
More Forum Topics on here?

NaosRain 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

I don't know if this forum is just for features and what not, or a place where the comunity can go after the website is up to talk to people, but it would be cool if for the time being we could talk to each other on here and possibly brain storm new ideas as well as get to know people in the community better :) For now there is no real way to do that without a fear of being annoying and pming artists you like. But if we were able to hang out in one of the forum topics until something better came up, that would be pretty cool



At this point, we won't be creating forums; there are benefits, but many of the other planned features, including message groups, will likely resolve issues of communication. If they don't, we can revisit this at a later time.

It could also be a place to go if the website has to go down for updates at any point.

Also if there already is a place for that someone please link me.


At this point, we won't be creating forums; there are benefits, but many of the other planned features, including message groups, will likely resolve issues of communication. If they don't, we can revisit this at a later time.