Welcome to Furry Network's Support & Feedback Forum!

You can vote for improvements you'd like to see, suggest your own, and report bugs here. With your help, we'll make Furry Network even better!


Furry Network concept [sketch]

shinjiru11 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Image 220

of course it probably can be done better... I hope it will be useful :/ if not then forgive me... I tried help lel this page should be our default if we enter FN logged I think... it's much better?

Under review

Bug : Multiple Tag Search Causes Search To Break [video]

Insomniacovrlrd (tom smith) 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

So, what about all that untagged art from before 2009?

Insomniacovrlrd (tom smith) 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

I'd go out on a limb and say that MOST of the art on FN is imported from people's FA galleries. This is great! However, this whole site works around tagging, and FA didn't have tags before 2009.

All my artwork that has an 07 or 08 on it is untagged. Anyone who's in the same boat as me (longtime fa artist, imported gallery) will be the same.

This is THOUSANDS of pictures that are currently untagged for their content.

So what are we gonna do about it? I'll go through the laborious process of tagging at least the basics of my pictures so that they're all searchable / people don't run into it by accident, but at the moment there's basically a huge pile of untagged work out there.

If we did tags like e621, it wouldn't be an issue, as there are legions of people hardcore into organizing stuff. But there are only like, user suggested tags, and i have no idea how that works here.

So, what do, FN?


Default Character on Side Profiles

Mew 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

I had a dream where you could see a little section on someone's profile that had the default account on it if it was someone's other profile. So, if I had a other profile under the name, "rainbowunicorn", it would say somewhere "Default: Mew". I think it would be a great idea so people couldn't make multiple accounts and pretend to be whole different people, and it would show ownership of an account if someone is using it as a fursuit or character account.


Forum Votes on Comments are more like Opinion Shaming

Uluri 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

As I've been checking out how the forums have been run, I've noticed that to Comment on a topic with a differentiating opinion, the comment will most likely be subject to down vote. I can assume that this makes it really hard for someone who would like to discuss or debate the topic on another viewpoint. I know it is for me.

X topic is this. X topic is for it. X topic's comments tend to be all for the topic are Upvoted, and all against Downvote. This system of voting on comments is very intimidating. I also believe it can sway opinion on how folks may treat the debate or discussion based on up/down votes within comments. It's terrifying going into a forum thread knowing if you write anything the basic opinion of the thread is going for, you'll get down voted. It can Silence differenciating opinion.

TLDR: Upvotes and Downvotes are fine on the general Idea of the topic to gauge interest, but I don't think it's good for the comments!


If a user is unfollowed, remove their submissions from "What's New" feed.

Kaif 8 years ago updated by Sam 8 years ago 2

If I follow X user and they have submitted 100 pieces of art that are in my "What's New" feed, remove those 100 pieces automatically if I choose to unfollow X user instead of forcing me to manually close every window with their art in it in the "What's New" feed. I like this feed and find it useful, but this feature would be handy, especially since the importer is making it so a lot of artists are submitting hundreds of pieces all at once right now.

Varka (Spokesdragon) 8 years ago

This is a technically difficult problem - though we do have some changes in the works that should make it a little less necessary.

For example, the import tool is no longer going to spam 'what's new' when someone you follow imports a bunch of stuff - which should help clear this up a lot. In addition, we're looking to make it optional for users to 'notify' their followers when they publish something - again, which should help with spam.

Closing for now - as hopefully the import changes will fix this for the most part!


Introduce in user activity or type to better distinguish between artist and commissioner.

Karo_Zagorus 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

We need option to better filter our commissioners from artists, the current system present currently doesn't do it and it makes it extremely hard to figure out who is an actual artist. (Usually this information is only visible on submissions.)


Always display next submission button when viewing a single item.

Karo_Zagorus 8 years ago 0

Sometimes when we go onto a single item by following a link or opening it in a new tab there are chances that the navigation bar next to the user's name will be missing, and have to be re-opened in the same page in order to appear.


Custom YCH Pages

Vas 8 years ago 0

Add a new feature for YCHs that allows a user to start an auction and give a sample image. Instead of someone submitting art in the normal way and having people post their bids as a normal shout or comment, they would click a button to bid an amount with a buy out button there as well.

Now the artist that uploads and stars this YCH will specify a minimum amount, and a buyout amount. They will specify how many slots and name these slots too, and these slots will each show their own buttons. Perhaps you can also make it so they can specify a minimum and buyout per slot too. Example: 3 slot YCH with "Bottom" "Middle" "Top" slots where middle has a $10 less minimum and less buyout because the character is barely visible in it.

The artist can also specify a minimum up amount, so you can't bid $60.01 when the previous user bid $60. Say, the artist specifies a minimum increment of $5. Now you can add a +Min button, where users can click +Min and bid $5 more than the last guy with a 30 second cooldown on it both as a script that disables the button and server side so they can't simply refresh the page to get the button back. The amount should be actively updating too so that they don't click +5 when 3 other people had posted bids prior to him clicking that. I know that there are good scripts out there that can keep all browsers that have that page loaded synced with the newest number but, thats up to you.

When buyout has been reached, it locks that slot to the user who won it, and informs the artist that a slot has been filled. The artist can then discuss this slot with the user and decide if they should null out his bids or not. If he wants something the artist refuses to do for example, the artist can click "cancel bidder's bids" which forbids him from bidding again on the same slot and erases each bid he did, adjusting each bid before it accordingly or even lowering each bid between all of his to the minimums.

  1. X +5
  2. Y +8
  3. X +5
  4. Z +5
  5. D +12
  6. X +Buyout
  7. Artist deletes X
  1. Y +8
  2. Z +5
  3. D +12


  1. Y +5
  2. Z +5
  3. D +5

Yea, I'm bad at giving examples I guess. But I hope that at least some of what I have suggested here today would go to use, even if this last particular option here doesn't get used exactly as I described it. :P

Not a bug

What's New List View "Clear this submission from your feed" bug

TinyFawks 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

When viewing "What's New" in List View,:

If I clear the submissions currently loaded in my feed with the "clear this submission from my feed" button the last few submissions I clear are reloaded in my feed when I go to load more submissions.