Streaming Announcements / Notifications
something like what weasyl has, that gives followers a notification when you're streaming, with a link to the stream. activated either manually, or by API key for streaming services that support it

I'd also like a list of artists that are "Currently streaming" for example! I like the idea personally. +1

That feature would indeed be very nice. Maybe also with a way to make stream session announcements that would trigger notifications, or some sort of calendar for people streaming on a regular basis.

If FN could automatically detect when I'm live on picarto and send a notification to my followers (or show that I'm live somewhere on my profile), that would be amazing.

I love the idea of FN sending notifications to watchers whenever an artist is streaming. I also love the idea of anyone on FN being able to access a "list of current streamers" where they can go and find someone to watch. I would utilize both of those features.

Its definitely one of the things I look at when on Weasyl's homepage. I just wish it got used more often! Something that automatically connects to the stream and signals when the artist is live would be great.

So long as there is an option that also lets users disable streaming notifications so I can stop users from bombarding me with "NOW STREAMING" things all the time.

I'd suspect it would still be better than being bombarded by "I'm streaming" submissions! :o

I like it, but it only helps those who are already have followers. I think there should be a page that shows streams currently live, that way people can find new streamers too. To make this work they make a page like stories and let you use embedding, we put the embed stream code in. Then on our profiles a live/not live button that will make that post visible or Twitch (or other site) account linking to make streams currently live appear on the list automatically.
+1 though cause it may be as close as we get to "Currently Live" page.

Hey all!
This is something we'd like to offer, but we feel might be best served by dedicated "streaming" support in our upcoming Announcements interface. As such, I'm setting this one to "Planned - After Launch".
However, the Announcements feature we're currently designing should allow you to easily post an 'announcement' to your followers that you're streaming, and allow you to edit it afterward to say "Stream finished! Thanks to all that came out!" or similar.
This might cover most of this use case's basic needs to begin with - but I think this deserves real, proper support - complete with automatic previews and so on, along with a page that shows everyone who's currently streaming.

I personally dont really see the propose in separate notifications as the propose can pretty much be achieved much better with Journals (that i assume watchers will be informed of in the same way they are of new submissions from the people they watch) and the use of journals would allow people to state terms and rules and any themes or subject matter that you cannot with notifications.
AS stated in the recent poll for changing the FN's UI a separate Tab dedicated to mirroring the artists desired stream page/channel i would like to see that would also show online or offline blurb similar to the commission tab's open or closed blurb.

There should definitely be a notification in it's own category (since so many journals / image submissions for the needier artists are about stream announcements) for streaming. The user should have to input the link to their stream url, and create a 'stream' type post. The post could perhaps contain a short (200 character? something short) text field where you can enter what you're working on ["Drawing Shaymin Dongs!"], and if a follower looks at this notification they should be able to click it and open a new tab at that url.
Though i'm a bit worried this could lead to abuse? People could link to ED's 'offended' article as their stream host, and then go "HEY IM STREAMING!" and bother a ton of people.
I dunno! Definitely some dedicated way to let people know you're streaming, so people don't keep making those stupid image notifications (or journals!) for streams.
If you wanna watch someone draw, it should show up in a dedicated spot for it, and not clog the other channels.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hey all!
This is something we'd like to offer, but we feel might be best served by dedicated "streaming" support in our upcoming Announcements interface. As such, I'm setting this one to "Planned - After Launch".
However, the Announcements feature we're currently designing should allow you to easily post an 'announcement' to your followers that you're streaming, and allow you to edit it afterward to say "Stream finished! Thanks to all that came out!" or similar.
This might cover most of this use case's basic needs to begin with - but I think this deserves real, proper support - complete with automatic previews and so on, along with a page that shows everyone who's currently streaming.