
Feed Category Display Tweak

Gaia Weylyn 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

When using a standard / 4:3 display, the categories are displayed above the post box.

Image 13

However, when you resize the window, or otherwise make it a widescreen display, the categories are to the side.

Image 14

Now I figure since we are getting the same horizontal real estate either way, perhaps there can be an option to force the categories to display above the post box. In my opinion, it looks much cleaner that way no matter what aspect ratio my display is using.



The layout has significantly changed, and at this point, it appears that this problem has been resolved. The screen now resizes nicely, and when made thin enough, it automatically changes to a layout similar to the mobile site. From what I can see, this issue has been resolved. Please submit a new ticket if you see the issue appear again.


The layout has significantly changed, and at this point, it appears that this problem has been resolved. The screen now resizes nicely, and when made thin enough, it automatically changes to a layout similar to the mobile site. From what I can see, this issue has been resolved. Please submit a new ticket if you see the issue appear again.