Your comments

There's currently not a plan to create an extension for Lightroom. However, we do have plans to put together an API. Depending on the functionality, the community may be able to put together an extension that works with FN.

The site has been redesigned to load smaller thumbnails; this should ease the load when going to the submission screen. In addition, some improvements have been rolled out that help the site function better when loading additional submissions. These improvements will likely make this a non-issue for the vast majority of users.

The feed has changed to show more submissions in the inbox on a single screen. This should make it easier to get through a large number of submissions. We don't currently plan on grouping them; the risk of doing that is that many people may miss art that they would like.

At times, when coding changes for FA, we need to make adjustments in order to have the importer work. The importer is working right now, though, so feel free to give it another shot when you have the chance.

This only needs to be changed on Furaffinity under Account Settings. I've attached a screenshot to show how to get there.

If you need anything else, feel free to submit another ticket.

This doesn't seem like it could be a possibility at the moment. This would need a large amount of reworking to the current site to implement, and it could take multiple years to negotiate this with other furry sites; in addition, they'd need to change coding on their end, and there's no guarantee other sites would want that. We also don't see a huge demand for something like this. If we do get to the point where this would be greatly beneficial to others, we could revisit this idea.

We've talked to the devs about this bug; it doesn't happen every time, but it happens on occasion. We'll work on getting a fix. For now, if you do encounter this issue, the best way to make the site work normally is refreshing the page. This will usually make the page work fine again.

It's a little odd that this wouldn't work right away, but I'm glad it looks to be working now. From what I've seen when submitting, art is now appearing right away.

More ways to follow and favorite have been implemented; at this point, you can follow people while looking at a submission, and you can favorite submissions in both the What's New feed and the Activity History feed without navigating to them. We are still looking at ways to make things more user friendly, as well.

Thank you, Chicago! If there are any additional questions, feel free to message me or create another ticket.