
Telegram watch bot

Pandoras Fox 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

There's an fa watching bot for people to be able to get updates of what people are uploading/posting; designing something that hooks in with an oAuth to verify users would be pretty nifty.



We do plan on releasing an API as we get closer to the official release of the site. However, we don't currently have plans to develop a bot for this purpose. Other users would be welcome to create tools that they find useful when we have that available for them.

I forgot to edit this in last night, but really this should've just been a request for some sort of oAuth service (maybe in conjunction with an api?), but something sitting on a FN endpoint that hooks in with user uploads would be tons more efficient and easier on your servers


We do plan on releasing an API as we get closer to the official release of the site. However, we don't currently have plans to develop a bot for this purpose. Other users would be welcome to create tools that they find useful when we have that available for them.