on the main site) not just @username but @UserName, for example, I mean, with any specified case. And to alter the case of letters of already existing username. Therefore, a username won't be changed in general, but will allow to express some aspects of user's personality, and could be more recognizable to other members of the community.


(I cannot upload Art

Fangirl Zoe 1 year ago 0

Forsome reason i cannot upload my art it gets to 99% and then freezes is there a way to fix it


Can't login or reset my password.

furballsuit 1 year ago 0

I can't login I know my password and username I have it written down. It says invalid password username combination and I've tried resetting it and it just keeps saying enter a valid password and it does not tell me what is considered a valid password.


Reset password doesnt work.

LeBob 1 year ago 0
The reset password doesnt work.
When resettign the password you get one field to enter the new password. even if you copy it and paste it or write it exactly the same way i get the the password and email doesnt match. I have seen this bug beeing reported several times but no real solution. I have used both Chrome, Edge, firefox and my smartphones browser to reset the password.
Same error.
How am I supposed to reset the password


Character database ( like toyhou.se for https://refsheet.net)

JarperTheWolf 2 years ago 0

With the Character now, it's just a way to have multiple usernames. I feel like having a proper character database might be really useful. like having a way to connect a character to not just art, but also videos, stories posts, and, more. also (take this from art fight) having links on the character ( like the designer's page or social media, toyhouse, est). this might make a commission on the site a lot easier too. just send over the character's page with one click and sind it. also having a tab showing art from other people (that's not the owner if they are an artist) might be a good idea.