Refresh the popular section every couple of days or maybe add time filters, kind of like imgur
Not sure if anyone's mentioned it before, but seeing the same stuff in the popular section every day is kind of boring. Sure, you can add specific tags, but it'll still be all the same stuff. That said, I think it would be cool to have them refresh every day or every week or something, and maybe throw in time-based filters (most popular today, yesterday, this week, month, year, all time, etc.), more or less the same thing as imgur. It would freshen up the experience with the site to open it up each day and see different cool things on the rise.
Also, I know you can look in the Fresh section and try tagging to filter things down, but at the moment a lot of it is import dumps from artists and it's often difficult to get past their wall of material if you don't want to see it anymore.

I'm pretty sure the popular page will display more fresh material as more activity happens on the site in general, you can easily scroll quickly to works with only 1-2 promotes atm. But a few different filters to choose from in the future wouldn't be bad either, such as 'popular of the week' and 'all time popular' would be nice. If I was a new member I'd love the ability to look at all-time-popular aswell, since you can find old gems from there. But as a very active member a more frequent change of display would be nice too.
Fresh tab will also get improved: http://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/124-imported-artwork-shouldnt-show-up-in-fresh-feed/

I know that there's already some decay applied to the weight of a 'promote', so that the older a promote is, the smaller the impact it carries on the Popular ranking. But yeah, filtering popular by date range is a pretty great idea.

I was just chatting with my mate about this yesterday, and YES YES!! It's like a scenario where "Hey, lets see whats popular today on FN? OH that's some neat stuff" -two weeks from now- "Lets log on and see whats popular today. Gee, The same stuff? that's kind of lame"
The popular tag, although nice, it kind of loses it's value to me because it's only posting "all time" most popular, which will more than likely never change unless you scroll down a ways. It'd be nice if it could be like "daily trending" popular artists/artwork as my mate described it, based on artwork submission activity, promotes, and maybe a few other variables that are counted for the day.

Yeeeah, that's how I was feeling about it. Daily trending would be pretty cool to see

Daily Trending or even a Weekly Trending that way things have a way to build up but still time to refresh frequently. There are pieces that are in the second row that were posted back in January and it's late-mid March now....things need to have a chance to be seen and not covered up by "age-old-favs"

Popular should have a filter by forever, month, week, day. date range. The front page is completely static to me. I haven't seen it change in two months.

I would very much like the option to select between filtered and all-time, too. A general switch - or different pages - with each the settings would be an elegant solution imho!

It would be very wise for these owners to add this feature, it encourages more people to upload if they feel they'll get exposure, otherwise its just an elitus mechanic

I think sorting by popularity has its place, but not as the default first thing you see when you browse artwork. I'd like to see something like a "Trending" category, which displays submissions with the most promotes/faves/views within the last 24 hours.

Hey all!
We recently changed the "Popular" category to only show images uploaded in the last 7 days, sorted by popularity.
I'm going to close this one out for now - but feel free to create a new suggestion thread for a filter-based one where you can pick a date range!

The popular page doesn't appear to reflect this change. I'm still seeing the same 6 images when I load the page as I've seen for the past three months.

Change might not be live yet.
Lets give it couple of days or something like that!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hey all!
We recently changed the "Popular" category to only show images uploaded in the last 7 days, sorted by popularity.
I'm going to close this one out for now - but feel free to create a new suggestion thread for a filter-based one where you can pick a date range!