Your comments

We've been having discussions about the way to help users see notifications they care most about; this might be the easiest way to do that. We'll be talking to the developers in the future to see what's reasonable.

Angel, I believe I would agree with Skizo here. We're planning to release an API for the site in the future, and these extenders could be developed by the community.

We're currently looking into what would be best for notifications - some people have suggested the ability to sort by category, and others suggested colorization. Either of these will likely take care of the issue with "commented on" notifications getting lost. We're going to look deeper into one of those suggestions rather than highlighting one specific type.

The site has undergone significant changes; right now, the width of the window is what kicks in the mobile style, and that style is much more functional. Are you still having issues with this? If so, we can discuss possible solutions.

I think this is a nice idea; favorites or interests really don't have much purpose at the moment. We'll look into the development requirements for this.

This isn't a huge priority issue, but it's something we're going to consider. What I imagine would be best is for submitted events to be reviewed by a staff member before being approved for the community calendar; that way, we can verify that it's relevant and appropriate.

We're going to look into the development resources it would take to implement this. I imagine it would be helpful, but it does depend on resources.

We're currently planning to have an option to show a paginated gallery rather than the unlimited scrolling that we have here - that will likely be close to the full site launch. However, we're not currently considering a lower quality mode for the site. If there is sufficient demand for that option in the future, though, we can look into it again.

There hasn't been a large number of people who have wanted this. Because of the complications of coding this, we'll pass on it unless we have a significant demand for this in the future.

We're looking into improvements for both promotes and favorites, and we'll be looking into what it would take to do this.