Highlight unread notifications
Currently, when you visit the notifications page, theres nothing that tells apart which notifications were new and which you already read. All you know is how many new notifications you had before visiting the page (but if that number was 50 you can't really count in head how many you glaced through).
I really like the idea that all old notifications can be found later, but new ones could instead be marked with a lighter background colour for example. There could be two ways to tackle the feature:
1) A button you click to "mark all as read".
2) After visiting the page once the new notifications are automatically marked as read and appear like the rest the next time you visit the page.

"After visiting the page once the new notifications are automatically marked as read and appear like the rest the next time you visit the page."
Maybe that it would be nice to also be able to mark them as read on by one. Also, maybe an other way to mark notifications as read would not only be to visit the page but also a simple mouse-over the notification with a time (like if your mouse stay over 2s over the notification, it could be marked as read).

That sounds really useful too - perhaps also clicking them would mark them as read. I don't think hover is something that would work on a mobile platform (eventhough I never use phone for webstuff), and two sec is a pretty long time for impatient people like me x3

Yeah you are right, maybe less, like 0.5s :)
But yeah the mouse over solution is indeed a problem with mobile platforms. Swiping them would be a solution of something like that.

This is a good idea - though what page(s) would it actually be implemented on? Right now the little alarm bell icon highlights when there are new notifications, but the items in the list don't show a highlight when new. Am I right in understanding this is what you're suggesting?
In addition, what pages would this show up on ? Just the little dropdown, or would it be on the 'show all' page as well / instead?

They should be highlighted on both the dropdown and the actual page. Alternatively the dropdown notification thing could also only show new ones + it should have the number of new notifications somewhere so you know if you have more to read than what you see there. I'm actually somewhat paranoid to use the dropdown incase I miss something.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is a good idea - though what page(s) would it actually be implemented on? Right now the little alarm bell icon highlights when there are new notifications, but the items in the list don't show a highlight when new. Am I right in understanding this is what you're suggesting?
In addition, what pages would this show up on ? Just the little dropdown, or would it be on the 'show all' page as well / instead?