
Notification Categories / Filters

Neotheta 9 years ago updated by Kihu 8 years ago 25 7 duplicates

Ability to hide specific notifications. Especially useful if you get many and want to read comments and mentions! I made an example, pic tells better than words:

Image 24

Also maybe favorites should be displayed somehow different, the amount of Someone's is kinda creepy in a way. Unless later it becomes possible to tick to let artists see your name when favoriting or something.



This is pretty important to have.

We plan to implement this in some form, either as filters, or as tabs/sections for each kind of notification.

Duplicates 7

I'd also suggest making it more obvious at a glance which notifications are which. Perhaps by colour, maybe by category.


Definitely identify by color. color-coded items are so obvious you don't even need to look at them, which is an improvement in terms of QOL little things.


I'd personally suggest adding little icons instead - there are colorblind people out there, so color coding doesn't always work!


true, but for those of us who are not colorblind, it works wonders.


Why not both? :P


why not zoidberg?

and a colorblind mode toggle would actually be internet jesus if they (furrynetwork staff) will.


Why not do both?
Have them color coded and have icons?


Color coded icons! So folks can identify by color or shape, whichever they choose.


I just experienced 100+ notifications for being away just one full day, it was painful to try spotting comments, follows and promotes among the favorites there. We need some sorting for notifications quick or it'll start being really unpleasant as more activity starts coming x_x

Or atleast a way to opt-out of notifications for favorites, they're pretty much pointless when they're secret anyways .-.

what should improve browsing through notifications is shrinking groups of individual noties into one. say there's 10 people who faved one of your items, you don't need to have 10 notifications but rather just one which may list some names just in case you want to know them.

minimize notification flow.


That could work, at least ease the load a bit! Although I'd really just like to opt-out from recieving notifications for favorites, then I could just focus on the important notifications.

Same here, the problem is really showing now that a lot of new people are coming to the site. I'd say this is the single most needed feature at the moment.

I can only agree with this. The notifications still need some work.


Also a way to dismiss notifications (you've replied to a comment)

Actually it'd be rad to just be able to read the comment, and reply to it in the notifications panel, that way there isn't so much page navigation in order to do it?

To be honest, I think that the individual notifications for favorites, when they are anonymous is more of a hassle than anything. I would prefer if they were listed some other way, such as

'# favorites on (X Submission) today/since you last looked!' Or something similar.

Please this. Its just a mish-mash of notifications. I get a lot of favorites and the notifications that I am most interested in seeing like mentions and watches are kind of annoying to pick out. Checking my notifications shouldnt be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

As other have mentioned, a long with a categorization, choice to opt out of certain notification types would be cool. Also, since the site doesnt work on a thread based comment system, it would be nice to be able to reply from your notifications so in case there is a lot of comments, you dont have to find the original comment in order to respond appropriately.

that also reminds me, I'd love it if we had collapsible comment threads.

BRO! I was just about to suggest this!

You might as well vote for this idea, it got more upvotes in less time for some reason.

Oh, I confused it with another idea. It's been here for 3 months, sorry.

Tried searching for various Notification support topics, but this is pretty much what I was thinking.

Right now it's hard to see which notifications are for comments or what, since they get lost in a long list of follows. Having a split category would be WAY more useful (and I hope something like this is already in the works ??)

I really like FA or deviantART's system, where notifications are grouped by type. Under the current FN system, it's actually pretty hard to pick out comments from everything else; even if they messages were colorcoded, having them all appear together is overly complicated if you're a selling artist and are trying to locate/respond to sales inquiries. While I find it's useful to know if my newly uploaded work is gathering interest, I don't need to know who is clicking on it as much as who's asking to buy it!


This is pretty important to have.

We plan to implement this in some form, either as filters, or as tabs/sections for each kind of notification.